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    anyone? please help. he still alive.
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    :dunno: okay so i have a 8in flower horn in a 55gal tank by itself. there was a wedding at my house last weekend and the day after i noticed that all the electrical stuff had been unplugged. i went to plug it back in and the heater blew. i think it sent an electric current through the water and...
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    a super red asian arowana would be a wonderful specimen. to bad they're illegal here in the US. i would love to have one.
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    Red and Blue Dragon pictures

    those are good looking fish though.
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    Red and Blue Dragon pictures

    i have recently come across a controversy about these family has two. i did know that they were hybrids.people playing around with fish to make fish.i dont like the idea of this at all.but i do like the ones that we have. they have an imence amount of personality, there for i will...
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    this was an interesting topic because i (or my family) actually has two flowerhorns and two parrot fish. i did not know that they were hybrids. its good to know. i think the flower horns have a lot of personality though. ours are quite active and entertain for hours.i think they are ugly...
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    Missing Cherry Barbs!!!

    thats quite a mystery. sorry i cant help.
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    i have a caimen, a slider turtle, two ducks, a hamster, two albino corn snakes, and two dormice.the neighbor kids call me the animal guy lol. :D
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    i had a ferret once and it use to do the same also use to chase our dog, a little pomeranian, around also. it then came down with distemperment and we had to put it down.
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    caught a lake sturgreon the other day fishing, took 45mins to real in.really good eatting, especially smoked. :D
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    fresh water sting ray

    hey matt, thanks for the info, i will post a pic as soon as i can. the sting ray is about 8-9in in diameter. he is brown, with no patterns. the outter part of his disc is white, about 3mm in thickness. has a white dot on the tip of its back, and the tail/stinger is white. the guy at the lfs told...
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    fresh water sting ray

    you'd be surprised that i only payed $130 for my caimen and it came with a tank. its been warm over the summer here so my caimen, chomper, has been outside in my parents pond. its one of those little plastic ones you get from home depot or what not. my mom use to keep koi in it,but the...
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    hi, i use to have two mud turtles in a 65 gallon tank that also house a numerous amout of fish. i had 3pacus, a pleco, and a couple bala sharks. these turtles are semi aquatic. the tank was about two thirds full of water and i had a little area where they could go and bask. the turtles were to...
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    Employees at Petco

    gotta love petco employees, ive come to realize that no one knews didly scwat about stuff there, youre better off find a different lfs.
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    african bull frog

    i believe this is the frog you're talking about, Pyxicephalus adsperus. if i am correct, they are commonly sold at pet shops. when young they are olive greenish with yellow stripes, the yellow stripes fade as they mature. the frog will get up to 9.5-10inches, without the back legs stretched. so...
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    fresh water sting ray

    Thanks for all the information, it helps a lot. yes i plan on getting a bigger tank, 200gals plus in the future, probably a year or two into the future. right now im working on getting a pond built for my caimen, hes outgrowing it fast. i bought sand from my lfs yesturday, the sting ray seems to...
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    freshwater stingray

    i woke up the other morning to my dad, he told me he picked up a sting ray from our lfs. i was quite upset to hear this because my tank is not set up for a sting ray. it is an 85gal tank its tank mates are two 4in parrot fishes, one 5 in arowana, and a pleco. i know that it is a stingray from...
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    fresh water sting ray

    i woke up the other morning to my dad, he told me he picked up a sting ray from our lfs. i was quite upset to hear this because my tank is not set up for a sting ray. it is an 85gal tank its tank mates are two 4in parrot fishes, one 5 in arowana, and a pleco. i have no clue in how to take care...
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    I got 'em!

    im glad to hear you picked them up. itll be a blast watching them grow up.
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    hi, i have a juvenile slider turtle, it is the size of a half dollar. his name is steve and ive had him for about 8months now. he is in a twenty gallon tank that is about a third full of water with rocks to bask on. i feed him turtle pellets, which he quickly devours, i feed him three or four in...
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    my arowanna

    hey how ya doing. i have been raising arowanas for past five years. you should be fine in a tank that size for a while. my local aro dealer told me that they will only grow to the size of its enviroment. i recently lost a 27in that was in an 85gal tank that was six feet long. he looked a little...
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    flower horn

    i have a six in flower horn in a 55gal hexagon tank. these fish are quite territorial, there use to be another one accompanying him in the tank but i had to move him because they would fight day and night. anyways, ive gone through about 6 plecos, he keeps eating them. should i get bigger...
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    blood worms

    i read somewhere that bloodworms hatch and become flies. :crazy: is this true? because my lfs told me to just dump a a couple dollars worth into my tank and the crayfish and turtle will eat them at their leasure. he told me that it would last a couple weeks. im going to be upset if i have a...
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    My fish are so smart

    i would have to agree with all of you, my fish are smart too. my flower horn darts towards the glass every time someone passes by begging for attention. he comes to the top to be fed. and if i rub my hand against the glass in a particular motion he will do sommersaults. my cat fish seems to be...
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    i do not know how to post pictures on here, can you help? or do i have to have a web page?
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    :D s as most of you know already, my beautiful 27 in silver arowana jumped out of its cage to its death about 2 weeks ago. we morned its loss and then went in search of another. it was an arduous task. i was searching for an asian arowana, but came to find out that they are quite illegal in the...
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    Needle Fish

    cfs, do you have a pic of your needle fish? how big will it get? its not the same as a needle nose gar right? i was unable to find a pic of it when i searched.
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    arrowana trouble

    i believe the tanks measurments are 6ft long, 18in wide, and 2 ft high
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    another pirahna newbie

    hi i had 3 red bellys about a year ago. they were small though about 3 1/2in. i had them with my 27in arowana (a recent death), and a 4 lined catfish. i never saw any problems with them harassing the other fish. the pretty much would just dart back and forth in the tank, really active guys. i...
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    arrowana trouble

    :( :no: :-( thank you everyone for the helpful information, but i fear i have some bad news. my beautiful arowana, Mr. Dragon, did not make it through the evening. it is a somber day at my house, for he has been a part of my family for the last 6 years. fear not though i will continue to...
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    i live in washington and i know it is illegal to purchace or sell them here. i had three of them about a year ago that i purchaced in oregon. i know its legal to have them there. it is also legal in idaho. i kept mine with my arrowana and they didnt bother him or the catfish in the tank. i had...
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    arrowana trouble

    hi, my arrowana jumped out of its tank a couple days ago. it was out of the water for a couple of minutes. he lost a lot of scales in the process. he has not been eating. the ph level was really low. i did a 20% change 4 days ago and just did another today. the pet store sold me some "stress...