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  1. goin_all_out

    Going_all_out's 2.5 Gallon

    thats what the HC is for, once i get taht to carpet it should blend in a little more i think, if not i'll switch the two as the other one isnt as bold in the lines maybe?
  2. goin_all_out

    Black Phantom Tetra Aka Shadow Phantom Tetra

    More then likely these fish will benefit 1:2 M:F ratio like most other fish. This may reduce the "sparing" behavior between males.
  3. goin_all_out

    Going_all_out's 2.5 Gallon

    Well I have an update! As I sit here after after a couple pints of Strongbow, I'll try not to lather on too much. Appaerently its been a long time since I updated the journal. My betta, George has since passed on. There are now some Orange Bee shrimp in there. My plan is to have shrimp only in...
  4. goin_all_out

    Going_all_out's 2.5 Gallon

    quick update, added a little more HC. they did a big pruning adventure in the show tank so i snagged the clippings. ill take some pictures once its grown in a bit.
  5. goin_all_out

    Celestial Glade - 125ltr Low Maintenance

    those rasboras are great! i should try to get them at my work!
  6. goin_all_out

    Going_all_out's 2.5 Gallon

    ya, I'm going to see if they will let me clip some off and stick it in here. the lighting might be a little low to get it growing really well but the algae is kept down on the other side of things as well.
  7. goin_all_out

    Going_all_out's 2.5 Gallon

    well been a while since i updated. I started a new job in the fishroom at my local Big Al's! this has left me with first dibs on alot of new stuff thats coming in not to mention the discounts. I have since added a couple new plants to the tank too. pretty soon this tank is getting some flourite...
  8. goin_all_out

    Sam's Nano Journal

    algea and confusuin generally go together. or atleast in my case. tank looks nice sam keep it up.
  9. goin_all_out

    Saintly's60x30x36 Optiwhite( Re Scape)

    looks nice, any plans on a foreground plant? personally i think that not every tank needs a foreground lol
  10. goin_all_out

    Health Issues

    no meds used, just all natural recovery. i litteraly had zero dollars in my account so there was no chance. but on that side of things, i now work in the fish room at my local Big Al's! lol so i have money coming in and i get discounts! i have a feeling he will be around for a long time.
  11. goin_all_out

    Health Issues

    well folks just thought i would update you all on george's "condition". the "white spot" is all but gone now and through out this whole thing it never phased him once in apetite or fistyness. seems to be faring just fine and is no worse for wares. i'm sure he has many more happy days ahead of him.
  12. goin_all_out

    Celestial Glade - 125ltr Low Maintenance

    the tank looks amazing, filling in so great! and those black cories look great! it almost seems strange that the black is a bred colour for the cories, one would think that it would be natural, so you know what i mean?
  13. goin_all_out

    Otos In Non Filtered Tank?

    i don't have a filter on my nano yet and its getting over run with algae, is it possible for them to be ok with no circulation?
  14. goin_all_out

    Going_all_out's 2.5 Gallon

    lol thanks guys, means alot to me to have nice comments from such prestigious planties such as yourselves. I'm going to give the moss a couple months to allow it to grow and attach itself. the CO2 is an addition that will be pretty soon actually. just need the funds to get a nice little...
  15. goin_all_out

    Going_all_out's 2.5 Gallon

    lol oh ya i forgot i was going to do that good call! i have so many little things planned its hard to remember them all when i ahve the big things standing right out in front of me.
  16. goin_all_out

    Going_all_out's 2.5 Gallon

    EDIT: specs updated NOV 27, 2008 Alright I figured for once i would start my own journal instead of reading everyone else's. This is my first nano and before I started this little journal, its gone through a few little changes. Just basically some plant additions and swaps with my 20 gallon...
  17. goin_all_out

    Saintly's60x30x36 Optiwhite( Re Scape)

    wow what a scape, looks a little different then everyone else. unique is always my favorite.
  18. goin_all_out

    Health Issues

    well the longest we have ever had a betta was probably 4 years. it was the first thing i ever bought my girlfriend. twas a sad day when he left us. as for the meds im not sure if they are available, but i may be able to get out and take a look at the local big als. also i'm in the process of...
  19. goin_all_out

    Health Issues

    my Betta has developed a white spot on his right side and is seems to favor that side. it almost looks like a couple damaged scales but i don't think it is. other then this spot and the very slight lean to that side, nothing else is out of sorts. no loss in appetite, and still the hyper-active...
  20. goin_all_out

    Llj's 2.5g Planted Tank Journal

    love the new rescape, i have a question though. have you tried growing HC in this tank with the 13W bulb before? does it grow in that amount of light? i ask this because i have read on other sites that HC has a hard time growing because there isn't enough light for it. most people with these...
  21. goin_all_out

    Llj Journal

    wow i have been wiating for this for a long time now. the tank is beautiful! its amazing how fast its fill in! great job!
  22. goin_all_out

    The Forgotten Valley - 60l

    very nice, very simple, i like this tank alot.
  23. goin_all_out

    Saintlys Iwagumi Journal. Part 2

    wow just keeps getting better and better! love the angels.
  24. goin_all_out

    Saintlys Iwagumi Journal. Part 2

    wow, amazing how this tank has taken shape! its beautiful!
  25. goin_all_out

    Saintly's60x30x36 Optiwhite( Re Scape)

    absolutely beautiful! i can't wait till the HC fills in a bit!. definitely keep up with the updates.
  26. goin_all_out

    Llj's 20g Journal

    i know how that is too. importing is a little easier but with our naturally hard water here in ontario the big thing is african rift lake cichlids. although we have the big als chain up here so its not impossible to get odd ball stuff. those littel fish look great. should really pop against the...
  27. goin_all_out

    Llj's 2.5g Planted Tank Journal

    llj i think those pieces are making me drool lol im so jealous. how much they cost you?
  28. goin_all_out

    Llj's 2.5g Planted Tank Journal

    should look realy good, im planning a simple 2.5g shrimp tank in the near future. figure xmas moss on wood with HC and Rotela rotundifolia for a back ground to hide the heater and filter intake.
  29. goin_all_out

    5*3*2 Iwagumi

    haha wow, huge fish, good bye little fish:(. i can't seem to find it in this thread but is he a flowerhorn?
  30. goin_all_out

    Saintly's60x30x36 Optiwhite( Re Scape)

    for ada there is only one canadian dealer and he is on the other side of canada from me. as for the hard scape, i can aslong as i find a spot no one else has picked clean lol.
  31. goin_all_out

    Saintly's60x30x36 Optiwhite( Re Scape)

    lol you would think that but there are no where near the selection in auarium products over here compared to europe. trust me for this hoppy your much better off.
  32. goin_all_out

    Saintly's60x30x36 Optiwhite( Re Scape)

    i love that this loks like a grassy plain like here in the prairies or in africa or something. looks great.
  33. goin_all_out

    Emersed Tank Journal

    HA love that you added toads, looks great
  34. goin_all_out

    Llj's 2.5g Planted Tank Journal

    looks pretty good. although i must say im a fan of the jungle look you had before. but i do understand why you opened it up for the fish. good job
  35. goin_all_out

    Saintly's60x30x36 Optiwhite( Re Scape)

    looks great! this is deffidently turing into an interesting tank.
  36. goin_all_out

    Llj's 20g Journal

    looking great as always llj, when you said large apotogen you weren't kidding!
  37. goin_all_out

    10gal Journal

    this should be interesting, havent really seen a tank scaped to be like this before. looks good
  38. goin_all_out

    Saintly's60x30x36 Optiwhite( Re Scape)

    id have to agree too.
  39. goin_all_out

    Cleaning Dormant Tank

    part of the plan is to seed the fitler with my already un filtered betta 2.5. and might be goin eco complete in my 20 and might toss in an inch or so in this little thing lol see where that gets me. but thanks for the advise everyone.
  40. goin_all_out

    Cleaning Dormant Tank

    i have a 2.5 gallon tank sitting around in my basement that needs a cleaning. it has been "out of water" for around a year. had previously been a Betta tank the got a horrible BGA outbreak. but I'm now planning out a 2.5 cherry or blue Taiwan shrimp planted set up and want to make sure this tank...