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  1. H

    Sushi and the Aquarist

    Mmmmm sushi... I recently learned to make my own :D Sooooo much nicer and fresher than M&S and co. But it helps to have someone to show you which bottles to get from the Chinese supermarket! Unless you can read Chinese, obviously! I think I'm particularly cold hearted though... I had a pet...
  2. H

    Dyed Fish

    I'd want to know :( "Painted" wotsit could easily be a quaint olde worlde name for a pretty coloured fish - probably why they say that instead of "dyed"... Until yesterday I didn't realise that fish were dyed, although I'd heard of the GM glow in the dark ones. So yes, speak up!!
  3. H

    Possible set up

    OK... so the consensus is khuli loaches should be okay as long as I keep an eye on the water? Female betta may be better with other fish but also depends on individual fish... Neons may nip a betta and aren't so hardy to start with... Need to look into corys and rasporas (sp??)... What about...
  4. H

    Possible set up

    Hi I guess it depends whether both male and female look the same, or if it is just the male with the extravagant fins? It's the fancy fins I love - shallow of me I know :rolleyes: Is there a temperament difference between males / females? Also would there be any neon - sized fish that would...
  5. H

    Possible set up

    Hello all :) My first post so be gentle on me! In a few weeks time I may be inheriting a fish tank from a friend - it's a total mess at the minute, algae covered, dirty water etc. I've no idea if anything is still alive in there :/ So I'm reading up on cycling etc. I'm guessing tank to be...