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  1. P

    ICH found in Tank

    That is too bad, but your tank really needs water changes every other day until 100% done. But don't do it all at once and also change your carbon, because the copper stays in the tank.
  2. P

    Did u know? : 0

    I have two Pacus but they are herbivors, they don't eat fish, and they are not all that aggressive. But, I sure would not put my tetras in there. What did the ones you seen look like, are they a flat black looking color or did they have red under the belly.... I would send you a pic, but I...
  3. P

    Fresh to Salt

    :cool: Thank you very much for your help, I too am extremely excited about this. And, I do have a call into mail order pet supplies (MOPS) to ensure that they will be able to supply me with all of the supplies required. These guys have been awesome when dealing with my freshwater tanks...
  4. P

    pop eye and the Texes...

    I would recommend an AQUARIUM SALT medicated recommended solution and water changes for about three weeks. Providing you DO NOT have scaless fish because of the salt. And then, once the problem is under way, try melafix for fix it up.
  5. P

    why are there white things swimming in my tank!!!!

    :blink: Sorry, but I have never seen this happen, what caused it, and which one did you have??? Geesh, that is scary...
  6. P

    whitish patch on my oscar

    Oscars are extremely resilient, they will bounce back from almost anything. But, you need to check that your environment is what they require. As I mentioned they are very strong but prolonged "out of normal is not normal for them" and then they will end up sick. But, what i found they really...
  7. P

    Canadian fish stores

    :hyper: Cool!! I am in BC, can you narrow subsiduary or chain companies that will mail equipment or fly FISH to me? In my experience, if you buy from WALMART, you need to know what you are buying (no diss to the walmart workers) but some of the advice is really out there. LIKE Cichlids with...
  8. P

    oscar or cichlid

    Lotsa Q's but that is good ;) Well, you need to start from the beginning, what size tank, what kinda filteration, heating and substrate? This will help? What are you looking for life expectancy or looks? Thanks
  9. P

    New to saltwater setups

    You too hey, I am so excited, please see my post. I will share what I know. I wanna do this so bad, converting has taken me 8 years of freshwater to decide to take the leap of salt.... I am so ready....I would appreciate your help too. Thanks
  10. P

    Fresh to Salt

    Hello, I have many freshwater tanks up an running for about 8 years, I have exceptional experience with freshwater fish. But I think that I am ready to advance to a salt water tank! The reason why I write here, I have allot of conflicting information about conversions.... But I will give you...