Canadian fish stores


you don't know JACK FISH
Oct 30, 2004
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Montreal, Quebec
Hey fellow canadians.

I know there isn't alot of us around here, but I thought it would be nice if we listed stores where we live that are worthy or not of our visit.

I'll try to keep this thread updated as we go. I'll start off with the Montreal area stores since this is where I live


Golds Aquarium -vantgE

Best bet for WC africans, quaility frontosa, $55 Aquaclear110, big rays, and good salt section

Riverfront -vantgE

Expensive but great exotic fish, large asian arrownas, brackish, lot's of discus, large clown loaches, lot's of selection

Chums Aquariums-vantgE

A little beat up but healthy fish and good prices

Pisces Pet Emporium-vantgE

Good selection, for common fish, lot's of goldfish, biggest plant section in town I think, bad african selections, but reliabley fair deal on the best selection of dry goods


Haven't been here but here it is good for africans and do bring in WC

Big Al's-vantgE

Have dyed and heartshaped fish if that's a problem, good deals on tanks, and varied selection of fish couple of oddballs

Wai's Aquariums-vantgE

When I was ther it was completely salt watter but that's not what
the advertised so might be worth checking out


Big Al's -canoechiq

Awesome selection, very knowlegabe staff. Lots of decor items.

Superpet in Burlington (beside Ikea) -canoechiq

I've only been in twice, but found it had way more plants that Big Als, and they were waiting on a shipment.

PetSmart in Ancaster -canoechiq
Pretty close in price to Big Al's.


Big Al's Montreal -yvez9
Awesome store. Good selection and good prices. Fish are healthy and there is a wide selection of hardware!

Aquarius Montreal -yvez9
Nice store, Good variety of fish but they do not have a lot of hardware. They have a very good reputation as being the best fish store in Montreal. However, I find hardware is overpriced. The fish all seem healthy but for some reason, all the fish i bought there, save one borneo, have died after a week or two.

Nature Pet Centre -Laval, Pointe-Claire, Lasalle -yvez9
They have a few stores in and around Montreal. I love their service although fish are a bit expensive. One of my favorite stores. The only downside is that they almost only sell overpriced Hagen hardware and accessories.

Yogi Pet Centre Laval, Montreal -yvez9
I know of two stores, one in Montreal and one in Laval. The one in Montreal is ok. The store does not smell very good due to the massive qty of cats they keep in such a small place. The tanks all look dirty but the fish are healthy.

The store in Laval is awesome. The full time guy in the fish section is a true expert on fish and takes aweosme care of his tanks. This is the only store i've ever seen around here with a brackish tank. Everything is clean and they have the best prices on food and filters!

Aqua-Passion Laval -yvez9
This store is in Laval. It is pretty small and they focus on marine fish but they do have a nice freshwater selection. Prices are quite high but the owner is very nice and knowledgeable. Due to the small store, he doesn't have a lot of hardware but can get pretty much whatever you want. Nice store all in all

Safari Pet Centre Laval, Montreal -yvez9
These stores are in most major shopping malls around Montreal. They are very big stores and have a nice fish section. I guess you would compare this to PetSmart or something similar. The employees and managers know next to nothing about fish or pretty much any animal they sell. Lots of dead fish and sick fish, mislabelled fish species on tanks, dirty tanks, ... They have decent prices on most of the fish though. It's not a bad store, but an average store. They sell their accessories quite expensive though.

Wal-Mart everywhere -yvez9
A few stores in and around Montreal. I've been to two actually and they knew nothing about fish. they just give what the customer asks for and that's it. They bag fish from different tanks all in the same bag. The description tags are often misleading too. Only positive point is that they have the cheapest prices, and by far.

If you would like to add stores for your city, please let me know, I'll check this thread and update it!
Hey there yvez9!

Where exactly in Montreal is Big Al's? We live in Vermont about 90 minutes from Montreal and visit your fabulous city every June to watch the Grand Prix du Canada.

Would love to stop at Big Al's during our stay...

Great idea you have here. I hope there is someone from around me that has some other stores that I dont know about.
:hyper: Cool!! I am in BC, can you narrow subsiduary or chain companies that will mail equipment or fly FISH to me? In my experience, if you buy from WALMART, you need to know what you are buying (no diss to the walmart workers) but some of the advice is really out there. LIKE Cichlids with TETRAs :crazy: But their supply is very very healthy very very gauranteed :D
I don't know of any reliable store in canada that sells live goods, except, and they concentrate on marine fish

but they do sell fw accessories

then there is but she just sells bettas

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