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  1. C

    My Pond

    Hi it got there in the end, and took my car with it :crazy:
  2. C

    Little Pond

    That one is three years old this summer, but it was dug in a spot that already had established plants so it was fairly easy to get that, 'established' look.
  3. C

    Fish feeding in larger pond

    Shubumkins, the odd goldfish, they are busy breeding and changing colours, going from brown to red mostly, we don't use filters, or anything else, just let nature take it's course, all ponds should be natural looking, with loads of stuff that hedgehogs can pull themselves out with. :rolleyes:
  4. C

    Our Garden

    Many thanks, leaves get collected and sacked in bin liners to rot down, as we run a business from home all our paper gets shreaded and makes for a mulch :D
  5. C

    Our Garden

    Taken last night from the upstairs patio, the small pond is visible, the large one, is down the bottom. My wife and I built the patio, and 20 years ago it was a farm meadow! We still have a wildlife garden beyond view.
  6. C

    Fish feeding in larger pond

    They have got their minds on other things :wub:
  7. C

    Little Pond

    Our smaller pond
  8. C

    My Pond

    Hope this works, thanks for the tip, small pond and fish feeding this morning, but they have better things on their minds lol
  9. C

    My Pond

    First thing in the morning I'll photo the fish at feeding :hyper: And thanks for the compliments Cheers David
  10. C

    My Pond

    Many thanks, I have no idea on how many gallons, but it's roughly 25'x25'x5' deep, more than that at the far end, we also have a smaller pond 12'x6'x5'. Both dug by hand. Both are full of shubumkins, about 300 in the big one 15 in the smaller one, but also about 50 fry. They are busy in the...
  11. C

    My Pond

    My Webpage More to come lol My Webpage If someone could lose the home page image,and just leave the pics I would be grateful Cheers David
  12. C


    No, nets in my mind are dangerous for birds, swallows, swifts and martins will all feed from insects just above the water line. Herons are by nature wary of steep banks, they prefer to stand patiently in shallow waters and rely upon their speed to spear fish in depths of up to about 1 foot. So...
  13. C


    The photo's of our pond are being done! Frogs, Newts and fish. This year we had 20 Frogs in the pond, last year 15, naturally we would love to see more, but we believe in 'natural balance; - If we had not have dug the pond, we would not have attracted other wildlife. We have loads of crested...
  14. C

    My pond

    No just this one, we called him or her 'Survivor' - (well for a while :crazy: )Thanks for the info on water beetles. The funny thing is they are an incredible species, in their own way they are quite incredible. We will blame the dear old Heron. We took a wildlife boat trip last summer, loads...
  15. C


    Hi Kirsty, if your friend won't take advice, show her this thread! Ask her to join and ask the 'experts' directly :nod:
  16. C

    My pond

    I have a question, we had a beautiful carp (now dead) he had a bite on his side from we assume a flying water beetle. For day's he swam on his(or hers) side and seemed to make a recovery. I know we cannot stop the flying water beetle, but is there any precautions that you can make?
  17. C

    help with the pond?

    That was interesting about the ducks.We had a pair of Mallards on ours and you can always tell as they leave an coating of oil on the top of the water. We have installed cctv next to the pond which automatically turns on at daybreak. It only cost £100.00 from Argos and the camera even has a...
  18. C

    My pond

    Hi Cat, the pond is at the very bottom, behind all the flowers, Thank you for the compliment. Cheers David In fact you can see the water at the back of the path in the group photo, far right hand side.
  19. C

    My pond

    Wow, quick replies, many thanks. I will organise the photo's. The pond actually also acted as a history lesson for us both. As we are out in the fens, miles from anywhere and just a handfull of cottages and Farms, finding the history of reclaimed land is a bit sparse we know our place goes back...
  20. C

    My pond

    Greetings from Lincolnshire :D Four years ago my wife and I started a pond project to attract wildlife. By hand we dug a pond that measures 25' x 25' x 5' deep. It was into clay and it took us a whole summer of weekends. (photo's to follow) We started with just 8 Shubumkin who have been busy...