

New Member
Apr 28, 2005
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its that time of year again would u feed your fish on tadpols out of your pond
i have got millons of the dam things my 2 ponds r full with them and frogs
Got any fish in your ponds? My mum has two ponds at her place, one with koi karp- the koi karp pond doesn't have a single tadpole despite there being frogs in the pond cos the koi eat the tadpoles and frogspawn.
yes iv got lots of fish in them from gold fish to koi and orffs
In the UK it is illegal to remove tadpole or spawn from any pond, even if the pond is in your own backyard.

Our native amphibians are all threatened by destruction of habitat and poisoning from insecticides & fertilizers leeching into ponds from fields.

If you need to get rid of an overabundence of spawn, tadpoles, frogs, toads or newts from your pond, contact a local conservation group and they will relocate them to a safe pond.
Anyway you don't want to add them to the tank they will fetch alsorts of things in with them.
It's coming into winter over here so there's no frogs/taddies about. Even if there were, I wouldn't feed them to fish: I love frogs. :wub:

But if you had a problem with them, like if they were competing with your pond fish for food, and they were parasite free, I'd have to agree they'd make nice snacks for larger fish. :shifty:
The photo's of our pond are being done! Frogs, Newts and fish. This year we had 20 Frogs in the pond, last year 15, naturally we would love to see more, but we believe in 'natural balance; - If we had not have dug the pond, we would not have attracted other wildlife. We have loads of crested and smooth newts and they all seem to get on fine. The Heron has been visiting, they account for a few frogs, but they cannot get our fish unless they bring tools to break through! :D
No, nets in my mind are dangerous for birds, swallows, swifts and martins will all feed from insects just above the water line. Herons are by nature wary of steep banks, they prefer to stand patiently in shallow waters and rely upon their speed to spear fish in depths of up to about 1 foot. So if you make your shelves about 2 .5feet deep you stand more chance of reducing losses. We also run old electric cables around the pond (Coloured) as a further deterrent, long grasses and any spikey plants will also assist.

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