My Pond

Big pond how many gallons is it roughly, and what type of coldwater fish do you keep in it, lovely pond.
Many thanks, I have no idea on how many gallons, but it's roughly 25'x25'x5' deep, more than that at the far end, we also have a smaller pond 12'x6'x5'. Both dug by hand. Both are full of shubumkins, about 300 in the big one 15 in the smaller one, but also about 50 fry. They are busy in the weeds at the moment, so Lord knows how many we will end up with :whistle:
300 fish wow i bet that's amazing site to see, love to see some pics of the fish.
that is an amazing pond, so natural and the planting is very flowing.
First thing in the morning I'll photo the fish at feeding :hyper: And thanks for the compliments Cheers David
Lovely pond,, i can only dream of having apond that size in tha garden ..

BTW. to get the picture displayed, dont use the *http//* button, use the *IMG* button.

or even better still,photobucket has the right tag to use. the tag you need to use from PB is the 3rd one under the image

[*img] [*img]

will give you


Hope this works, thanks for the tip, small pond and fish feeding this morning, but they have better things on their minds lol
Hi it got there in the end, and took my car with it :crazy:

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