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    Can Fish Get hemorrhoids?

    Can it be spread to other fish?
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    Can Fish Get hemorrhoids?

    It seems more like she's constipated the three 'bubbles' are are really big now. When you get dropsy do they get the bubbles on thier bum? ~Shannon
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    Can Fish Get hemorrhoids?

    Hi everyone! A couple days ago I went fish shopping and one of the fish I got is a female fancy guppy who I believe is pregnant. Everything was going fine, all the fish were adjusting to their new home. But today when I went to give them their food, I noticed my female guppy was bigger than...
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    Neon Tetras Sick?

    How long do you keep thier light off?
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    My Water is Cloudy

    Thank you everyone for the great advice!!! :thumbs: I did change out my charcoal filter when I did the water change. I didn know you couldn't do that. Im also going to leave the pH alone and see what happens I just hope everything will stay okay. Thanks again!!!!!!!! :D Shannon :D
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    My Water is Cloudy

    Its been set up for about a little under a year. :)
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    My Water is Cloudy

    Hi Everyone, Today I woke up to find my water is completly cloudy for no apparent reason. Three days ago I did a 25% water change. Yesturday I checked my pH and it was above 7.8 so I administered Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Proper pH 7.0 in powder form to bring it down. So to clear up the...
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    Dalmation Molly Crisis

    jpinard, that is exactly what happened to my fish. How are the remaining babies doing?
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    Dalmation Molly Crisis

    I only used MelaFix in my tank hoping that would kill any parasites that could of hurt her. : / But to no avail it didn’t have any effect onto her condition. I also thought it could have been from her just previously giving birth and losing all her babies. No matter what I did they just...
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    Clown Loaches

    Are any more fish showing the same symtoms? Shannon
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    Rainbow problems

    It sounds to me that your fish have Tuberculosis. The symptoms are: fin deterioration; a paling of body color; clamped fins; excessive weight loss; ulcers; and pop-eye. If in fact you do think that your fish do have TB then be extra careful because it can spread to you, use plastic gloves. I...
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    Dalmation Molly Crisis

    I agree TomSawyer. Well today she finally died, it was sad. Now the pain she was in is gone. What was weird though is that her scales were falling off. Is there something wrong in my tank that I need to medicate or is that common for what was wrong with her? RIP :-( Dotty :-( RIP...
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    STRESS COAT Harmful???

    I personally use Aqua Safe when I do partial water changes. But when I use the net to catch fish or add new fish I use Stress Coat. Did you just get your Betta? Shannon :shifty:
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    Dalmation Molly Crisis

    Well its gone from bad to worse.... Now her stomach is swelling. Her scales arent puffed out so I dont think its dropsy but I could be wrong. Impur, you mentioned that I should put epsom salt in the tank. Right now I still have her in the baby tank, how much should I put in and l should...
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    Gravel cleaner accident

    Wow I hope he does better. Has his since of direction changed any? ~Shannon
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    Dalmation Molly Crisis

    Thank you so much both of you for giving me suggestions on my problem! :) This is the second day that I've had her in the baby tank and her back tail is starting to move. I looked up swim bladder n disease and it said that if you keep your fish in a shallow tank that it would help. Well it...
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    Dalmation Molly Crisis

    Hi Impur, :D Thank you so much for replying to me. I add 1 tablespoon for every 5 gallons of aquarium salt every time I do a partial water change, the last one was a couple weeks ago. My fishes diet consists of Aquarian Tropical Flake Fish Food, Bio-Blend Herbivore, Bio-Blend Tropical...
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    Dalmation Molly Crisis

    Hello everyone! This is my first post, but unfortunatly its not a good one. :/ I have a female Dalmation Molly who is not able to swim properly. Her back tail ( caudal fin) is not able to move. All she's able to do is swim with her two little fins in the front. All she does is bob around...