Can Fish Get hemorrhoids?


New Member
Jun 25, 2003
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Las Vegas, Nevada
Hi everyone!

A couple days ago I went fish shopping and one of the fish I got is a female fancy guppy who I believe is pregnant. Everything was going fine, all the fish were adjusting to their new home.

But today when I went to give them their food, I noticed my female guppy was bigger than usual (more blotted). Upon observing her for the last couple of hours I've noticed what looks like 3 or 4 clear 'bubbles' coming out of her end. They have been steadily getting bigger and so has her blottedness. It’s to the point to where her scales are starting to stand on end (slightly).

When I feed my fish she tried eating a little but not to much. She also had clear 'poop' coming out.

:-( Please help me I am very worried about her. :-(

Thank you everyone who took the time to read this.

~*~ Shannon ~*~
Sounds like she has some internal upset either caused by bacteria or parasites! so most probably dropsy :sad:
Actually, I've found that tetracycline given orally via medicated food works well for bacterial dropsy.
It seems more like she's constipated the three 'bubbles' are are really big now. When you get dropsy do they get the bubbles on thier bum?

Mogo said:
Actually, I've found that tetracycline given orally via medicated food works well for bacterial dropsy.
You can't buy that in UK - its prohibited unless prescribed by a vet, so it might as well be incurable.
Definitely sounds like dropsy (pineconed scales, clear poop, bloating, etc.). I just lost my Pinkie to dropsy the other day. I tried to save her (although I didn't try oral tetracyline...good to know now)...but I know that dropsy's just about always fatal unfortunately.
You can't buy that in UK - its prohibited unless prescribed by a vet, so it might as well be incurable

Same in the US. You could try a bit of skulldudgery and go to a Feed store (for big animals cattle/sheep/swine) and just buy it. In the US lots of the antibiotics are sold over the counter without a prescription. If the guy asks you what its for just tell him you have a sick animal. Ive NEVER been asked what its for. You might be supprised what you can buy in a feed store :). Just a note tho, if you do manage to get some Tetracycline you HAVE to grind it up its way to big for fishy consuption and you will also have to be mindfull of doseage. Use only a very small amount or the drug itself will kill the fish.

PS.. the drug may cost more than the fish, so it might not be worth it :sad:
Zak Ursulo said:
You can't buy that in UK - its prohibited unless prescribed by a vet, so it might as well be incurable

Same in the US. You could try a bit of skulldudgery and go to a Feed store (for big animals cattle/sheep/swine) and just buy it. In the US lots of the antibiotics are sold over the counter without a prescription. If the guy asks you what its for just tell him you have a sick animal. Ive NEVER been asked what its for. You might be supprised what you can buy in a feed store :). Just a note tho, if you do manage to get some Tetracycline you HAVE to grind it up its way to big for fishy consuption and you will also have to be mindfull of doseage. Use only a very small amount or the drug itself will kill the fish.
Are you kidding??!! Tetracycline is definitely available here in the U.S.!! Maybe that's just your state Zak. But I can easily walk into any Petsmart, Pet Supermarket, Petco or any of the LFS and buy Tetracyline...or I can order it from them online. Here in the US, you don't need a perscription from your vet.
Scarab said:
Are you kidding??!! Tetracycline is definitely available here in the U.S.!! Maybe that's just your state Zak. But I can easily walk into any Petsmart, Pet Supermarket, Petco or any of the LFS and buy Tetracyline...or I can order it from them online. Here in the US, you don't need a perscription from your vet.
Blimey, no wonder scientists say all antibiotics will be useless within 12 years! Over-use like that is appalling!

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