Neon Tetras Sick?


New Member
Aug 16, 2003
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Please help! My black and neon tetras that I've had for a few months now have suddenly all lost their color! They don't seem to be acting sick and they show no signs of neon tetra disease (ie no bumps by their fin, etc). Their color seems to come back a little bit when I turn on the light for a while. They have never had this happen to them before. Is this something typical of tetras or are they sick? And if so, what should I treat them with? :no:
It's normal for tetras to lose their color after lights-out. :)
Many shops also feed their fish color enchancing food to make them look appealing. Either you can buy this food or simply accept that they will lose their color. THis food isn't particularly helathy because it contains artificial color enhancers.

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