Search results

  1. goldenclaw

    Green algue

    Usually, the practice is not to keep the tank in view of windows or doors to the outside as it just makes the algae build up. You could get some algae eaters but they won't keep up.
  2. goldenclaw

    New member with Kribensis fry please help!

    Would be good to separate the fry I would say and yes they make food to feed them.
  3. goldenclaw

    New tank waiting to cycle

    I kept a report of test which follows this text SaltWater Aquarium all PPM 3/26 PH 8.0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 ammonia 0 Salt 1.026 3/28 Ph 8.0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5 Ammonia 0 Salt 1.026 4/4 Ph 8.0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5 Ammonia 0 Salt 1.029 I have no added any salt and that is tested with a...
  4. goldenclaw

    My Aquarium box

    Has anyone here used the service? Anything good or bad to say just about signed up for at least a month or two but I just wanted to see what others had to say? Good to try or stay away ?
  5. goldenclaw

    Sump for freshwater?

    I went ahead and made a purchase rather than make it myself. The only thing I need is a return pump which I have a pump to mix my salt water so that will get to test it maybe its good for that. Seems I also got...
  6. goldenclaw

    Sump for freshwater?

    Hello , I've been pondering on adding a sump to my 36-gallon bow front aquarium. What has got my interest is how it looks and seems to work on my saltwater tank that is currently in cycle mode. Doing research and reading online and people seem to be excited about the idea of a wet dry sump to a...
  7. goldenclaw

    Skimmer filling bowl

    My tank has had water one week this Saturday so once I get to do a water change maybe it will calm down. The only products added to the water is the water treatment for chlorine and when i added my live sand it had a clearing liquid so maybe that set off my skimmer and when i first installed it...
  8. goldenclaw

    Skimmer filling bowl

    Also when the unit is picked up some it still overflows and even when the pump is just under the water it overflows.
  9. goldenclaw

    Skimmer filling bowl

    It's from aquatop. I got the all in one 24 gallon cube that they sell. It's mounted where they show it (instructions are terrible) When I first installed it and tested it worked fine. Added more sand and since it's been overflowing. A guy I follow on youtube says being new that it is going to do...
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  15. goldenclaw

    New Member, Longtime Fish Keeper

    Silver dollar very sweet as I love those fish. Really miss my 55-gallon tank I had a few of those back in the day
  16. goldenclaw

    Skimmer filling bowl

    Update on the story a guy on youtube told me with it being a new tank it's going to happen and let it run over for a while so I presume that will be my course of action.. Will let it run for a few days at least to see what happens .
  17. goldenclaw

    Circulation In A 26 Gallon Tank

    I have a question in the same line so I hope it's ok to post my question here. I have a 24G cube tank. From Aquatop the return line is shooting from the rear of the tank to the right. So thinking that I needed more flow, Purchased a hydro koralia circulation and wave pump at a flow at 425 gph...
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  20. goldenclaw

    New tank waiting to cycle

    I am going to look up care for that (damselfish) putting chems in my tank scares me haha... The fish route would be better for me maybe.
  21. goldenclaw

    Pink Kissing Gourami

    At the moment in my 36 bow front aquarium, the blue and gold get along and don't bother the other fish. I had moved the kissing ones to my other tank to prevent the death of them so I had not planned to put them in with my Bloodfin tetras but they are getting long. Not having a large tank at...
  22. goldenclaw

    New here

    I have a hard time getting the file size down its rejecting my pics saying they are too large . Here is what I could get reduced
  23. goldenclaw

    Pink Kissing Gourami

    Tank size is 29 gallons and the sex of the fish I have no clue.
  24. goldenclaw

    New fish setup ideas

  25. goldenclaw

    New tank waiting to cycle

    No fish at the moment as my local store said 30 days to wait
  26. goldenclaw

    New tank waiting to cycle

    Hello, Just waiting to cycle my tank before fish Live rock and Live sand and keeping the light out to preventing algae Not sure how I want the live rock to be arranged yet, It's been moved a time or two just today.
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  28. goldenclaw

    New fish setup ideas

    Hello, Currently in cycle mode so being 30+ days out I want to mainly run a FOWLER tank setup (hope that's the right name for it) I wanted to get clowns of some sort. Anyone know of a good clean up crew to get or do you get the fish first then the crew? Any fish that works well with clowns. I...
  29. goldenclaw

    Skimmer filling bowl

    Hello, I am new to the saltwater setup and my skimmer is filling the bowl with water even turning the valves down or up doesn't prevent it from doing it. when I put the airline in the water it stops bubbling up and filling. I tested the skimmer just yesterday and it worked fine. All I did was...
  30. goldenclaw

    Pink Kissing Gourami

    Hello In the past Aquariums I've had never had issues with my other Gourami's picking on each other but I just had to move 2 of my Pink Kissing Gourami's to my second tank due to they were getting attacked by my Gold Gourami. They are recovering fine in the second tank but they do seem to...
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  32. goldenclaw

    New here

    Hello I am new here and looking forward to sharing my experiences and also look for aid in the future Tropical tank one 36 Bow Front 1.Blue Gourami 1. Gold Gourami 1 Red tail shark 1 Gold Severum 4 Giant danio 2. Two Algae eaters that seem to hide or got eaten lol ( I do see one from time...