1800L/475G - Clown Loaches, Loricariids & More!


Fish Herder
Mar 29, 2013
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Well, what can I say - I'm finally satisfied with a tank.

Current stocking:
  • 13 Chromobotia macracanthus (Clown Loach) (more to come once others have grown on),
  • 1 Mastacembelus erythrotaenia (Fire Eel) (about 25"),
  • 16 Dawkinsia filamentosa (Filament Barbs),
  • Panaque suttonorum,
  • L097 Pseudacanthicus sp.
  • L124 Hemiancistrus sp.
  • L091 Leporacanthicus triactis,
  • L114 Pseudacanthicus cf. leopardus,
  • L075 Peckoltia sabaji,
  • LDA031 Panaqolus albomaculatus,
  • L241 Leporacanthicus cf. galaxias,
  • L263 Leporacanthicus sp.
  • Hypostomus plecostomus,
  • L027 Panaque armbrusteri
  • L141 Ancistomus snethlageae
  • LDA022 Panaqolus maccus
I've got more loricariidae growing on in other tanks ready to add at a later date.

Tank - 7ft L x 3ft D x 2.5ft H
Sump - 54" x 18" x 18"

Sump media consists of brushes, sponges, K1 micro moving bed, polywool and peat.

I've already had fry from the D. filamentosa which was a huge surprise.

Tank has been running about three months now, with a three year build behind it.
Just got to clad the stand now, sort out new lights and figure out how to get the Pothos to grow up the wall without saying hello to the neighbours with it's roots!

Hopefully the videos work!

What a stunning display - I wish I had the space for a tank of that volume - interesting selection of fish also - well jealous!
Gorgeous! It's very cool to see clown loaches in a giant tank like yours, they look very happy!
Nice dimensions and set up of your tank. Thanks for sharing!
Hey, nice to see you around again :)

Love that 7 foot tank & sump

Stupendous work :)
OMG, Wow! What a gorgeous natural set up!
And fish selection is really very cool!!!
I can't wait to see more and more and more!
Great set up, would love to see some pics of your fish - especially that fire eel!

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what a fantastic tank love it/ Always wanted a shoal of clown loach and fire eels my favourite fish

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