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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. S

    Give Me Some Ideas...

    do you think it looks better the other way round. this is when the wood was new hence all the tanin!
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  3. S

    Give Me Some Ideas...

    the second pic is a juwel 180 so is fairly deep, the lighting is standard but no mater how hard i try java mos will not grow in it even near the surface. the stuf grows like crazy in the other tank as you can see! i have thought about rocks but the only ones i have at the moment are fist sized...
  4. 3.jpg


  5. S

    Give Me Some Ideas...

    ...Please ;) hi been a long time since i posted here. my tanks are boring me and i need some insperation heres how they look at the moment! heres the first one and the second very gratefull for any ideas!
  6. tank_2.jpg


  7. S

    Then And Now (up Dated Pics)

    it's a 29g the lights a t5's i a luminare like you use on a marine tank three tubes in all abit like these there not the best lights in the world but for £30 they do what i need.
  8. S

    Then And Now (up Dated Pics)

    the tank is sort of set in the wall and the only place that the filter can go is on the right hand side. i'll try swopping the inlet and outlet round that may look better. you must have read my mind on the sword thing! i think it would take about 4hours or more to strip the tank down...
  9. S

    Then And Now (up Dated Pics)

    yeah loads that honeywort (or what ever it is i'm so bad with plant names!) grows like crazy im for ever topping it and replanting and remover the really leggy pieces! i agree with the black background but i'd have to compleatly strip the tank to fit one! still may do it one day!!
  10. S

    Then And Now (up Dated Pics)

    new pics after a bit of a change round. sorry about the quality! what do you think? any criticism greatfully recieved! ;) right hand side
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  12. plantedoct06.jpg


  13. S

    Craynerds Planted Tank Mk.2

    nice looking set up loving the "do not drink" on the bottles!
  14. S

    Striped Raphael Talking Catfish?

    get your self a night light and some strong smelling catfish pellets that should bring it out they tend toget less shy with age or thats what if found with two i've owned.
  15. S

    Show Me Your Java Moss And Fern!

    both java moss and fern in this tank!
  16. S

    Plastic Pipes As Caves

    go down you lfs and get the pipe they use to plumb in pond filters thats what i used it' like £1.50 for a couple of foot.
  17. S

    Plec Collectors!

    it's no colection but here are my two
  18. sailfin.jpg


  19. DSCN0617.JPG


  20. S

    Then And Now (up Dated Pics)

    probably about six months my be a bit less! the substrate is 50/50 quartzite flourite the carpet is java moss on pieces of slate. i don't use co2 or other carbon products and no other ferts other than the tmg.
  21. S

    Then And Now (up Dated Pics)

    a bit of an update on my tank low low tech! about one and a half wpg and tropica master grow wheni rember/have it!!! in the begining and now
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  23. plantedjune062.jpg


  24. plantedjune06.jpg


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  26. S

    Evolution Of Our 55 Gallon Tank

    much improved! not sure on the jelly fish thing!!!! when i started my tank (standard lighting no co2) i just got some easy to keep stem plants. every time a stem reached the surface i cut it in half and replanted the cutting had an over grown tank in no time!
  27. S

    Plant Noob With Questions ^_^

    first off what ever plants you grow even low light plants they'er going to need about 10hours dedicated light per day. the chances of getting anything to gow on just sun light is pretty slim, so the first thing i would do is pick a tank to grow some plants in. buy a light for this tank, it...
  28. S

    Id This Rineloricaria Please

    sorry for not being helpfull but just like to say i do like!!!
  29. S

    Plec Id Please

    my other one wish i had room for more!
  30. sailfin.jpg


  31. S

    Pleco For Cycling

    did this with my common and he was fine. when you clone a tank as your going to do there is no need to cycle it. run the new filter in your existing tank for a few days put it in your new tank with the water up to temprature, add the some gravel from your existing tank then add the plec within...
  32. S

    Plec Id Please

    you like then!!? he's only about the size of my little finger!
  33. S

    Plec Id Please

    thought it was but wasn't sure looks differant to the pics! ;)
  34. S

    Plec Id Please

    hi ive been looking on planet cat fish. i was sold this plec as a "snowball plec" but think it may be another due to the size of the dots!? many thank scott
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  36. S

    Trouble Feeding Marble Birchir

    my birchir took almost a month to eat anything!! god knows how he servived! got him started on ham in the end and than after about two weeks on to lance fish!
  37. S

    Ada Trimming Scissors

    you can't go wrong with a sergical set from ebay definatly wont rust! or go blunt!
  38. S

    Fluval 304 Help Please!

    also if still won't prime turn it on, pick it up and turn it upside down this lets the impelor get a load of water then turn it back up the othe way! (it'll probably stop pumping coz of the air!) just keep turning it upside down again then back the othe way till all the air is out! :hey: :good:
  39. S

    What These Shells?

    yep fresh water muscles!
  40. S

    Fluval 304 Help Please!

    take the top off syphon some take water into it til its full put top back on! giv 20 quick pumps on the primer wait a few seconds. then repeat till it primes properly!