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  1. R

    Did u know? : 0

    they are flat black ones the ones from paraguy. I'll talk a pic next time I'm there and post it.
  2. R

    Did u know? : 0

    I was at the vancouver aquarim not to long ago and in the amazon section they had a big tank full of huge pirahnas. The thing that shocked me was that they shared the tank with hundreds of black skirt tetras. who would of thought you could house the two together. and no the black skirts...
  3. R


    thanks I'll probably go with 1 oscar in a 75 gallon tank and some silver dollars. what other small fish could go with it? tinfoil barbs?
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    I was wanting to set up a tank for an oscar and was wondering what the minmun size of tank that would be good for one. Also are there any fish that could live with it other then jack depnsey and convicts
  5. R

    stocking question:)

    oh yeah I also have 4 oto alge eaters.
  6. R

    stocking question:)

    In my 55gallon tank I currently have: 2 angels (young) 3 bosemani rainbows (young) 6 rosy barbs 1 gold barb 8 black skirt tetras 1 dwarf frog 2 bolivan rams 6 black kuhli loaches 2 cory catfish 6 long finned blue danios 7 zebra danios My question is can I add more fish. There seems to be lots...
  7. R

    How do I make a decoration hidding spot

    Hi there I want to make a little table shape thing for kuli loaches to hide under and give shade but also so I can see them. I want to make it so its like 6X6 inchs sufarce area and bout 3inches high just like a table but I also want it so I can put gravel on the top and have plants on top of...
  8. R

    what can I use to make an orniment

    Hi there I want to make a little table shape thing for kuli loaches to hide under and give shade but also so I can see them. I want to make it so its like 6X6 inchs sufarce area and bout 3inches high just like a table but I also want it so I can put gravel on the top and have plants on top of...
  9. R

    Is my loach a Coolie loach???????

    I also have in my 55 gallon: 4 rosy barbs (2 mature + 2 small) 3 rainbow basmittis (small) 2 angel fish (small) 2 gold barbs (matue) 6 blue longfined danios and some neons and blow glows would it still be okay to bring in clown loaches?
  10. R

    Is my loach a Coolie loach???????

    I had be reasearching my coolie loach I bought from pet smart but it turns out the coolie loachs I've seen around my area are all brown with no other color which is different from all the pics. Mine is also 5" long and very very skinny. Are they just a different kind of coolie loach. Any help...
  11. R

    What can I do? advice would be helpful thanks

    thanks for the info I'll try to give the chinese alage eater a new home. As for the rams though? I not sure I understand. the reason why I moved the german ram from the 20gallon is cause its pair died off so I'd thought it would be lonely so I moved it in with the other two bolvian rams...
  12. R

    What can I do? advice would be helpful thanks

    I was suckered into buying a really small flying fox aglae eater that wasn't suppose to get big. But 6years later it is 7 inches and turns out to be a chinese alage eater lol. anyways its starting to become more agressive since I upgraded to a 55 gallon tank he has become very territorial...
  13. R

    what are the benifits of using air pumps

    I was wondering if it would be worth while to get an air pump for my 55 gallon tank that is well planteded. And what would be the best type ofalgae eater that would be good to keep the alage from getting to much in a 55gallon tank. I have 1 chinise alage eater that is 7 inchs that doesn't eat...
  14. R

    Simple question

    How often do most people feed there tropical fresh water fish? I was feeding mine twice a day and the guy at the pet store suggested thats where I'm getting traces of ammonia. that and I added too many fish right away without doing full cycle. He thinks only feeding every second day just once...
  15. R

    I can't get my ammonia lvl to 0???

    I have a new 55gallon tank and I only did a part cycle and all the tests were good before putting in fish. but now I've noticed in the last 2 weeks I've had ammonia lvls of 1.0-3.0 and all the fish seem to be doing just fine. no mater what I do I can't get the ammonia lvl to 0. The problem is...
  16. R

    Why do my schooling fish not school together

    the frog is a dwarf frog I've had him for 6 years. So I think I'll take back the bala shark and if I replace it with the underschooled fishs in my tank it shouldn't be over crowded I hope what do you think? I would only school the panda cory sine the julli and albino are getting really old...
  17. R

    What can I do

    You need to get the otto algae eaters for your tank they only get to 1"-2". Stay away from the chinese alage fish also known as the flying fox fish they get to be 6" long i've had a pet shop owner lie about there size before and ended up with a really big fish lol. and I don't recommend 2 rams...
  18. R

    Why do my schooling fish not school together

    I also have 1 cooli looach and my 55 gallon tank has lots and lots of hiding places shelter and plants if that helps??????????
  19. R

    Why do my schooling fish not school together

    Hi there. I have a 55gallon tank thats been setup for about a month now. I noticed alot of the schooling fish don't school or hangout together (ex. black skirt tetras). Is this cause this is a very non threating non stress tank with lots of swimming space? the only ones that school on a...