Why do my schooling fish not school together


New Member
Mar 18, 2005
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Vancouver, BC
Hi there. I have a 55gallon tank thats been setup for about a month now. I noticed alot of the schooling fish don't school or hangout together (ex. black skirt tetras). Is this cause this is a very non threating non stress tank with lots of swimming space? the only ones that school on a constant bases are the 5 neon tetras and 2glow-lite tetras. they all school together but they only stay close to the bottom around hiding spaces and plants. Why is that???? should I get alot more?

I currently have:
2angel fish (small)
4 long finned blue danio's (full grown)
2 bolivian rams (full grown I think)
1 boeseman's rainbowfish (just baby)
1 aqua frog
1 otto algae eater (very small)
1 bala shark (small)
1 chinese algae eater (6.5")
2 rosy barb (4" each one male and one female both good buddy's)
1 albino Cory (3.5" 6year old and fat)
1 julii cory (2")
1 panda cory (just baby)
2 glowlight tetra
5 neon tetra

I'm very happy with what I have in here and realize that some of these fish will get alot bigger. but I was wondering if I could get away with adding alot more tetra or some more rosy barbs or boseman rainbows with out over populating can someone please give there advice and opinion if I could have more fish and wich fish would be recommened. Thank you very much :)
I also have 1 cooli looach
and my 55 gallon tank has lots and lots of hiding places shelter and plants if that helps??????????
Schooling fish usually only school when they feel threatened, if they are not threatened they will remain in a scattered group :)
I would take the bala shark back as it will outgrow your tank and they need to be in groups, and get some more tetras. :thumbs:
Non-schooling fish:
2 angel fish <-- Natural Predators of Neon Tetras
2 bolivian rams
1 bala shark <-- Will gow to be a foot long
1 chinese algae eater
1 aqua frog Dwarf or Clawed? African Clawed Frogs are piscavores

Not Enough for A School: [How Many Would Make a School]
1 boeseman's rainbowfish [4+] <-- get rather large
1 otto algae eater [3+] <-- can be fine on their own
1 albino cory [3+] <-- cory cats typically school in species groups
1 julii cory [3+] <-- cory cats typically school in species groups
1 panda cory [3+] <-- cory cats typically school in species groups
1 khuli loach [3+]
2 glowlight tetra [5+]
2 rosy barb [4+]

Undersized Schools: [Recommended]
4 long finned blue danio's [6+]
5 neon tetra [5 qualifies, but the more the merrier!]
the frog is a dwarf frog I've had him for 6 years.
So I think I'll take back the bala shark
and if I replace it with the underschooled fishs in my tank it shouldn't be over crowded I hope what do you think? I would only school the panda cory sine the julli and albino are getting really old. also I heard if you grow the angels up with the other fish there shouldn't be a problem with the tetras or have people still had problems with them???????? I may even take them back if you think there is not enough room if I make all the underschooled fish schooled? and is I have them all in schools will that make them happier even though they are already non
well, in that case, here's what I would do. (just a me-thing, you are allowed to make your own decision ;) :p )

2 angel fish
6 long finned blue danio's
2 bolivian rams
2 boeseman's rainbowfish
1 aqua frog
1 otto algae eater
0 bala shark
1 chinese algae eater
4 rosy barb
1 albino Cory
1 julii cory
3 panda cory
5 glowlight tetra
5 neon tetra

i've not done the maths, so the above list would prolly be overstocked.

(the only reason i wouldn't add any more neons is the risk of introducing "neon tetra disease". but if you could find stock that had been at the LFS for 2 or more weeks with no deaths, i'd get 5 more in that particular case. but that'd be a rare find...)
the bala wont outgrow the tank for quite some time and they do ok by themselves ;)

Just keep in mind u will have to buy him a new home in a few years ;)

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