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  1. F

    New Silver Mollies

    Day 5:  12/30/15 All 3 females are pregnant: 1 almost fully squared, 1 starting to square, 1 with slight rounding.  PH was at 6.3 and I didn't get to change the water.  I think I should have fry in the tank in less than 1 week.    I would also like to note that I am trying to study molly...
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    Why Are People So... ?

    Sawickib, I can attest that fish are intelligent creatures.  I recently acquired six silver mollies.  They were acquired on 12/26/15 and by the date I am replying to this(12/29/15), 4 of the six have begun to interact with me.  They have learned the cues I use at feeding time.  ​ The treatment...
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    New Silver Mollies

    If any one has ideas for a net breeder to move the fry into please reply.  I cant find exactly what I would like by looking through google searches so any reasonable idea would be greatly appreciated.
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    Crazy Guppies

    Which guppies are doing this:  adult or juvenile? What do you have in terms of decorations? What chemicals, if any, do you put in the tank?
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    New Silver Mollies

    Hey everyone! I just thought I'd create a log to show the breeding of mollies and the community interactions in my 20 gallon aquarium.  I recently added 6 silver mollies to the bunch so now the tank is stocked as follows:  1 male skirt tetra, 1 female skirt tetra, 1 bleeding heart tetra, 3...
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    Platy With Bent Tail And Thin

    That is sad to hear. 
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    Molly Pregnancy

    You're welcome NewbieTanker.  Plants(fake or live) are beneficial for survival rates. I have 2 floating mats that I picked up at PetSmart, 1 live anubias, and a bunch of plastic plants from various places in my 20 gallon tank.  The fry seem to fare well in the mats.  Soon you will have a rapidly...
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    Platy With Bent Tail And Thin

    It could be Piscine Scoliosis.  That is an abnormal condition that is not life threatening but may degrade the life of the fish.  It is incurable so just watch the quality of life.
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    Fat Or Pregnant Molly?

    Hannahpops89 I just want to tell you to be careful with the plecs because they sometimes become aggressive toward mollies.  Angelfish and plecs are usually classified as semi-aggressive--not community like the mollies and plates.
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    When Can They Start Breeding?

    I would also like to add that the guppies will be better suited to breeding at about 6 months and will be more successful then.
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    Molly Pregnancy

    Newbie Tanker Your molly is probably pregnant again because females can become pregnant for up to 6 months after her last encounter with a male.  This is an adaptation that insures the survival of offspring due to mollies being a somewhat cannibalistic fish.  Expect new fry for a while.  Happy...
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    In my experience, I have found that plecs and guppies do not mix well.  I have also had some Glofish(modified Skirt Tetras) that attacked my guppies.  I would caution against these combos.  Also please do account for the 1 gallon to 1 inch of fully grown fish rule.  You should have less than 34...