Platy With Bent Tail And Thin


Fish Crazy
Aug 17, 2015
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So about two months ago, I got a small platy. He has always been extremely small compared to his tank mates. Because of that small size, I never noticed that his tail is bent. He swims and eats fine. Waste looked fine. No spots or scale issues. He is extremely thin and has been like that since I got him. I don't think it's fish TB, and if he had a parasite I think his waste would be stringy white. Any ideas what's going on?
 it may be Suffering a parasite. why buy such a extremely thin /sick looking fish.
He was tiny when I got him. I didn't know he was sick until he started to get a little bigger and didn't plump up. I didn't purposely buy a sick fish...
I’m so glad to hear that,/   you be surprised how many people buy sick fish and the assistant do not know or do not care what they sale. Not too long ago I see a customer in a local fish shop buying in sick fish. I explained to customer and assistant that the fish is very sick diseased and should not be sold. I just hope no one  had bought that fish.
It could be Piscine Scoliosis.  That is an abnormal condition that is not life threatening but may degrade the life of the fish.  It is incurable so just watch the quality of life.
Sorry Amber.I never had much luck with platys or any livebearers because of my soft water.not your fault.

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