Search results

  1. chadschuster0321

    Amazonian Biotope

    I moved my fish a few days back, so far so good. I bought some plants from PetCo, spent about $25 and have a good 1/5th of the planned planted area filled in. Plants and fish are doing well.   Current stocking levels: 2x Angelfish 2x Discus 3x Cories 1x Bolvian Ram 1x German Blue Ram   Anyone...
  2. chadschuster0321

    Amazonian Biotope

    So... we've decided to postpone our move because capital gains are going to ruin us economically, and we're going to wait until we've owned our home for 5 years to avoid them.   That being said, I was really excited about the build, so I'm deciding to go through with it before I move. I...
  3. chadschuster0321

    Amazonian Biotope

      I'll probably go for one of the tetras you recommended then.   Do you know any good websites to purchase plants? 
  4. chadschuster0321

    Amazonian Biotope

      Here's the fish I was talking about   I see what your saying about the Rummynoses. What do you think about Penguin Tetras? They are a bit bigger, I know they are from South America, I'm not sure if they would be Amazonian however.   I use Play...
  5. chadschuster0321

    Amazonian Biotope

      I see what you mean with the food aggressiveness, Discus are very passive, but I've kept them together for a while and every time I feed I make sure the Discus get fed, and they are starting to go up for the food more now. My two angelfish haven't been fighting at all, so I'll keep to the two...
  6. chadschuster0321

    Amazonian Biotope

    I'm moving in the next month or so, and I've decided to take my Amazonian fish from my 90 gallon and 36 Gallon and move them into an old 100 Gallon I have, and keep the rest of the fish in the 90 gallon.    STOCKING   My Amazonian fish currently go as follows: 6x Corydoras Catfish 2x Angelfish...
  7. chadschuster0321


    So I could just put my old filter in and prime tap water?
  8. chadschuster0321


    I don't, I planned on going tank hunting as soon as I got there. Maybe one of the fish stores will sell cycled water. I'm moving into the Houston area so theres plenty of stores.
  9. chadschuster0321


    Hi all,   So I recently found out I may be moving straight across the country from California to Texas. I'm most likely going to sell all of my aquariums here because they'll probably just break on the move, but I want to keep my fish and plants. Is there an easy way to move fish without...
  10. chadschuster0321

    Too Much Flow?

      I moved the powerhead behind a rock to reduce the current. All fish can handle the current now and plants are just gently swaying.
  11. chadschuster0321

    Too Much Flow?

      It was advertised at 1300 GPH, but I looked at the reviews and it said it actually pumps out around 500. It definitely doesn't pump out 1300 GPH. Sorry for any confusion.
  12. chadschuster0321

    Too Much Flow?

    I recently purchased a powerhead advertised at 1300 GPH (actually around 500 GPH) for my 90 gallon planted aquarium. I had read online this was an acceptable size, I put it in and most of the fish seemed to struggle swimming against it. Is that supposed to happen? I don't think it was too much...
  13. chadschuster0321

    Could Someone Id This?

    I found this plant on the banks of a freshwater stream while hiking in Northern California. I figured it was aquatic because the water level has decreased dramatically since the drought, and I decided to take some home. I bleached it and cleaned the whole thing off, and stuck it in my tank. It's...
  14. planted.png


  15. chadschuster0321

    What To Do With Discus?

      No one can predict what will occur when new discus are introduced with the lone discus.   If the store is prepared to pay you for the discus, I would be tempted to sell the fish to the store.  Then, down the road when circumstances allow, acquire a group of five or six discus from a reliable...
  16. chadschuster0321

    What To Do With Discus?

      I decided to check my LFS to see if they'll take Discus, and they said they would. But thats the second problem, they typically don't order Discus and the only tank with Discus they have contains only one Discus. I was thinking about adopting it, but they want $90 for a tiny 3 inch blue...
  17. chadschuster0321

    What To Do With Discus?

      Do you think a pair would be alright? I may be able to afford another Discus or two.
  18. chadschuster0321

    What To Do With Discus?

    I lost all of my Discus (5) but one in a die off. I fixed all the problems in the tank and the single Discus seems pretty healthy, but I know Discus need to be in a group, and I don't have the money to buy another five. I feel bad for the guy, and I really don't want to loose him. Should I try...
  19. chadschuster0321

    Need Help With Stocking/transfer

      The tank has Discus, so raising salinity is a definite no no. Should I leave the 100 Gallon freshwater when I transfer him?
  20. chadschuster0321

    Need Help With Stocking/transfer

    I have a 100 Gallon currently cycling. I plan on moving my Dragon Goby from a freshwater aquarium. Does anyone know what would be a good salinity for the initial transfer? What should I eventually raise it to and over how long of a period?   Also, what are good fish to go with the Goby? I've...
  21. chadschuster0321

    Could Anyone Identify This Fish?

    Could anyone identify this guy? He's being sold as a 'common Pike' at my local fish store, and I really like him, but Pike get several feet long. Is this the same type?    
  22. pike.jpg


  23. chadschuster0321

    Fish To Take Care Of Snails?

      I'm not sure, but they have rounded shells so I'm guessing either Apple or Mystery snails. Theres probably 15-20 in there right now.
  24. chadschuster0321

    Fish To Take Care Of Snails?

    Theres a small snail infestation on my tank right now, and I'm trying to take care of it before it becomes a total take over. I don't want to use chemicals or anything, and want to kill the snails naturally. Does anyone know of a good snail eating fish for my stocking other then Clown Loaches?  ...
  25. chadschuster0321

    Massive Die Off

        Okay thanks so much for your guys' help, once I clear up the Ick I'm going to get some more tetras and eventually get a group of angels.   Thanks again. :)
  26. chadschuster0321

    Massive Die Off

    I was aware that they weren't kept in adequate group sizes, and I've been trying to get more of each species as I get paid and funds permit. The Columbian Sharks had been sold to me as a freshwater Catfish, and I was unaware that they had to be kept in Brackish water untill I saw a picture of...
  27. chadschuster0321

    Massive Die Off

      What compatibility issues were there for future reference? From what I had been told at my local aquarium shop, it was okay.
  28. chadschuster0321

    Massive Die Off

      Should I just continue to treat the tank with medication and pray for the best?
  29. chadschuster0321

    Massive Die Off

    The Tank is 90 gallons and has soft water. It's been running about a month and a half.   Before the die-off it was stocked with (deceased fish crossed out): 1x Angel 3x BA Tetras (1x Remaining) 1x Senegal Bichir 1x Discus 2x Kissing Gouramis 1x Gold Gourami 1x Pearl Gourami 1x Needlenose Gar 2x...
  30. chadschuster0321

    Massive Die Off

    I recently introduced two Kissing Gourami's into my tank, and two days later my tetras had ick, two catfish had died, and both the Gourami's had died. I've lost all but one of my tetras to ick (the last one seems to be recovering) and I've lost a Discus aswell.   I noticed a snail in the tank...