Too Much Flow?


Mostly New Member
Dec 22, 2015
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I recently purchased a powerhead advertised at 1300 GPH (actually around 500 GPH) for my 90 gallon planted aquarium. I had read online this was an acceptable size, I put it in and most of the fish seemed to struggle swimming against it. Is that supposed to happen? I don't think it was too much, because none of my plants were disturbed and seemed to just move a tiny bit. Also, if it is too much, where is the best location to put the powerhead to reduce flow?
1300 gallons per hour! That's a shed load of water moving in what is not a huge tank. Are you sure you don't mean 1300 litres per hour?
ShinySideUp said:
1300 gallons per hour! That's a shed load of water moving in what is not a huge tank. Are you sure you don't mean 1300 litres per hour?
It was advertised at 1300 GPH, but I looked at the reviews and it said it actually pumps out around 500. It definitely doesn't pump out 1300 GPH. Sorry for any confusion.
I would suggest you should probably reduce the current.  Except in the near vicinity of the filter return, the plants should not generally be moving or swaying from the flow.  And if fish are forced to fight a current and have no respite, that will soon burn them out, not to mention the stress this causes which can lead to other problems.  Having said that, there are fish species that must have a stronger current.  But the majority will not appreciate it.  And remember that this is 24/7.
Byron said:
I would suggest you should probably reduce the current.  Except in the near vicinity of the filter return, the plants should not generally be moving or swaying from the flow.  And if fish are forced to fight a current and have no respite, that will soon burn them out, not to mention the stress this causes which can lead to other problems.  Having said that, there are fish species that must have a stronger current.  But the majority will not appreciate it.  And remember that this is 24/7.
I moved the powerhead behind a rock to reduce the current. All fish can handle the current now and plants are just gently swaying.
I'm glad to hear you found a way to reduce the flow. I think it's all too easy to over think what fish really need. It's easy to confuse wild fish habitat with our fish...many, if not most, that were tank raised in conditions not even close to raging rivers. Imagine if suddenly you were forced to do a dead run 24/7 - how long before you dropped?  Then there's the well meaning hobbyist that feels compelled to create additional flow so there's no detritus/mulm in the tank, sometimes neglecting the filter where it all rots away and pollutes the water!  Over feeding, creating water conditions totally unlike how the fish was spawned and raised, lack of sufficient routine partial water changes, neglected filters, etc.'s madness I tell you....madness! :)

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