

Mostly New Member
Dec 22, 2015
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Hi all,
So I recently found out I may be moving straight across the country from California to Texas. I'm most likely going to sell all of my aquariums here because they'll probably just break on the move, but I want to keep my fish and plants. Is there an easy way to move fish without stressing them out? Also, what should I do about the like of any cycled water once I arrive?
HarpyFishLover said:
Do you know anybody in Texas who might have a cycled aquarium?
I don't, I planned on going tank hunting as soon as I got there. Maybe one of the fish stores will sell cycled water. I'm moving into the Houston area so theres plenty of stores.
ginaekdal said:
Do bear in mind it is the filter material that is cycled and not the water.
So I could just put my old filter in and prime tap water?
chadschuster0321 said:
Do bear in mind it is the filter material that is cycled and not the water.
So I could just put my old filter in and prime tap water?
Yes. I am sure someone who has moved tanks can explain how to preserve the filter as best during.
Sorry for getting into an old topic. Thanks for the info. I'm looking for an opportunity to transport my tank..
Sorry for getting into an old topic. Thanks for the info. I'm looking for an opportunity to transport my tank..
Try posting a new thread. People will be able to see it sooner and help answer any questions you have :)

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