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  1. S


    Yup his name is Svyatoslav (or Boris for people who aren't Russian or haven't taken extensive Russian history classes... I'm not the least bit Russian I took the classes ;) )   the sand was REALLY easy, and cheap!! Like the 20 pound bag of desert blend play sand I got at home depot cost me like...
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    A Few Begining Questions

    ok, i'll look into getting the water ferts.  Would those be like API leaf zone? or is that a more food-like thing?
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    A Few Begining Questions

    Thanks! I'll be sure to keep that in check since the plants are important too. What's the most effective way to wipe down the leaves? I have a sponge with a handle for the edges, but I assume that's not really going to help on the plants, I assume I'll have to reach in elbow deep, but whats best...
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    A Few Begining Questions

    Is algae bad for the tank or just not fun to look at? I've been growing some brown algae and haven't got around to  cleaning it because I plan to get a couple of snails soon and figure it'll give them something to munch on other than foods i'll be dropping in too, but if algae can per-say...
  5. S

    Just Learning-Not A New Tank!

    Got nitrites today!!! May be a Little too excited about that, but I'm glad  I know my aquarium salt will combat it,thank you!! Test spiked at 5 ppm!!! So I'm adding salt tonight and doing a partial water change tomorrow night, ammonia was  at 2ppm and no nitrates yet.
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    As promised, here's a picture of my set up, and another great one i captured of Svyatoslav that i just had to share!
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    A Few Begining Questions

    I just got more plants today since the ones i have have been doing ok, the small grassy ones in the picture are doing best. But i got a java fern, anubias, and wisteria. I like the java fern alot so once those grow more i want too take a part off and grow more. I just realized you say java...
  8. S


    I'll get some pictures of the tank up tonight! :) I'm going to buy some more plants to add and I don't even have the same anything as that one picture has anymore, all sand and all (well working to) real plants, got some driftwood, was going to get shrimp but someone seems to have claimed the...
  9. S

    Seachem Beta Basics Conditoner Safe For Shrimp?

    Got this conditioner as a buffer supplement for my tap water.  I plan to eventually have a few shrimp and snails in the tank with my betta, but it doesn't say if it's ok or not and I could not find an ingredient list anywhere.  Just wanted to know if anyone knows if it's safe for invertebrates.
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    Svyatoslav In The Great 10 Gallon

    Heres a picture of my pet crowntail betta Svyatoslav, or Borris. I was taking a Russian history class at my university and the name kept coming up and was fun to say,but he also goes by Boris for those who can't pronounce or remember Svyatoslav. I have had him for about 9 months now and he's...
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  13. S

    Just Learning-Not A New Tank!

    I ordered aquarium sponge, it's by aquaclear and not meant for my whisper filter but it's the only thing I found that wasn't chemical filtration as well, so I'll be trimming it.    It is ammoquel plus, I didn't know there were others until I was searching for a conditioner last night.  I'll stop...
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    He sure is and I'd like to keep him that way :) one of the most beautiful I've ever kept.
  15. S

    A Few Begining Questions

    I honestly don't even know what they are i stupidly threw out the packages without remembering to write down the type. If no one here could ID these i can check when i go back to the pet store for frozen food. I just choose the most healthy looking ones.
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  18. S


    Here's my little man Svyatoslav (Boris). He's a crowntail I've had about 9 months now
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  20. S

    Just Learning-Not A New Tank!

    Just some test updates.  Tank ph definitely not above 6, not even a hint of green in my test.  Ph of the fresh tap was 6.6, good news in that meaning the tank lowered the ph not a low ph tap, so water changes will fix it.   Ammonia was about .75, cut in half from yesterday!!! All I did since was...
  21. S

    Just Learning-Not A New Tank!

    About the ph, it had a tiny tiny bit of green tint to the test, I'd say about 6.2. But I'm just going to retest the tank and straight water I'd add in and see what it'll do to. the ph before doing my change.  I'm hoping it'll raise it since I know this ph is slowing the nitrogen cycle to...
  22. S

    Just Learning-Not A New Tank!

    The first pic shows the clip where carbon inserts are held, there's no insert currently in it though. The second shows what the bio filter is, the other side is just flat with holes. And the third shows how they sit into each other. There is definately no way to fit carbon and a foam piece...
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  26. S


    Heres a shot of my lil guy Svyatoslav (Boris).
  27. S

    Just Learning-Not A New Tank!

    I've only ever replaced carbon filter cartridges, only once cleaned the bio filter, between my goldfish and my betta since there was a fungus nothing treated and I didn't want it to contaminate so I started completely over.  I've always understood carbon was very important, I've always run the...
  28. S


    This does help, I'll look for some frozens next week while I'm near a pet store.  Pellets pre soaked will sink right? my betta seems to have trouble when the pellets start sinking because he looses them in the gravel, are there ways to prevent this, and would I soak them in a little water then...
  29. S

    A Few Begining Questions

    I got 2 bunched plants at my local petco, because I liked the idea of the benefits natural plants have over fakes.  I did my research got some fertilizer/food tablets to put in the substrate (they were API I believe, if that matters) I read tabs are better than fluid ones because they're near...
  30. S


    I've come across yet another care no-no I've been doing.  I was reading the care sheet on here and the food part.  Are the round pellet foods ok as a primary diet? all the bettas my family ever owned when I grew up lived off them, and one lived almost 6 years! So I get how frozen/live food can...
  31. S

    Appropriate Betta Tankmates In 10 Gallon

    I recently had the same question I asked on a different forum, pretty much you can get some snails and shrimp, or an African Dwarf Frog since they swim but don't look like a fish to a betta.    I have no experience yet though since I experienced some set backs with learning to test my water and...
  32. S

    Just Learning-Not A New Tank!

    I'm not a new aquarium keeper but I'm a newly educating aquarium keeper.  I've kept my 10 gal. tank for 3 years now ignorantly, and never knew about cycling, and never went through any process, so I all of a sudden have a whole lot of questions.  This is a betta tank, 10 gal, heated, in the...
  33. S


    Hello all, My names Sarah and I'm new to this community! I also have a pet Russian tortoise named Frankln, who's going to celebrate his 2nd adoption anniversary (aka we call it his 7th birthday) at the end of june.  Franklin and the research I had to do before getting him are the reason I...