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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. W

    Filter Problem On 28L Tank

    Hey all I think my filter is giving up. The long tube that kind of filters the water has stopped working so now I've had to remove it. I've 2 platies and 3 glow lights. They shouldn't go near the filter hole should they? I'm sorry my description isn't good. It is the part that has tiny little...
  2. W

    28 L Tank... High Ammonia

    Just followed the link you've posted. EXACTLY how I did it in order to support the awaiting fish at that time. Well we originally had double the anout I had in there back in end of April so upon getting decent info, gave up the fish that we handed back then kept these ones (3 platies 3 glow...
  3. W

    28 L Tank... High Ammonia

    I cycled the tank back in March, had all the fish since April. I was advised these fish would be okay in my tank :( Fed up of wrong advice. Thanks anyway x
  4. W

    28 L Tank... High Ammonia

    Hi all Really need some advice. I've a 28 l tank with 3 platies and 3 glow lights. Now a major pets company who I shall not name have recommended giving up the male platy to another home and keep the 2 female platys and 3 female glow lights. Now I know the amount of fish is why the ammonia is...
  5. W

    Help Needed With 28 L Tank

        Okay, brilliant.    Thank you for your advice!
  6. W

    Help Needed With 28 L Tank

    May I ask a silly question... why are neither appropriate? I trusted the shop I visited to advise as needed as I'm new to this.   Also, do you know anything about the aquarium salt? Any benefits?  PS ph for tap water was 8  Thanks x 
  7. W

    Help Needed With 28 L Tank

    Hi all,  I have a couple of pressing questions if that is okay.   1. I have noticed a ragged top fin on one of my glow lights and Pets At Home recommended aquarium salt. How do I use this? Are there any real benefits? The ragged fin could be from fin rot or nipping! I've noticed the mickey mouse...
  8. W

    Urgent Questions Regarding 28L Tank...

    Hi all,  What fish would you keep in a 28 litre tank?  I'm struggling to find the right kinds of fish that would be ok with each other.  I have 3 platies and 3 glow lights but have noticed that the glow light fin is being nipped by the mickey mouse platy..    
  9. W

    Just Found Baby Fish...

    Hello,  You aren't being rude, don't worry.    I've been advised by pet specialists that these fish are OK in the tank for now until they grow to around 4cm, then a bigger tank is needed. I'm new to this so any advice is great, thanks!
  10. W

    Just Found Baby Fish...

    Hi all, I'm new to fish keeping. I have a trpoical fish tank, 28l, which was over stocked with fish after receiving bad advice from one particular local pet shop.  The fish I have remaining in the tank, after giving 4 to Pets at Home in order to ensure the health of all fish are   3 glow lights...
  11. W

    " Unknown Fish Number 2"

    Hi all, wheelsoffury here,   I posted a photo of one unknown fish as no one can tell me what breed he is.    Here is my second unknown fish. "His" name is Titch.   Many thanks 
  12. W

    I'm New To Keeping Tropical Fish :d

    Hi there! I'm wheelsoffury and I'm new to keeping fish :) I hope you are all well.    I was wondering... what random pieces of advice would you give to an individual who has just started keeping tropical fish?    Also, I've 2 fish that, for some reason, no one knows the breed of. Would anyone be...