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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. B

    Saw A Fish I Haven't Seen For Two Years

    I have an elusive khuli as well. Somehow he hitchhiked his way into my cichlid tank (convicts and a salvini) and I thought they ate him. Months later he reappeared and is huge and fat. They don't even mind him. He can forage right under the salvini who could probably eat him it he wanted to and...
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    Tank For Mts/pond Snail Breeding

    The only time ive gotten mts to breed was by accident. I'm a big ramshorn fan and theyre easier for assassins to eat
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    Wondering About Hydroponic Aquariums...

    petco carries filters that are open at the top and accommodate plants, maybe you should look into getting one of those 
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    Ich And Salt Treatment

    i wouldn't raise the temp any higher. Most salt has instructions on the carton, but you typically replace it after every water change. It's a shame that they don't make ich tablets anymore because they always worked great for me
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    Micro Brittle Stars

    Does anyone know where i could buy micro brittle stars online? 
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    Not New But Still Need Help :)

    I recommend convicts, females are usually easy to tell apart. As for the other tanks, Salvinis (salvins cichlids or tri color) are very interesting and very tolerant of other cichlids. Mine polices my other smaller cichlids and keeps aggression down. Firemouths are neat fish too
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    Fighting Pair Of German Blues?

    Female cichlids can be funny. I have 3 female convicts and i tried introducing a male jack dempsey/convict hybrid and the 3 of them ganged up on him
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    A Bold Return...

    Oh wow. I had a khuli loach hide out in an ornament that I moved from another tank and I didn't know he was in there until weeks after. I also had a small crayfish end up in one of my tanks when I had only purchased adults, and they were long gone when I found him. I love little surprises like...
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    Nerite Snails questions & Cracked Snail Shell

    It probably wont heal completely, but the shell will get stronger with calcium and time 
  10. B

    A Bold Return...

    Was the wood dry? I've had pond snails survive in dry gravel for a few weeks, but your situation is incredible 
  11. B

    What Kind Of Puffer Is This?

    He just got moved to his new tank and is doing great. It's currently at around 1.02. I might just keep him in a salt tank to make it easier on myself. What kind of snails should I feed him now? I have 100 bladder snails coming but I'm not sure if he'll eat them if they're dead
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    What Kind Of Puffer Is This?

    He went from the brink of death to thriving. Soon I'm going to have to decide if I should keep upping the salinity because ceylon puffers are high end brackish to salt
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    Corydoras Poison Barbs, Oxygen, and Fry

    I've heard of them almost playing, especially in groups, but that is a little weird. Is the ammonia level normal?
  14. B

    Aqua-Sed, Fish Anaesthetic ~ Have You Used This?

    If they're sick they usually go to the great porcelain highway (or the trash can depending, not alive though)
  15. B

    Stocking? I'm In Such A Mess!

    I've never seen a swordtail reach 3 inches, but there are several varieties. That tank is pretty full just from the gourami alone. Once your water situation is taken care of you could probably add a small algae eater or bottom feeder
  16. B

    Aqua-Sed, Fish Anaesthetic ~ Have You Used This?

    Thankfully I've never had to euthanize a fish, but typically as long as they aren't sick or too large, my lima shovelnose usually does the dirty work for me.  I don't have the heart to dispose of an injured fish. I also don't like them going to waste
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    Help With Cleaning Water Heater(Aqueon Product)

    I don't know what that is but i'd just rinse it off. I don't think it's a problem as long as it still works
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    New 125 Gal Tank. 8.2 Ph From Faucet. What Fish Should I Get?

    I'd get rainbows, they come in such a wide variety of colors and rainbow tanks look stunning 
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    Tank Water Feels Cold But Thermometer Says 78-80*f

    I go through this every time I clean my tanks, and the opposite when it's cold in my house 
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    Question On Chlorine/ph

    I always add stress coat after every water change just to be safe, but i also have air stones
  21. B

    What Kind Of Puffer Is This?

    Not very, the hydrometer only read a little above .01 and it's a pretty small tank that I had to hastily set up so i'm going to do a careful water change tomorrow. Depending on how he's doing I might continue to raise the salinity. This is my first time dealing with brackish or salt fish and it...
  22. B

    Please Help Me With My Gourami I Dont Know If He Is Ill Or Injured

    Without knowing all i can say is cover your basics, i'd use a little bit of aquarium salt or some stress coat
  23. B

    What Kind Of Puffer Is This?

    Upon further review it's a Ceylon. It went on a big downward spiral today, and is currently being acclimated to salt in a separate tank. I'm giving the pet store a piece of my mind tomorrow. It should have been in a brackish or salt tank to begin with. I even told the associate at the store, but...
  24. B

    What Kind Of Puffer Is This?

    After posting in the puffer forum i think it might be a Tetradon Sabahensis because of how comfortable it is in different parameters. I also found out today that the sale and transport of crayfish are illegal in my state
  25. B

    Jack Dempsey Tankmates

    I put a pair of jacks (they were young, turned out to be one male and one female) with my 3 female convicts, firemouth, and salvini and they are getting along pretty well. I have plans to move the male jack to a bigger tank eventually or find him another home eventually because he's a jerk (as...
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    Finishing Touch To My Tank

    You could possibly look into a pair of ropefish
  27. B

    Could Anyone Identify This Fish?

    It looks like a pike cichlid to me also. Maybe a jewel pike cichlid?
  28. B

    What Kind Of Puffer Is This?

    I've been giving him mainly bloodworms, but also live ghost shrimp, MT snails, and occasionally feeder fish. I'm also putting in an order for 100 pond snails
  29. B

    Upgrading To A 10 Gallon Tank

    Neons are typically kept in groups of at least 6 so you have to keep that in mind. It all depends on what you're looking to get out of this tank. If you want numbers then stick to guppies and similar sized fish, but another option would be to add one or two larger fish. You could also add fish...
  30. B

    What Do I Do?

    That's weird but cichlids are known to express personalities and weird behaviors. Good to hear that it's eating
  31. B

    What Kind Of Puffer Is This?

    The store knew very little but I'm going to call them and try to get some answers or even dome clues. What makes it even stranger is that the puffer is perfectly at home in 100% freshwater, which I couldn't believe at the pet store. All the store associate said was "we usually don't get puffers...
  32. B

    Nerite Snails questions & Cracked Snail Shell

    I would have tried a cheaper snail or a more lively snail to determine if the tank is safe
  33. B

    Nerite Snails questions & Cracked Snail Shell

    I'm a little late to the party, but most people call them trapdoors because of Asian trapdoor snails (Chinese mystery snails)  
  34. B

    Feeding Frozen Food

    I just pop in a bunch of frozen bloodworm drops and they go nuts. I usually feed small south american cichlids
  35. B

    What Fish Can I Add

    It's tough to find a larger fish that will be compatible with the neons, but you could try looking into smaller species of gourami. I'm surprised the shark hasn't caused any problems yet, keep an eye on him
  36. B

    What Kind Of Puffer Is This?

    Also: his caudal fin is usually folded up and is typically described as looking like a paint brush
  37. B

    What Do I Do?

    I have never had discus, but if he continues to reject food you might want to try frozen bloodworms (I've never had a fish turn them down) and a little bit of aquarium salt can never hurt. Good luck
  38. B

    What Kind Of Puffer Is This?

    I haven't seen go after the polypterus, but he's my favorite so i'm keeping a close eye on him. This puffer is so weird and I cant seem to find an exact match to identify him. At first I thought he might be a juvenile mbu puffer, but i really hope he isn't because they grow to ridiculous...
  39. B

    What Kind Of Puffer Is This?

    I'm not sure because there are spots instead of stripes
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