Aqua-Sed, Fish Anaesthetic ~ Have You Used This?

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Fish Herder
Feb 4, 2013
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Sadly through suffering and ill health the time can come when we need to put fish out of their misery. Euthanasia is never easy and a lot has already been written about this. Whenever I have had to end suffering, I have in the past used the clove oil method (there are mixed views on this) which I have found if done slowly will fairly quickly do the job. However, I wanted something that was especially designed for fish care. My research led me to this product...

AQUA-SED by Vetark

Has anyone had any experience of this product to give an opinion?
Never heard of it here, wondering what the active ingredient is? I am fairly sure that over here in the states that MS-222 is the only "approved" fish drug for anesthesia/euthanasia.
i am the same, i have never seen this product on shelves, more or less online when searching for some fish products
jag51186 said:
Never heard of it here, wondering what the active ingredient is? I am fairly sure that over here in the states that MS-222 is the only "approved" fish drug for anesthesia/euthanasia.
I believe the active ingredient is Phenoxyethanol.
I used it to put an oscar to sleep a while ago. I normally use the clove oil method, but wasn't comfortable using that on a big fish like him.

I was recommended it by my vet, who I discussed it with on the phone, after someone (I think on here) mentioned it to me. I'm not sure what the active ingredient is (I'll go and look at the bottle later and tell you what it says) but it did work, very quickly and the fish didn't sound distressed or thrash about at all (I couldn't watch the process; too upsetting and did it in a lidded bucket).
Thanks fluttermoth, good to hear others experiences, and good it was recommended by a vet.

I always cover the special container I keep for this task, as it keeps the fish calmer and I do not need to witness it, much like yourself. After using the product, did you go back to the clove oil, or stick with the Aqua-Sed?
RCA said:
Thanks fluttermoth, good to hear others experiences, and good it was recommended by a vet.

I always cover the special container I keep for this task, as it keeps the fish calmer and I do not need to witness it, much like yourself. After using the product, did you go back to the clove oil, or stick with the Aqua-Sed?
Luckily, I haven't had to euthanise another fish since. I would use the Aqua Sed now I have it, but I'd be okay with using clove oil again for smaller fish.
Thankfully I've never had to euthanize a fish, but typically as long as they aren't sick or too large, my lima shovelnose usually does the dirty work for me.  I don't have the heart to dispose of an injured fish. I also don't like them going to waste
Fluttermoth - did you use 4xs the dose for euthanasia, and how long did you leave the fish in the solution for?

Brodeur30 - I guess it would depend on why the fish is sick, you would not want to feed a diseased fish that could potentially pass on the disease to your shovelnose.
RCA said:
Fluttermoth - did you use 4xs the dose for euthanasia, and how long did you leave the fish in the solution for?
I did use 4X, plus a bit to be on the 'safe side'. I did basically what I'd do for clove oil, just on a larger scale; fish went into bucket, in a measured volume of water, Aquased was shaken in a jar with a small amount of water (it's oily, so needs mixing), and then I poured that down the inside of the bucket. I'm afraid I just left the bucket with the lid on til the next day. I was a bit feeble about the whole thing, tbh, but I was very, very fond of that oscar 
If they're sick they usually go to the great porcelain highway (or the trash can depending, not alive though)
You should never, ever flush fish down the toilet.

If they're not dead, it's a slow, horrible death, and if they've died of some disease there is a risk of it getting into local waters, which could have a devastating environmental effect. Water sewage treatment works are not designed to get fish pathogens out of the water.
Thanks fluttermoth, I have just used it for a sick Pencilfish, just as I have not done so before, I wondered how long you waited before removing the fish. I agree with not being able to watch it happen, although the Aqua-see seemed very quick to relax the fish. I too mixed it in the small jar I keep for mixing the clove oil, as I noted it was oily.

+1 regarding flushing fish, never do that please.
I have Aqua-Sed on hand for the rare occasions I need to euthanize. I thoroughly recommend it as a humane method.
Thanks Sophie, I have found it to be excellent for this difficult task.

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