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  1. ericNH

    A Bumpy Road

    Well, this is what my tank has evolved into over time:     It has been a bumpy road but everything's smoothing out.  I've done some filtration upgrades and tank redecoration.  My discus are stable and mellow :)  But I think now that it seems to be under control I need to get more!
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  3. ericNH

    A Bumpy Road

    I haven't posted here in ages, just updating real quick, I am coming up on a year with my first discus, purchased as a juvvenile, and now a gorgeous, large blue circle in my tank.  Lost a few, added a few, my discus are now showing signs of pairing up!  Woo hoo!  Hurray for water changes!! They...
  4. ericNH

    A New Era

    Love the lush planting in your tank.  And gratz on the new additions!  A shoal of schooling fish is beautiful - great call on adding more tetras, they're so much more fun to watch in larger groups
  5. ericNH

    A Bumpy Road

    Aww thanks Asteria :)  My discus are all doing great now.  The key to raising juvenile discus is lots of food and lots of water changes. I've read that once they're adults the tank will require less maintenance.   Well, so we've both been through the bumpy parts, and we're both still in the...
  6. ericNH

    A Bumpy Road

    Hey, check out Peri now:     And a few other shots:    
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    My Dark Angel.jpg

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  10. ericNH

    A Bumpy Road

    Just an update.  I've upped my water changes to 50% daily.  Had to go out and get a 55 gal trash barrel to do this.  And I'm feeding my discus like the carnivorous pigs that they are.  Will post pics in a week or two - there should be a noticeable difference in my tank since the last pics were...
  11. ericNH

    Help Needed. Having Bit Of Issue With Discus

    I know this post is old, but maybe you're still out there wrighty8529 and Vin Swords.  I want to know more about "worming" my fish.  Does it often go unnoticed or undiagnosed when a fish needs to be wormed?
  12. ericNH

    Discus Id Please

    Toothless, how are your discus doing?  I also have some discus, and my progress is slow but steady.
  13. ericNH

    A Bumpy Road

    Marc Weiss is the name of the guy who I watched.  This is the link to it if anyone is interested:     However, its a long interview format, bouncing back and forth during the whole interview between Marc talking about his history, and showing him step-by-step making his own discus food.   Also...
  14. ericNH

    A Bumpy Road

    No I didn't rearrange anything in the tank.  I've read that that helps, but tbh, I don't want to create the mess in my tank.  Thanks for the suggestion - if my discus don't settle down enough I suppose I'll eventually have to try that.  But I *really* hope it doesn't come down to that.   On an...
  15. ericNH

    Need To Unravel Confusion Pls

    Elmo I sympathize with your anxiety over your stressed out discus.  I can't offer any advice as hi-tech is over my head, but I can wish you luck.  Good luck! I can't resist.  I recommend you ditch the CO2 bubbler and just use Flourish Excel.
  16. ericNH

    A Bumpy Road

    some pics:      
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  20. ericNH

    180 Gallon Tank

    Love your tank and the pics!  Thanks for sharing, I enjoy reading your journal.
  21. ericNH

    A Bumpy Road

    I don't really mean that last thing I said.  I will never give up on my discus.  But I feel like jamming a pencil into my eye when I see them being miserable and angry, instead of sedate and content.
  22. ericNH

    A Bumpy Road

    So, I've made some major changes lately.  I recently purchased several anubias, tied them to some driftwood, and I also dropped a few water lettuce into the tank.  I've also started using Flourish Excel.  That was about a week ago, and I already see a difference in all my plants.  And I've also...
  23. ericNH

    My Freshwater Kingdom

    Hi Addey411.  Just wondering how your tank is getting along.  When I started mine, I was all over it for about 6 months, then my water changes dropped to about 1 every 2 weeks, and I kept my tank on low maintenance.  Now I am back into iut full bore, and have made a few changes to the way I do...
  24. ericNH

    Algae Eaters

    Well I just picked up 2 bristlenose and 1 rubbermouth pleco, hoping to make a dent in my algae.  I hate scraping it off the walls of my tank because then i get alot of floating algae junk which takes a while to get sucked up into the filters, and i cant help but think some pieces are getting...
  25. ericNH

    A Bumpy Road

    I've gotten the nitrate level down to about 20 ppm.  Is it just me, or is it really hard to distinguish between the colors in the API nitrate color card?  I don't see any difference in the colors showing 10 and 20 ppm.  Nor can I see a difference in the colors that indicate 40 and 80 ppm on the...
  26. ericNH

    A Bumpy Road

    Thanks Ninja.  I know you know what you're talking about, and I trust your advcice.  And I want to ask you - what would you recommend as a maximum nitrate level?  Should it be reading only traces, or is 20 or 40 ppm acceptable?
  27. ericNH

    A Bumpy Road

    Yea well I have a pH test kit I used back when I tried to force the pH into a level I wanted.  That didn't work out so good.  So now I basically ignore it, and just acclimate any new fish to the tank very slowly with a dripline.  I'm not gonna wrestle with the pH.   The nitrates, on the other...
  28. ericNH

    Third Nano Tank - Aquanano 30 (22 Litres)

    I think your nano tank is charming.  Makes me want to start one, but all i have is a regular old 10-gallon tank, nothing like the nicely equipped new setup you have.  Still, i am inspired...
  29. ericNH

    A Bumpy Road

    Yea, I think thats exactly what i'm saying.  I guess that's a big 'oops' for me. I gues i know what i'm doing tomorrow morning...gonna get me a nitrate test kit!  I wonder what it'll read...
  30. ericNH

    A Bumpy Road

    Very true akainechu, thank your for the encouragement.  I have a general question for the veterans out there.  I use a simple API brand "Ammonia NH3/NH4+" test kit.  I assume this means I can't tell what the nitrate level is, even if the test kit is registering 0ppm on the color chart. My...
  31. ericNH

    A Bumpy Road

    I am an idiot, but my tank is at least respectably clean, with several live plants that are doing better.   I lost 4 of my 6 discus since March.  They just died off 1 by 1 until about a month ago.  The only 2 I have left are the first 2 I got.  This leaves my tank with:   2 discus 1 angel 1...
  32. ericNH

    A 60Litre Named.. Aquapit..

    Wow - MUCH much nicer look with the driftwood and live plants, and white sand.  It's beautiful.  Tanks have a way of evolving...
  33. ericNH

    1000 Us Gal Project

    Not sure what to say, it's all been said.  Unbelievably cool operation you got there.  I am in awe.
  34. ericNH

    Last One To Post Here Wins Thread 2

    haHA!  This thread is mine !  But for how long?....
  35. ericNH

    A Bumpy Road

    Just got back from lfs.  I gave them 3 of my 4 clowns.  I couldn't catch the last one, he's too wily.  I hope they go to a good home.  The poor things loved it in my tank, and I got rid of them.   I am sad.
  36. ericNH

    129G Planted Oddball Tank

    Wow Ninjouzata, I can already tell that your tank will be breathtaking.  You've put alot of thought and effort into this already, and it really shows.  If I had read this thread prior to doing my own tank things would have been much different.  Really beutiful choice of decoration, from the...
  37. ericNH

    The Roma 125 Mountain Range!

    I was just rummaging around in the forums for something interesting to read, and stumbled on this thread.  silurian, i tip my hat, yours is a beautiful and creative tank.  The stars in the background are a nice touch.  I have to agree with you though on the palm trees - nice, but their scale...
  38. ericNH

    A Bumpy Road

    Thank you, Xzavier247 for your encouragement and advice.  The yellow-ribbon plant is not truly an aquatic plant, as both you and I believe Ninjouzata have pointed out.  It is a type of dracena that can grow in an aquatic environment, and supposedly will eventually grow and climb right out of the...
  39. ericNH

    A Bumpy Road

    Will do - in fact i just tested and my test kit is still telling me 0ppm on ammonia.  I have one of those simpler test kits that doesn't give readings for ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates - it just tests for ammonia.  The light is fixed and producing more light than i even need.  Here's a pic of...
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