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  2. Trev_Miester

    My Fish Journal.

    More great photos! Always like your page because of the variety. Keep em coming! Good to hear about the burn too.
  3. Trev_Miester

    My Freshwater Kingdom

    Looks very nice! i want one of those blue "crayfish"(don't know the exact name)
  4. Trev_Miester

    Trev's Freshwater Story

    I've been MIA for a bit so here are a few updates. Hope you all like the new stuff.   75 gallon changes: Removed 9" bubble wand, and added two small stones. Removed one piece of driftwood. Removed the pot cave. Made a cave for Hootie with two of the pieces. Added some pieces of amethyst/quartz...
  5. Trev_Miester

    Trev's Freshwater Story

    New Fancy         And Hootie of course (little blurry)      
  6. Trev_Miester

    Trev's Freshwater Story

    Thanks!! Went and got a decoration tonight :)
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  8. Trev_Miester

    My Fish Journal.

    What size is that cube? More awesome shots and that burn seems to be doing well.
  9. Trev_Miester

    Trev's Freshwater Story

    Alright, so I decided to add another one to the collection. Picked up a new 10 gal. My idea is to keep it clean and empty. Bare bottom, with a centerpiece decoration of some sort. Stocking might be a betta with a school of something tiny like white cloud minnows. Got an led desk lamp for cheap...
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  12. Trev_Miester

    My Fish Journal.

    Well I picked up a cascade 170 internal filter. It was super cheap and figured I'd give it a shot. If it ends up not working out, I'll order the fluval. Can't wait to see the background that you're talking about. I'm going to keep mine very clean and simple. I'll post more on it in my journal.
  13. Trev_Miester

    My Fish Journal.

    Great. Group shot! Let me know how the heater works, I might be looking at the same one. I ended up get a 10 gallon tank yesterday, so now I need to get the rest of the equipment. I saw a fluval internal with one of those spray bars that I might order for mine.
  14. Trev_Miester

    My Fish Journal.

    I have a theme in mind, but not sure how it'll work out. Do you have any recommendations for small tank heaters and filters that are on the cheaper side but still decently functional?
  15. Trev_Miester

    Trev's Freshwater Story

    spent some time with my dude the other day. He's really starting to get some size in the new tank.       Moved the 20 around. Messing with gravel levels can be fun.    
  16. Trev_Miester

    My Fish Journal.

      OOOO...excited for this one. I've been thinking about setting up a small one(2.5 or 5) of my own. I'm sure yours will give me some  ideas
  17. Trev_Miester

    Trev's Freshwater Story

    He's definitely entertaining. You know he's really mad when you can hear the glass banging across the room lol
  18. Trev_Miester

    My Fish Journal.

    Very nice pics again! Do you use any sort of off camera flash?
  19. Trev_Miester

    Trev's Freshwater Story

    First attempt at video posting. Anyone have advice on how to put the actual video on here instead of the link. Never mind haha it posted in haha
  20. Trev_Miester

    200L Tiger Barb Tank

    Looks great!! Question though. With all the rocks and stuff on the bottom. How do you vaccum that thing?
  21. Trev_Miester

    My Fish Journal.

    All amazingly good looking fish! So much color.
  22. Trev_Miester

    Help. What Is This Stuff?

    I've got some dirty "stringy" looking stuff floating on the top of the tank water. Can anyone help me with what it might be? Thanks for any information.
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  25. Trev_Miester

    Post Your Favorite Fish Picture!

      That blue fin is awesome! If I ever get a new tank or need a new fish, I want an electric blue JD cause of that color.   Haha the joys of photography. One out of a hundred pictures is good :) thanks for the comment on the picture, he helps me out sometimes.
  26. Trev_Miester

    My Fish Journal.

    Haha oh jeez! Sounds like fun though. How big is that tank by the way?
  27. Trev_Miester

    Post Your Favorite Fish Picture!

    Thanks! Keep all of your shots coming. Always awesome to look at
  28. Trev_Miester

    Trev's Freshwater Story

    He's pretty aggressive. Bangs his face on the glass anytime I walk in the room. Bites the vacuum when I clean his tank. Usually he'll get tired and hide in his cave though. He's not bad during feeding. Just tried to grab everything out of my hands haha if you put your hand near his cave when he...
  29. Trev_Miester

    Post Your Favorite Fish Picture!

    Awesome feeding shot! So much color :)   "My Cave!"  
  30. Trev_Miester

    My Fish Journal.

    Dang, those piranha really take chunks out of stuff.   Sorry to hear about the little guy. Hope he heals up quickly.
  31. Trev_Miester

    Trev's Freshwater Story

    Are you eyein' me?!?!   Cave Angry
  32. Trev_Miester

    Trev's Freshwater Story

       Thank you, Ellie! Lol he really didn't. I think he was a little mad cause of how how long I took to clean up this time.
  33. Trev_Miester

    Trev's Freshwater Story

    Thank you very much! Cleaned up and moved things around tonight. Not sure how I feel about it though. Just wanted to break the tank up a little bit. Some details and hootie vs hootie
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  36. Trev_Miester

    Trev's Freshwater Story

    Little guy growing. His fins have grown back in
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  38. Trev_Miester

    Trev's Freshwater Story

    Thank you again!
  39. Trev_Miester

    My Fish Journal.

    Awesome cave shot