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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. E

    Hitchhiker On Plants

    I was convinced he would be dead when I got home tonight considering he was in about 3/4 of an inch of water in that bag of plants, and then our power went out last night for about 7 hours so he was in a cold, unfiltered quarantine tank. Lots of stress! But I guess 1 fish in a 10 gallon tank...
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    Hitchhiker On Plants

    So from what I'm reading, eupterus is better off being the only of his species in a tank but nigriventris likes to be in groups. Anyone have a good way to tell the difference? I haven't seen him swimming upside-down, but he's very small and could be really young still. He's about the size of one...
  3. E

    Hitchhiker On Plants

    Found this little guy in the bottom of a bag of java ferns I had just bought. Freaked me out!!   Is this a synodontis eupterus? Or some kind of other synodontis?   I would not like to take it back to the store where I got him because they take abysmal care of their fish. I only ever go there for...
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    50 Gallon

    I've always wanted to see an entire tank full of rummynose tetras. Like a TON of them. Imagine like 40 rummynose tetras all schooling around. It would be a sight to see. I have 15 in my 120 gallon, and I'm planning on getting at least 5 more. They are so cool.
  5. E

    3D Background

    You could make one! Styrofoam and Drylok paint!
  6. E

    Dr. Tims Waste Away And Bettas?

    I've been using Waste-Away in all my tanks for several months - I have from 120 gallons down to 8 gallons. I use it with every water change, and I have noticed an actual visual difference in my tanks. I wish I had thought to take before and after pictures, but the stuff is good in my opinion.
  7. E

    Suggestions For My Fish Tank

    The true dwarf mexican crayfish *usually* do perfectly fine with fish.
  8. E

    New Fluval View+Fish Sucked Into The Intake=Sad 10 Year Old

    I had this tank with a male betta, and I put a Fluval sponge behind the filter intake grate, and he never had trouble being sucked against it. That way it did its job and I didn't have an ugly great chunk of sponge hanging out in the middle of my tank. Just cut it to fit and slip it up in there.
  9. E

    Turning Three Tanks Into One?

    Petco is having the $1 per gallon sale right now.
  10. E

    My Fts Of My New 10 Gallon...

    Pretty fish!   Those thermometers drive me crazy! They're always losing suction and end up floating smack in the middle of things. I just ordered a 12 pack of digital ones on ebay though woo woo!
  11. E

    My Fish Do Not Poop

    Does anyone else have a particular tank that just doesn't seem to accumulate waste?   I have several tanks. My 20 gallon long is probably the poopiest. I have a honey gourami, guppies, and pygmy cories (not overstocked), and I siphon up about 400 pounds of poop each week. I'm sure I'm not...
  12. E

    Um, What Is This?!?

    Is it just like kind of stringy white clumpy stuff? If so, it's just protein/oil residue buildup (from food mainly) from the water's surface that is collecting on the "sharp" edges of the leaf. It's fairly common in betta tanks because there is often less surface agitation to break up and filter...
  13. E

    Filter Gph

    So I won a 120 gallon aquarium in a raffle, and I'm combining my 25 gallon community with my 55 gallon community into this tank, plus increasing the size of a couple of my existing schools. The fish are all compatible - all just regular, peaceful community fish. The tank will be well-planted...
  14. E

    New To Cichlids - German Blue Rams

    Hi folks -   I'm not new to fishkeeping, but I'm new to cichlids. I have brought home a beautiful pair of German blue rams for my 25 gallon tank. They have settled in nicely and are eating well so far. My fish store guy bred them, so I know their history. They're about 5 months old, and they...
  15. E

    Yet Another "stock My Tank" Post

    Thanks so much for the suggestions.   Yes, my water is slightly soft and hovers around a neutral pH, ranging to 7.2 at most usually, and I keep this tank at 76 degrees. My "good" fish store is about an hour away, so I have been waiting for them to get in some more of the kubotai rasboras, and I...
  16. E

    Yet Another "stock My Tank" Post

    Wanted to add a picture! The Accent is really a sharp looking tank. I would never have paid full price for it, but under $50 even without a light it was a good deal. I do need to upgrade the light though. Thats the homemade T8 I had on the 20 long, which was doing great for the plants, but this...
  17. E

    Yet Another "stock My Tank" Post

    I just found a Fluval Accent on clearance at Petco for $47! It was missing the LED light, but I wouldn't have used the stock light anyway. So I switched out my 20 long for the 25g Fluval Accent.   I need some more fish! The 20 long was looking really sparse as it was because I was waiting for my...
  18. E

    Filter Off For 4-5 Hours

    Thanks everyone! I was totally paranoid all night. Tested the water this morning even though I knew it would be okay. Sometimes emotion overrides logic, lol. All is fine. 
  19. E

    Filter Off For 4-5 Hours

    I know in my rational mind that it's fine and the filter being off for only 4-5 hours hasn't killed many, if any, bacteria. Can anyone reassure me though?   I did my weekly water change and forgot to plug the heater and filter back in. Then left and was gone for about 4 1/2-5 hours. I did notice...
  20. E

    How To De-Chlorinate Water

    Chloramines are often found in the water supply when ammonia is added in conjunction to chlorine to disinfect the water. The combination of ammonia + chlorine = chloramine. It is very common in the U.S., and I know it is used in some places in the UK. You would have to look up your local water...
  21. E

    Sick Betta

    Pictures would help a great deal if you have them.
  22. E

    3D Backgrounds

    You can make one out of styrofoam and drylok masonry paint!   Here's a link to the one I made.
  23. E


    I just wanted to add that most pellet food manufacturers advise to NOT pre-soak the pellets, as it leaches out some of the nutrients.
  24. E

    One Out Of 43 Fish Gasping At Surface, Intermittently

    Yeah I know. I have bettas too. I had just never seen any of them do that before. I guess because there isn't much surface disturbance in any of my betta tanks, it's obvious when they're making a bubble nest because, you know, they actually make bubbles. I guess the one male gourami wasnt old...
  25. E

    One Out Of 43 Fish Gasping At Surface, Intermittently

    Oooh I never thought of that! I am a total alarmist, so I always assume the fish are dying whenever they even look at me funny. That makes total sense though - thank you. My little guy is growing up lol!
  26. E

    One Out Of 43 Fish Gasping At Surface, Intermittently

    Hello,   One of my gouramis keeps going up to the surface and doing what looks like gasping over and over for air. I have never seen him do this before. I just did my usual weekly water change a couple of hours ago. None of the other fish appear to be having any problems. The tank is long...
  27. E

    Fluval Spec V

    I have two Spec Vs. Neither of them are divided, but I know of people who have them divided. Those who have them divided extended the filter outflow tube so that it goes through the divider into the farther compartment. All you need is a piece of rubber or vinyl tubing of the same diameter as...
  28. E

    Bettas Succumb In Larger Quarters?

    A 75-80% water change twice a week is not enough for a 1/2 gallon jar. They could very well have had a lot of ill effects from the toxins in their water, and the stress of moving to a new tank took its toll. It's unlikely the bacterial additive could have caused any harm. I assume you are using...
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    Ugh, I was using the imprecise word "splotch" in my googling. How dumb. Thanks very much!
  30. E


    It looks exactly like that. How the crap did you get such a good picture?? Lol. 
  31. E


    The more I stare at them, the more I don't think it's velvet either. It was just the first thing my mind went to when I saw the goldish color on it. They are behaving 100% normally as well. I just can't get a good pic. I tried to net one of them, but it was an exercise in futility.   This is the...
  32. E


    Hi all - I am trying to get a good picture, but my camera phone can't capture enough detail. I'm going to dig out the "good" camera if I can find it. But I thought I'd post here in the meantime. A couple of my rummynose tetras have kind of yellowish/greenish/greyish splotches on the tops of...
  33. E

    Removing Fish During Rescape

    So I went out and bought a 35 gallon container, got it all set up with treated water and a heater and airstone. I pulled all the plants out with the fish still in the tank while draining it to about the 40% point. There was a bunch of debris and dead leaf bits, but it wasn't as much mess as I...
  34. E

    New To Planted Tanks Help !

    When it comes to fluorescent lighting, you really can't use watts per gallon the same way you can with incandescent lighting. Fluorescent lighting (and LED) is made specifically to put out the same amount of light for less wattage than the incandescent equivalent. You really use PAR and light...
  35. E

    Something Has Been Killing My Bettas

    If your nitrites are .5 ppm, that could be what is killing your fish. Nitrites are just as toxic as ammonia, and the reading should be 0. And if your nitrites are up, that means your ammonia was also up, as one leads to the other. If you're getting a noticeable NO2 reading, then your tank isn't...
  36. E

    55W Heater Not Accurate

    It's pretty common for a heater to not keep the exact temperature you set it for. Mine are usually a few degrees off in either direction except for my one inline heater. I think it will be fine. There's no more chance of it going rogue and overheating than any other heater just because the...
  37. E

    I want to see pics of your veiltail or crowntail bettas.

    This is Roland. It's not the best picture for his color, but you can see his tail well. I don't have any pics right now of my 2 other VTs Rogue and Jetta. I also have a crowntail, a plakat double tail, and an unknown quantity of a 6-7 week old baby.
  38. E

    55W Heater Not Accurate

    How large is the tank and what is the ambient temperature of the room? A 55W heater should be fine for most tanks 50-75 L and below unless your house is super cold. What kind of heater is it? Sometimes they need to be calibrated. What happens if you set the heater at a higher temperature?
  39. E

    Removing Fish During Rescape

    So far I have just been cutting the stem plants halfway down and planting the tops in other tanks, but I'm completely out of room for plants in all 6 tanks now. I was dead set on doing this with the fish in the tank originally, but it's going to be really extensive and I feel like it would...
  40. E

    Removing Fish During Rescape

    So I need to do a complete rescape of my tank. I don't have the time to do it piecemeal. My ludwigia and wisteria have just taken over and are not allowing the swords to get enough light. Even with regular trimming, so I'm going to move them to opposite sides of the tank. This is going to...