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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. satrop

    How Long Does Yours Last?

    I was using 2 2Ltr plastic soda bottles. The unit was air tight. Each bottle has 2cups sugar to 1tsp - 1.5tsp of yeast. The bottles were place in there own water bath with its own heater kept at 70ºf and the bpm was set to around 30 and the drop checker was always in the green.   The reason for...
  2. satrop

    How Long Does Yours Last?

    Yeah, my DIY would last two weeks, but that will get expensive.
  3. satrop

    How Long Does Yours Last?

    So, I thought I'd try my hand at a the non DIY route for adding CO2. Just added a 20g CO2 cylinder and it lasted three days being only for only 10 hours each day. That can't be right? Or is it? If it is... forget this route!!
  4. satrop

    Snails, Snails, Snnnails!

    Hi all, looks like the snails have been getting "buzz-ay" and the baby explosion has happened.    Does anyone have a suggestion for a swift death for these blighters? I would prefer a natural method, like a fish, shrimp or something to eat them that won't get to big (only have a 10Gal). I just...
  5. satrop

    Co2 Drop Checker - Bromthymol Blue?

    Thanks for the help! Really helped me understand completely whats doing on. Ran down to the store and fetched some pH tester fluid, dropped that in with the 4 kdH solution and all is great.   I did just tweak my DIY CO2 kit a little. Added another generation bottle with a bleed off valve as to...
  6. satrop

    Co2 Drop Checker - Bromthymol Blue?

    Hi all! So I am adding a CO2 drop checker to my tank. I'm pricing out the CO2 indication solution and if I'm right in thinking the CO2 indicator solutions other name is Bromthymol blue (the only ingredient in CO2 indicator solution)? Is the correct? Because if it is I can save a lot of money...
  7. satrop

    Where To Get My Rock On?

    I do have them in the tank now heres some pics.   [sharedmedia=core:attachments:72601] [sharedmedia=core:attachments:72604]  
  8. satrop

    Some New Rocks And A Change Of Layout.

    Just thought I'd share this small transformation with you all.   This was my 10Gal for the last few months.    [sharedmedia=core:attachments:72352]   Nothing wrong with it just wasn't to keen on the river rocks. So I collect some new rocks and tweaked the look today. Not enough plants I know put...
  9. 10GalFromSide.jpg


  10. satrop

    Fresh Lick Of Paint.

    A few hours later and...
  11. 10GalFromFront.jpg


  12. satrop

    Fresh Lick Of Paint.

    The tank is drained and is being tweaked as we speak...    
  13. SubstraiteMove.jpg


  14. satrop

    Fresh Lick Of Paint.

    That is a bubble counter for the DIY CO2 kit I'm running.
  15. satrop

    Fresh Lick Of Paint.

    So I've decided to skip getting a bigger tank for a bit and stick with the 10Gal. But I feel it needs a fresh face.   This is the 10Gal as it looks today:   [sharedmedia=core:attachments:72352]   And I just got some very nice "graphical" rocks to add to the tank. I've had them soaking in the...
  16. satrop

    Where To Get My Rock On?

    Well, I have my new rocks. Giving them a nice soak right now. Here is the most boring photo you might see today. Tee hee!        
  17. Rocks.jpg


  18. satrop

    Introduction Of Diy Co2 Kit

    Thank you for all that info!   I must be doing something wright? There is no sign of this infamous Black Beard character! Yet. but I shall keep an eye out for him. As for the DIY CO2 unit. I do have a bubble counter and as you stated the production does dip a little in the colder times of the...
  19. satrop

    Where To Get My Rock On?

    YES, and I didn't even think to look! Thank you for pointing out something that should have be very obvious. Off to HomeDepot I go! Saying that I have seen some REALLY nice rocks in a garden just round the corner. I'll have to ask where they got them from or if they have any spare.   Again...
  20. satrop

    Go Bigger Or Go More?

    Nice to have other peoples perspective on this.   Didn't even think about the gradual build up of things. Being of the generation that always needs something yesterday but ever trying to re-educatate myself the importance of "slowly slowly".   Thank you for pointing out what should have be very...
  21. satrop

    Go Bigger Or Go More?

    So I was cleaning my 10Gal tank the other day, annnnnd, I dropped it. Belgium bummer! The plan was to take this and make it a nano tank for shrimp. So that idea was canned. Now here comes the next game plan that I need help with.   If you had $150/$200 to spare and the option of upgrading to a...
  22. satrop

    Good Place To Buy Plants Online

    Thanks everyone! Some great sites to look at. Really appreciate all your advice :)
  23. satrop

    Where To Get My Rock On?

    Awesome! I have just sent off a few questions to the site you (Ninjouzata) sent me, thanks for that. Really like the rocks they had to offer.
  24. satrop

    Filter Needed?

    Thanks for the great advice all!   LOVE the sound of trying a DIY filter! But the cost of buying a simple sponge filter is a good option to. Love the look of the red cherry shrimp. In another post I asked what would be a good light for low level light needing plants and some one suggested an 8...
  25. satrop

    Filter Needed?

    In another post I mentioned that I have a spare 2Gal tank that I was thinking about turing into a planted shrimp nano tank. Would I need a filter or would a weekly 10% and a bi-weekly 25% water change be okay?
  26. satrop

    Where To Get My Rock On?

    10! Thats it! I'm moving.
  27. satrop

    Good Place To Buy Plants Online

    Was wondering if anyone (State side) could suggest a site which they've used and trusted to buy plants from. The supply at PetCo is... limited.
  28. satrop

    2Gal Lighting Question.

    I have a spare 2Gal tank that I was using for bata Bob. He's now living happily in a 10Gal now with some friends. Any way. I was after some pointers on lighting for it.   I was going to try for some low to med light needs plants, heater, CO2 kit and a filter and some really really tiny fish or...
  29. satrop

    Introduction Of Diy Co2 Kit

    I have not. I was interested in the DIY CO2 kit because, I like to get hands on and build things, I'm a web designer by trade, so actually being able to get my hands "dirty" so times is nice. And I like the look of bubbles in the background coming up from between the plants.
  30. satrop

    Where To Get My Rock On?

    LOL, I wish I had a local fish store. I live in a very, VERY small town. My "local fish store" is a PetCo, no offense to PetCo but fish is not the bag. Next "best" thing. Walmart -_-. I think my closest fish store is 1/2 hour drive away.    Trip the stream it is then.
  31. satrop

    Introduction Of Diy Co2 Kit

    Day three with the DIY CO2 kit and all is still going well. I decided to make another batch of sugar, yeast water because of the experimentation that I was doing over the weekend I lost a lot of the gas to the air. Also my sugar to water to yeast ratio was off so my CO2 production was very low...
  32. satrop

    Where To Get My Rock On?

    I was wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of a good and trusted site that I could get some good rocks from. Looking for a site over here in Merica!   Thanks in advance.
  33. satrop

    Introduction Of Diy Co2 Kit

    Is there no danger of "over stuffing" the tank with CO2? After all the plants are "sleeping" and not turing the CO2 to O2. I suppose I could instal a drop checker... *Heads to Amazon to purchase one. 
  34. satrop

    Woo! Another N00B!

    Thanks for the welcome everyone. :)
  35. satrop

    Introduction Of Diy Co2 Kit

    Not really looked to much at the CO2 ladder, but for right now the set up that I have is working fine and absorption is happing because of the pearling. But, as you said, your getting 100% absorption. So its got to be worth a look especially as they are relatively inexpensive. I do have a...
  36. satrop

    Introduction Of Diy Co2 Kit

    I will be sure to post updates on the progress of the plants. And when I make my next DIY CO2 kit I'lll make a how to guide and recipe to help others.
  37. satrop

    Introduction Of Diy Co2 Kit

    Thank you very much! This is just my fist attempt at making a CO2 system. I'm going to making it look better (not so ghetto-fablous) in the next iteration. Right now the CO2 generator is a green plastic bottle. Not the most visually appealing of things. The bubble counter looks kinda cool but I...
  38. satrop

    Introduction Of Diy Co2 Kit

    Hi all! Second post on the forum and I'd like to share some of my trails and tribulations with my DIY CO2 kit that I have just added to my 10Gal planted tank.   I want to go down the DIY route for 2 reason the main, I didn't fancy partying with that much cash and the other reason, just to see if...
  39. 10GalPlantedDiffuser.jpg


  40. 10GalPlanted.jpg

