Search results

  1. Jeremy180

    Sad news, one of the oldest aquarium websites, online since 1997. has recently died

    Age Of Aquariums former home page. snapshot:
  2. Jeremy180

    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    As a rough example, the saltwater livestock tends to cost ten or more times as much as a rough equivalent freshwater fish, sometimes it goes crazy high, don’t remember seeing any four digit prices, but definitely saw more than a few fish about hand sized or less over 500.00 US. EACH. Then you...
  3. Jeremy180

    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    Sorry about the job comment, was not intended to start anything along that line, maybe I should have said “being stuck in a job you hate” as an example.
  4. Jeremy180

    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    Regarding the prisoner analogy: Provided I had a choice in the matter I would much prefer house arrest over a 6’x6’ cell. Wild caught fish are another thing altogether, but the overwhelming majority of fish in pet stores/ online dealers are destined for a life of captivity anyway, that ship has...
  5. Jeremy180

    I don't like the new look

    Thanks, was just wondering whether to bother downloading it again, honestly. Haven't familiarized myself with many of the new features, but the site does look better to me.
  6. Jeremy180

    I don't like the new look

    Was wondering if the added functionality of the site made it display correctly on tapatalk now? I tried downloading it just for use here a while ago, but I immediately deleted it and went back to the browser view, tapatalk rendered it nearly incomprehensible.
  7. Jeremy180

    Angel's laid eggs in community tank

    Just wanted to point out that unless your tank is 180+ gallons, you will have a severe crowding problem in your as your fish grow. Especially the clown loaches, which usually top a foot long, and have been known to reach 16 inches in the wild.
  8. Jeremy180

    Sir David Attenborough on the history of the Siamese Fighting Fish

    Saw an aging study that referred to 40 months as "extreme old age" in male Bettas. Granted, it was an old study, I think sixties or seventies, which was the time of "old water" (IE: water changes just north of never) Fishkeeping, If I'm not mistaken. For comparison purposes, while the max...
  9. Jeremy180

    Angels and other dieing

    Recommend several water changes asap, you want around 20 ppm for long-term health, studies have shown that many fish are killed within 48 hours in 200ppm. General hardness of 180 ppm is likely the reason for the rainbow hanging on still. While farm raised angels may tolerate water this hard...
  10. Jeremy180

    Help! Not sure if my Guppy has a Fungal infection or not

    Hello, Welcome to the forums . Very sorry for your loss. From what I know there are probably one of two reasons the guppies got sick and the zebra danios did not. #1 your water may be too soft Guppies need hard water to do well, often the most symptom of incorrect water chemistry in hard...
  11. Jeremy180

    Agreed. At minimum any fish that gets too big for the largest tank a store sells should be...

    Agreed. At minimum any fish that gets too big for the largest tank a store sells should be special order only.
  12. Jeremy180

    White string coming from a new platy's "butt"

    Was it gasping in the morning, and improved later in the day? Asking because issues related to ability to use oxygen, including low dissolved oxygen, high ammonia or nitrite, and gill parasites often at their worst in the morning., when oxygen content is generally at it's lowest. EDIT...
  13. Jeremy180

    Does an air stone make a difference?

    Since studies on ornamental aquariums are a bit sparse, I have been reading papers on recirculating aquaculture without hydroponics, specifically recirculating tank aquaculture. This s a type of commercial fish farm very similar to what many people have in their aquariums, but on a much...
  14. Jeremy180

    Hello, I want to check if my tank is compatible for oscar

    Those Oscars will be very happy, I am sure. Wish I could afford the money and space for a tank this size. From what I have heard about oscar behavior, they tend to be less territorial than other cichlids, at least when their ultimate large size is considered, with the main issues being either...
  15. Jeremy180

    125 Gallon Stocking Opinion

    Wow, 8.0 ammonia from the tap!? Have there been any public notices to not drink the water? Unless have misunderstood their meaning of the word geogenic, then according to the information on the section titled "water" on page 7 of this document by the world health organization...
  16. Jeremy180

    125 Gallon Stocking Opinion

    Wow.... Pretty sure these fish will already be too many when they hit full size, definitely do not recommend adding more. I would also call the Cardinals borderline for being too small to be completely safe with full size angelfish and Pictus, although Pictus are pretty peaceful to anything...
  17. Jeremy180

    AngelFish Question

    Doh, just realized that I somehow misread and assumed that Hamsnacks was keeping neons instead of Cardinals, guess that's what I get for replying at 2:00 am! :# OH well, despite that, I still stand by everything else I said in my previous post.
  18. Jeremy180

    Hey y'all

    Hello, Navy Chief, and welcome to the Forums. I am honestly wondering if one of the administration at fish Lore had a bit of a militant streak...
  19. Jeremy180

    DIY Stand for 75/90 Gallon Tanks

    This is off topic, but worth mentioning to avoid anyone reading the above and thinking it is a good permanent arrangement. While two babies are OK for a 75 gallon, a good rule of thumb I think for full grown oscars is 75 gallons minimum, and an additional 50 for each additional one, although...
  20. Jeremy180

    DIY Stand for 75/90 Gallon Tanks

    I looked inside the frame of a 125 gallon, at the lfs, was shocked to see one only, even in a stand that big. Didn't even see a 1x4.
  21. Jeremy180

    DIY Stand for 75/90 Gallon Tanks

    Honestly, I don't know how they avoid a lawsuit with a design like that....
  22. Jeremy180

    DIY Stand for 75/90 Gallon Tanks

    do not want to be seen as rude, but I must point out an issue of concern with this stand for me. With no support under that top 2x4, all the weight of those tanks is hanging on the screws alone. Glass tanks with gravel and water in them weigh about 11-12 pounds per gallon, so you have about 800...
  23. Jeremy180


    I heard one method of making a hiding place for goldfish of the pond bottom is sturdy enough is cinder blocks in pairs in the bottom on the deepest part and some marginal on top to make it hard for herons to use them as a perch, with another pair or few on top and crisscrossing for stability...
  24. Jeremy180

    AngelFish Question

    Aside from the imminent danger of being eaten by the angelfish, there is practically no overlap in the temperature range, with neons preferring it under 79°F, and Angelfish needing it over 78°F, preferably over 80°F Angelfish usually get anywhere from 4 to 6 inches, depending a lot on age and...
  25. Jeremy180

    Betta Not Doing Well

    If you do use clove oil, mix a dose vigorously in warm water first before using it, it does not mix easily with water straight from the bottle, and check to make sure it isn't mixed in alcohol, like it sometimes is. Don't think I have to explain why breathing alcohol is not a pleasant way to go...
  26. Jeremy180

    Hello, and welcome to the forums! I am sorry I didn't see your post sooner, I don't often check...

    Hello, and welcome to the forums! I am sorry I didn't see your post sooner, I don't often check new profile posts. How is morty doing?
  27. Jeremy180

    WARNING to anybody relying on strips to test their water

    Lol, XD On topic, in the interest of accuracy, (and because I am a huge nerd, lol) I did an actual count of the reviews under 4 stars that mentioned significantly inaccurate test results for api liquid test kit, and there were 49, out of a total of 3,323 reviews, which is about 1.47% Rounding...
  28. Jeremy180

    WARNING to anybody relying on strips to test their water

    Well, since it seems I unfairly singled Out Tetra, I Have edited the title and original post to a warning about test strips in general. Nearest guess, the strips get between 15 and 20% complaints of inaccuracy, spread out fairly evenly between the two top brands and a third brand that got about...
  29. Jeremy180

    WARNING to anybody relying on strips to test their water

    I Just checked the api 5 in 1 test strips, according to the reviews, this seems to be the case, there seem to be about the same number of complaints of inaccuracy with them. Maybe a bit less, but not significantly so at all. Meanwhile, Only about a third as many negative reviews on the Api...
  30. Jeremy180

    Hello, I want to check if my tank is compatible for oscar

    Actually seriously fish gives 35 centimeters as the maximum in captivity, and I am assuming this is not guiness world record maximum, either, with exceptional individuals being possibly an inch or two bigger, considering the igfa record was a bit over 18", or nearly half a meter. While this...
  31. Jeremy180


    Welcome to the forum, Paprikakitty, very sorry to hear about your goldfish.
  32. Jeremy180

    Too warm for Panda corydoras?

    Okay Thank you very much! Little ister will be disappointed to hear about the incompatibility with the guppies, But I think she would be much more disappointed if we had gotten them and, in the best case scenario, constantly struggled to keep them alive. :thanks:
  33. Jeremy180

    Hello, I want to check if my tank is compatible for oscar

    Oops, did not register with me at first with the height being under a foot after gravel, etc, I am used to Imperial units. Judging by the way my tank ended up, if it is a framed tank then the uncovered glass between the top and bottom frame will be much closer to the actual depth useable by the...
  34. Jeremy180

    Hello, I want to check if my tank is compatible for oscar

    One Oscar would be doable, I would think . And unless I am mistaken Byron answered that a single Oscar would work, or a mated (no blind dates, lol!) pair.
  35. Jeremy180

    Too warm for Panda corydoras?

    OK, pandas sound like a go to me. Sister will not be happy to hear about the guppies, though. Perhaps you can take a look at the report? Some of the numbers given are a bit over my head, I'm afraid. Maybe you can get more from the information given than I did. (PDF document)...
  36. Jeremy180

    Hello, I want to check if my tank is compatible for oscar

    The single biggest strike against this setup if it were my tank would be the water change schedule needed to keep the nitrate below the recommended minimum of 20ppm Personally, if it were my tank, I would keep nitrate below the epa maximum of 10 ppm for drinking water. I figure if it's not fit...
  37. Jeremy180

    Too warm for Panda corydoras?

    Don't have a general hardness test kit, but I checked my supplier's water report quality and putting thier highest detected ppm of calcium and magnesium in the calculator here, Gave me 42.5 ppm of hardness as CaCo3, or 2.35 degrees German Hardness...
  38. Jeremy180

    Question about fish in cycle

    API's tests are a good balance between price and quality, in my experience. :)
  39. Jeremy180

    Question about fish in cycle

    Agree with Colin on the ammonia lock recommendation, by the way. Just don't let it lull you into a false sense of security. True, it converts unionized ammonia into ionized ammonia, but this is only temporary, wearing off in day or two. It is still harmful, and better defined as "less toxic"...
  40. Jeremy180

    Question about fish in cycle

    I am seeing almost all of the negative reviews of this product being expiring before the use by date, huge numbers of reviews stating that they are fairly good (usually qualifying it as "good for the money") when they work, but also have frequent reports of a lot of bad batches, especially recently.