Search results

  1. Be4st

    Cuv-118 Sterilizer And Aquamanta Efx 1000 Issue

    I had a glance over the link you posted and it has many good points however, half of it goes straight over my head and I am having trouble understanding some of it.   The UV unit I have is for a much larger tank but I am hoping I can still use it. I am stuck on what pump I would need to buy to...
  2. Be4st

    Cuv-118 Sterilizer And Aquamanta Efx 1000 Issue

    Hey guys   Got me a bit of an issue and my half asleep brain cannot figure it out. Recently, I purchased an APS CUV-118 UV Sterilizer ready for when my new tank gets set up (when I can be bothered to finish building the cabinet) but after opening its packaging, I noticed an issue. The...
  3. Be4st

    Tank Leaking

    No. I already asked everyone I know that owns fish. I'm in the position where I either leave the leak alone and hope I can finish the cabinet and cycle the 160L in time or I transfer them into the smaller tank and wait for the silicone to be delivered. I can't think of anything else but that.
  4. Be4st

    Tank Leaking

    BNIB = Brand New in Box  
  5. Be4st

    Tank Leaking

    So... I was just doing a regular water change and noticed that my tank has sprung a leak. I do not know when it happened or where it is but I have a feeling its along the bottom somewhere. I have noticed water around the bottom before but thought it was to do with spillage during changes but...
  6. Be4st

    Golden Nugget Died. Could My Platy Have Killed Him?

    Ah ok. Cheers for the reply. I did do a little research before I purchased it but none of the pages said that anywhere. I'l remember that for next time. Does that apply to all Pleco's or just the GN's?
  7. Be4st

    Golden Nugget Died. Could My Platy Have Killed Him?

    About 2 weeks ago, I went and bought a Golden Nugget Pleco from the LFS. all seemed well up until yesterday when I could no longer find him. I figured he was being his usual elusive self so didn't think much about it. Earlier today, my girlfriend said she could see him under one of the hiding...
  8. Be4st

    My Latest Addition Turned Out To Be Addition(S)

    Thank you for your reply. After using some Goole-Fu, I have realised that my Sunset Platy is now a male, so that explains where this fry came from. I never looked up on how to sex fish as I got these from the 'female' tank at the LFS.   I was going to put the female Platy in the breeder box but...
  9. Be4st

    My Latest Addition Turned Out To Be Addition(S)

    So... I decided to get me a Golden Nugget Pleco today at the LFS after seeing how gorgeous they are. He is roughly an inch and a half in size at the moment but by the time he has grown, I should have finished my 260L cabinet and tank and will be moved there.   Upon putting him in the tank, I...
  10. Be4st

    Is He Veil-Tail Or.....?

    I would say yes but I am no Betta expert. He looks like mine minus the colours. Got yourself a gorgeous fish there :)
  11. Be4st

    Fish For A Cycling Tank

    I am in the middle of a 'Fish-in' cycle now and take it from me, I wish I had known about the 'Fish-less' cycle before I populated my fish tank. Fish-less cycling can take a few weeks normally and your tank is ready for fish. You spend a small amount of money on ammonia and de-chlorinator. When...
  12. Be4st

    Rescued Betta

    Thanks for replying. I will get him some pellets. I'm not sure if the local pet store would have them but I'll look. If pellets are not available, what else can I get him? My local pet store doesn't have the widest range of stuff and the nearest Pets@Home to me is about 40 miles. It would be...
  13. Be4st

    Rescued Betta

    I had to rescue a Betta yesterday. He was used as a table centre piece at a wedding and a buddy bought him home to stick in his Goldfish tank. I managed to scream NO at him before it was subjected to freezing temperatures and died. He gave it to me as he has no heater or spare tank to home him...
  14. Be4st

    How Do I Check A Water Heater Still Works?

    Heater is dead. Used a 5 AMP fuse seeing as my current heater has one. Turned it on and no light or tick from the thing.
  15. Be4st

    How Do I Check A Water Heater Still Works?

    Thanks dude. I'l give it a check later. Hopefully I'l be back to report on its status... lol
  16. Be4st

    Just For Fun - What's The Biggest Whopper A Lfs Has Told You?

    This happened to me the other day.   Me: Why are there plastic fish bags filled with water in your tanks (no fish in them and top sticking out of hood) LFS: Its water change time. I fill them with tap water. Me: Oh... Why is there no dechlorinator in it? LFS: You don't need dechlorinator. Just...
  17. Be4st

    How Do I Check A Water Heater Still Works?

    I know the quick way would be to plug it in and stick it in a bucket but I like my hair today. Are there any tell tale signs that the heater is broken short of dunking it in a bucket? (second hand and bought at a car-boot sale). It looks visually OK. Its just missing a plug so I have to find one...
  18. Be4st

    Too Many Issues To Have An Accurate Topic Title

    Thanks for the info guys. I wish I had read this 45 minutes earlier. I tested the water this morning and got a 0.25 reading but 45 mins ago when I tested, it was around 1.0 so I quickly did a 60% water change to bring it back down. I was worried about the fish getting stressed with that amount...
  19. Be4st

    Too Many Issues To Have An Accurate Topic Title

    Its not faulty. MY LFS know as much as a 2 year old when it comes to fish cycles... lol. I have used a slightly out of date Master Test Kit, 2 in-date API Master Test Kits (one belongs to a local fish keeper) and API 5 in 1 Test Strips and it always comes back the same
  20. Be4st

    Too Many Issues To Have An Accurate Topic Title

    So... An update to my cycling so far. I have continued to do daily water changes of 30%. I am aiming to keep my ammonia at 0.25 or below but the past few days, the ammonia count has been slowing down so I have been doing 30% every 2 days.   I have tested the water every 12 hours since I last put...
  21. Be4st

    New Tank Coming, What Should I Do?

    Hi all. Within the next month or two, I will be getting me a 260L tank (40x24x18) and I'm kinda stuck on what to stock it with and what equipment to get for it. (Have to build the cabinet and get all new equipment). I need a bit of help deciding what I need and feel free to chuck some things in...
  22. Be4st

    Fell In Love With A Betta

    I could clean out the old tank that's in the corner for him but my partner will go crazy as she wants it for what she calls a 'Googley-Eyed Goldfish' lol. I think the Betta sheet that is on this forum somewhere says Betta tanks don't need to be cycled, they just need to be 100% water changed...
  23. Be4st

    Fell In Love With A Betta

    So... I was at my LFS the other day and saw this gorgeous red-purple velvet looking male Betta and I fell in love. I really want him but I am unsure on whether I can with my current setup.   My setup currently is a 50L/11Gal tank, 3 real plants, a couple of hiding spaces, 3 female guppies (1 has...
  24. Be4st

    Water Change Advice

    You mean add it to the tank with the fish before adding the tap water? I thought that would harm the fish if there was too much de-chlorinator in the tank and adding tap water that isn't treated would kill off the bacteria. Oh, and also the temperature difference of the tap water to the tank water
  25. Be4st

    Water Change Advice

    Nice handy work there Dredgy. I would love to be able to have it set up like that. I forgot to mention in my previous post, I have to add de-chlorinator to my buckets before I put water into the tank. I'm guessing a refill system like yours or Aqueon or Python would be a no-no in that case.
  26. Be4st

    Water Change Advice

    Hi all,   This isn't your average water change question. What I'm after is slightly more technical. I am going to build me a cabinet/stand similar to the one here (strengthened a little bit due to tank size) and I plan on getting a 260L tank from here.   My question is.. Is there a water pump I...
  27. Be4st

    Fish Tank Cabinet Diy Project

    I forgot to ask earlier, on your second post (I think), you give the item list. On that list, you said you got the tank from P&H. Do you have a site for that? The only thing I can think of is Pets@Home, and I have never seen a tank of that size that cheap
  28. Be4st

    Awesome Algal Bloom

    Just saw this and thought it would be awesome if I could have something like this in my tank. I know its not normally the sort of thing that appears in this part of the forum, but for some reason, I cannot create a new 'General Discussion' thread. Thought I'd put it here seeing as it is...
  29. Be4st

    Fish Tank Cabinet Diy Project

    This is one sexy project you have made sir. I'm currently in my first year of a Carpentry course and I really wanna build this. I would like to build it before I get a tank but I'm guessing that would be a bad idea unless I can get a tank made to fit the cabinet somewhere in the UK that offers...
  30. Be4st

    Too Many Issues To Have An Accurate Topic Title

    Great, I will get some of that too if i can find it in my LFS. If not, I'l order some off the net
  31. Be4st

    Too Many Issues To Have An Accurate Topic Title

    Done the water change. Only removed about 30% water as I ran out of Tetra Aqua-Safe. Will have to get some more tomorrow. My buddy mentioned using something called Seachem instead of Tetra Aqua-Safe. It apparently lasts longer so you get more bang for your buck so to speak
  32. Be4st

    Too Many Issues To Have An Accurate Topic Title

    Ok... An update to the water quality. I had a buddy do a test for me today and the results came back as: Ammonia - 1.0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 15 PH - 7.2   I haven't changed the water since my last post. I also found a snail in my tank which I removed. 
  33. Be4st

    Too Many Issues To Have An Accurate Topic Title

    Thanks guys. I just went and did my water change, heated and treated the water before putting it back in the tank. I think my Master Test Kit may be out of date. I'l take a test tube of tank water tomorrow to the LFS and see if they can do an Ammonia Test. I doubt it though. I never even saw an...
  34. Be4st

    Too Many Issues To Have An Accurate Topic Title

    Hi all, I'm new to fish-keeping and require some advice/help. I know I have messed up but fish seem to be fine.(misunderstood fish-less cycle) They are feeding well and get very happy when they see me. Pre-warning, this post is going to be quite long as I am going to tell you how I started (from...