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  1. sharkydog

    My Betta Died And I Need Help With Why....

    Thank you everyone... I tried to do what I could to keep his tank at a steady 78 degrees but his tank was not large enough for the heater that I have. I am in the process of setting up a 10 gallon, that was going to be for him that has a filter and a heater but it's no where near ready for fish...
  2. sharkydog

    My Betta Died And I Need Help With Why....

    My betta died today... He's been having issues that I THOUGHT I had been controlling well but apparently not... He seemed to have mild fin rot about a month or two ago and I used that 'cure all' tablet you put in for five days without water change. I don't remember what it's called but it...
  3. sharkydog

    Java Moss

    I am thinking of creating a landscape-look for my tank and was wondering if java moss can grow on/in sand? I have seen that Java moss is often used to create a 'grass' type look and it seems like it doesn't need much to thrive. I've read that a few people buried their java moss partway into the...
  4. sharkydog

    Lfs Told Me Betta Would Definitely Eat White Clouds

    No there minnows, a good example of micro fish are alot of rasboras and some north american killifish, white clouds can be compared with danios in this case.   Ohhh okay. I knew that they were technically minnows although they are sometimes called tetras. But I still have a LOT to learn about...
  5. sharkydog

    Lfs Told Me Betta Would Definitely Eat White Clouds

    Really???! Aren't they basically micro fish, though?! Okay, apparently I have some total misconceptions about white clouds. I've read that they're hardy, stay very small, like the same temps as bettas, etc.
  6. sharkydog

    Lfs Told Me Betta Would Definitely Eat White Clouds

    I just had read some comments on another post I made about my LFS and honestly, feel free to ignore this post because I no longer trust my LFS... He's full of it. And (if you read my other post) that was not the first problem I had with this guy. But, if anyone has personal experiences with...
  7. sharkydog

    Dead Fish In The Tanks At The Lfs - Safe?

    To someone who had said that usually the tanks are connected at LFS... The tanks here ARE connected by those little walls with holes in them. There were actually two larger fish (I don't know what they were but they appeared to be peaceful schooling fish) in the tank with the white clouds and...
  8. sharkydog

    Lfs Told Me Betta Would Definitely Eat White Clouds

    So I decided to see what my LFS had, for potential tank mates for my male betta in a 10 gallon. They have white clouds there and I was talking to the store owner and he told me that my betta would DEFINITELY eat them, even if the tank was heavily planted... But I'm pretty sure I have also seen...
  9. sharkydog

    Dead Fish In The Tanks At The Lfs - Safe?

    Okay so this is something I have always wondered... Today I was looking at my LFS just to see what they had. I noticed that they had white clouds, and there were probably 10 throughout the bottom of the tank, dead (this was probably like a 5 gallon tank). There were another 5-7 that were dead...
  10. sharkydog

    Male Betta In 10 Gallon With Dwarf Rasboras?

    Okay! I was told on another thread that CPD would be a bad choice... But anyways, I am going to look into chilli rasboras as I do not know much about them. Oh, also I should probably point out that I am just not interested in getting Gourami's anyways at this point despite that they are...
  11. sharkydog

    Male Betta In 10 Gallon With Dwarf Rasboras?

    Okay thanks! :) I definitely have not made a final decision, and I am learning more and more about what can actually go into a 10 gal with a betta... And at the rate I have been asking questions since I joined I'll be asking 50 million more (whatever I can think of, apparently) before I decide...
  12. sharkydog

    Mystery Snail With Fuzz

    Well, I changed his water and obviously did not add the bacteria starter to it. I think that was where I went wrong, since everything was fine before that.
  13. sharkydog

    Male Betta In 10 Gallon With Dwarf Rasboras?

    Considering the tank would be heavily planted and the betta is tolerant of other fish(I am just trying to spread my options to some fish I think I would like, pygmy cory is already my 'back up' for tank mates if I don't find something I like more), could maybe 8 dwarf rasboras do well with a betta?
  14. sharkydog

    Betta, Tank Mates, A 10 Gallon Tank And More

    hmm... Okay. I am just afraid of bringing home any that have diseases.
  15. sharkydog

    Types Of Sand, Cleaning Sand, And Filters

    That's a great suggestion! Thank you! :) Even if it will be okay I will probably just keep the filter off until it settles completely.
  16. sharkydog

    Mystery Snail With Fuzz

    I just gently wiped him off with a towel and all the fuzz seems to be gone! :) Let's hope it stays that way!!
  17. sharkydog

    Mystery Snail With Fuzz

    Okay! I will definitely cut down on feeding, and continue to do daily water changes and just add water conditioner until I add him into the other tank! He probably will be out for a few more days while I continue do gradual water changes, because I DID at aquarium salt to the tank(along with the...
  18. sharkydog

    Mystery Snail With Fuzz

    So, my betta has been recovering from mild fin rot. And I didn't want my snail to be harmed by the medicine, so I put him in a .75 gallon quarantine tank that does not have a filter. This is what I have been doing, and it seemed completely fine until something (probably really stupid) that I...
  19. sharkydog

    Celestial Pearl Danio(Galaxy Rasbora) Questions

    Oh geez, I feel like a dummy. I definitely read your other message wrong and read it as "my betta was quite tolerant of the raboras" whoops! Oh well! :) I might just have to save the galaxy rasboras for my next tank.
  20. sharkydog

    Hey There!

    I am DEFINITELY planning on adding live plants to my new tank! And someone had already recommended a whole list to me (and I think they included Anubias!) and I was planning on trying to make a jungly-like mish-mash of different plants! And actually, I think that maybe you're right and I should...
  21. sharkydog

    Types Of Sand, Cleaning Sand, And Filters

    Okay!! Well, since I am a dunder muffin I may not be understanding you correctly, but it is placed inside of a plastic encasing that is the 'mold' of the filter, and it's at the bottom of it, laying horizontal. The opening of the impeller is also 'around the corner' of where water comes in, so I...
  22. sharkydog

    Celestial Pearl Danio(Galaxy Rasbora) Questions

    :D that is so awesome! That gives me some hope that maybe I could TRY to see if my Betta can coexist with them at least! I just have a good feeling based off of how he interacts with my snail(and first interacted when the mystery snail got added to his tank, even though that's obviously not a...
  23. sharkydog

    Welcome To The Jungle

    Oh my this tank is absolutely STUNNING. If you don't mind, I may use it for inspiration while decorating my own tank!!
  24. sharkydog

    Hey There!

    Thank you!!! I think so too! :D
  25. sharkydog

    Celestial Pearl Danio(Galaxy Rasbora) Questions

    Alrighty. It's just really hard to find information on them for some reason, even though they are supposedly good novice fish? Weird.. Anyways, thank you! :)
  26. sharkydog

    Types Of Sand, Cleaning Sand, And Filters

    I looked at the instructions to the filter and took it apart and fortunately I am able to get to the impeller and clean it! Yay!!! :D Thank you so much for helping me!
  27. sharkydog

    Celestial Pearl Danio(Galaxy Rasbora) Questions

    Okay, but if I didn't put them in with the betta OR got another 10 gallon... Can I have JUST female CPDs(if I got 6+)? I'd rather not deal with the males since it seems like they are aggressive little buggers. So I am just wondering if they are going to be able to thrive and be happy without any...
  28. sharkydog

    Newbie Alert! ;)

    This place has already helped me, and is continuing to help me as a novice fish owner! I have already benefited so much from this website, and I only joined last night!! You'll love it here, also everyone is SO nice!
  29. sharkydog

    Types Of Sand, Cleaning Sand, And Filters

    I don't really know much about filters... This is the type that I have: Will that be okay with 'all purpose' sand? It does hang on the side of the tank, so I'm assuming that it qualifies as the type that can be damaged by...
  30. sharkydog

    Celestial Pearl Danio(Galaxy Rasbora) Questions

    Just a quick, two part question: In a 10 gallon [heavily planted] tank, will 3 female celestial pearl danios be okay (because I've seen that the males can be aggressive), and will they be harmonious with either a single male betta(assuming that the individual betta will not harass them) or with...
  31. sharkydog

    Types Of Sand, Cleaning Sand, And Filters

    Okay so I just set up my ten gallon tank, which came with an internal power filter (the tank I bought was the petco 'grreat choice'). I read that it may be bad to use an internal filter if I have sand? Also, sand is incredibly expensive at pet stores, and was hoping that I could just buy play...
  32. sharkydog

    Betta, Tank Mates, A 10 Gallon Tank And More

    Ohh, okay. Well thank you :) I actually didn't know about that third breed of cory. And I am probably going to have to ask my local pet shop to order the fish for me. And it IS reasonable to ask them to hold the fish for two weeks to make sure they are healthy before I add them to my own tank...
  33. sharkydog

    Betta, Tank Mates, A 10 Gallon Tank And More

    To the first person - salt and pepper corys are corydoras hasbrosus. ^-^ They are also called Dwarf corys. Also, I didn't think that galaxy rasboras (also called celestial pearl danios, which may have caused confusion) are nippers and would bully the betta? From what I understand they are pretty...
  34. sharkydog

    Hey There!

    Well, my snail was blue when he was just a little thing, but now he's pretty grey with just a tiny hint of blue. Although I think he still constitutes as a 'blue' mystery snail? I dunno, but he's growing up fast either way! I love watching him! And thank you for both for the lovely comments...
  35. sharkydog

    Betta, Tank Mates, A 10 Gallon Tank And More

    I meant Couldnt not could, No cories are bottom dwellers so the bettas wouldnt mind them, and i couldnt see given the fact its a 10 gallon any 2 types of fish that could go with the betta happily.   Alright, thank you. :) And to EllieJellyEllie: I've already got a snail and my betta LOVES...
  36. sharkydog

    Hey There!

    Oh my god I love you guys! You're all the sweetest! And it's hilarious that Ch4rlie had said people would be asking for pictures, and no more than two posts later someone asked! Ha!! Anyways here are some pictures! This is my betta, although it's very strange because he appears to only be blue...
  37. sharkydog

    Betta, Tank Mates, A 10 Gallon Tank And More

    I'm sorry I am a little confused by "and no you could have both without the betta." Did you mean I couldn't or could? I think there was a typo there and you meant that I cannot have both, even without the betta, but I am just making sure. Also, aren't Rasboras fast? I've read in a few places...
  38. sharkydog

    Hey There!

    I am reading now, thanks!! :D
  39. sharkydog

    Betta, Tank Mates, A 10 Gallon Tank And More

    Wow, thank you so much! That was incredibly helpful! I am definitely going to look into ALL of those plants!! I was already planning on getting sand subsrate - I had seen somewhere that I could use 'play sand' (aka cheap sand from menards or walmart, i think?) and was wondering if that would be...
  40. sharkydog

    Betta, Tank Mates, A 10 Gallon Tank And More

    But they are all very small fish at adult size, and just to help put more perspective on it, you can see the betta in the picture right above the Easter Island head. If there were lots of plants and places for the small fish to hide, do you still think it'd be too much in that tank? :s And if...