Newbie Alert! ;)


Mostly New Member
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
Just to say hello to everybody, I'm new to the fish forum, and forums in general. Hopefully i can get the hang of this nice and quick! ;)
Welcome, this is an awesome site.
There will always be someone to help you out and advise you whatever the problem!!
 to TFF! :D
 to TFF.
Have you got a tank set up yet? If so, what size tank and set up do you have or planning to have?
Yes, we are a nosey bunch here and pics will be pretty much compulsory  
Cycled? If not read the 'Cycling a Tank' link at top of the forum page. A must for anyone really. Extremely informative.
This place has already helped me, and is continuing to help me as a novice fish owner! I have already benefited so much from this website, and I only joined last night!! You'll love it here, also everyone is SO nice!
Hi!  Yes everyone is very nice and all the forums are very informative!  I am new also....and I'm so happy I found this site....welcome!
Thanks all, I have a 75 litre tank set up, been set up and doing well for months, started having a couple of problems recently, thats how i found this forum. I think i've kind of done things the wrong way round and tried to self teach myself, been lucky so far with the tank so now i'm trying to learn what i've done right/wrong etc! I don't have a picture at the moment but i'll try and get one put up soon. Thanks for all your friendliness and advice so far x
Feel free to tell us what you think you've done, right or wrong, and we can try to help!
thanks. I've posted in a couple of other threads and I've been getting lots of useful advice already, many thanks

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