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  1. V

    Cycling Tank For 1 Betta

    Thanks fm!  I was afraid my wording would be misinterpreted.  It's very confusing when I read that it's ok to keep bettas in an unfiltered tank vs. a complex cycled tank.  I am totally in love in with bettas and take it very personally when I lose one.  When I hear newbies in the LFS misguided...
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    Cycling Tank For 1 Betta

    Thanks, I'm in the US.  I don't even know what ppm means.  
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    Cycling Tank For 1 Betta

    I read the post on fresh water cycling and thank the author for sharing this valuable inforrmation.  However, I am math-challenged and am lost when attempting to determine what categories on the chart I must fill in to get the amount of ammonia needed for my 5 gallon tank.  Can someone put this...
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    Do You Empty Tank After Fish Death?

    Hi, prairiesunflower, Yes, I meant the carbon filter that you are supposed to remove when dosing the tank.  So, what is the "media" in the filter?  The only thing I have in my little filter is a carbon cartridge.
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    Do You Empty Tank After Fish Death?

      Thanks, I'll check out the thread.  I'm confused though - if you medicated the tank after your fish passed, you have to remove the filter cartridge, correct?  Did you replace with a new filter cartridge after the meds were added?
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    Do You Empty Tank After Fish Death?

    mamashack, I had given him two rounds of erythromicin, and when that didn't work, I tried another antibiotic.  He still continued to lose fins, but act5ually lived for months.  I didn't want to medicate him again, so I kept his tank clean, and monitored ammonia, nitrates, etc.  so, the meds were...
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    Do You Empty Tank After Fish Death?

    I had one elephant ear betta who died from fin rot and over the last two days, seemed to have come down with swim bladder.   He was my only fish in a 5 gallon filtered/heated tank.  Do I need to empty the tank and start cycling all over again?  Thanks!
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    Upgraded To Tank Of Death!?

    eduller, I'm so sorry to hear about your fish!  Don't give up.  I've had fish for almost 10 years (most of the time, a single betta because I love them madly).  I had the same exact issue this past winter.  I bought a gorgeous perfect white elephant betta.  I made sure every milimeter of fin was...
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    How Many Times Can You Medicate?

    I've never seen him do that. He's been hanging up front the last few days.  He flies up for his food, he dives for his food.  He also lays on top of his silk plants.  There are some days when he hangs behind the heater too. I'm not sure how to wrap anything around the heater.  If anyone has a...
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    How Many Times Can You Medicate?

    Wildbetta, I know I took photos of him when I purchased him, however, they were on my old phone.  He had perfect finnage.  I wouldn't buy a betta who had even one split, as I have dealt with fin rot before, and didn't want to start off with problems.  It's torture to see him look like this.  He...
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    How Many Times Can You Medicate?

    Hi Wildbetta, thanks for the input.  I have a clay pot for him, two soft silk plants and a large glass ball for him.  The tank is very warm, and as a matter of fact, I put two thermometers on the outside of the tank to be sure it is properly set at 82.  It's toasty warm throughout.  I've seen...
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    How Many Times Can You Medicate?

    Right, there isn't any darkening anywhere that I can see, however, the fact that the pectoral fins are starting to show missing areas, is worrisome.
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    How Many Times Can You Medicate?

    attibones, I hope this link works!   Here's a clearer Pic:  
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    How Many Times Can You Medicate?

    attibones, thanks for the response.  I made sure all of his plants are very soft, due to his finnage.  He actually hangs behind the heater, not the filter.  There are no nitrites or nitrates. On another forum, I posted pictures, and was advised that he was a tail biter, and that I shouldn't...
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    How Many Times Can You Medicate?

    My 4 month old dumbo betta developed signficant fin shredding in the tail and anal fins.  He always had an appetite, but was hanging behind the heater much of the time. I did the recommended cycle of Triple Sulfa, and he improved, however a month later, he seemed to get worse, so I...
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    How Is This Possible?

    I recently posted a question about using at heater in a 1.5 gallon tank, and was advised that I should keep my new Elephant Ear (Dumbo) betta in a larger tank with an adjustable heater.  I purchased a 5 gallon tank, with new stones, (tossed old stone/sand from prior tank) and a new 25W...
  17. V

    Safe To Use 10W Heater In 1.5 Gallon Tank For Betta?

    No, I haven't tried ebay.  I'm confused -- is "stat" the thermostat?   I am asking about a separate heater, so I'm not sure what you mean when you say "there is the option of separate heater and can have a higher wattage heater.  can you explain?  Thanks, dave!
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    Safe To Use 10W Heater In 1.5 Gallon Tank For Betta?

    Dave, as I said, I haven't been able to find a heater that is adjustable for a small tank.  I'm earnestly trying to set up the proper environment for my future betta.  I don't want to risk a fire to ensure that my fish is warm enough, however, which is the reason I posted here - to see if it was...
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    Safe To Use 10W Heater In 1.5 Gallon Tank For Betta?

    I purchased a Marina 10W heater and want to be sure it's ok to put in a 1.5 gallon tank.  Label says it is ok for tanks up to 2.5 gallons. I also bought a Hydor slim heater that's 7.5 watts.  That label says it's for a 2 to 5 gallon tank.  I don't understand why the higher watt heater is ok for...
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    Would U Buy Ragged Or Split Fin Bettas?

    Thanks.  I always kept my bettas alone (or with bottom feeders) in a 20 gal. filtered, heated tank, with weekly water changes of about 25%.  HOwever, both of mine died I assume of fin rot.  I tried Aquarium salt, then triple sulfa or euthyrmicin (sp) meds.  They always ended up dying within a...
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    Would U Buy Ragged Or Split Fin Bettas?

    Our local LFS has some pretty HMs, which is my favorite, as well as some elephant ear boys.  The only problem is, the ones I like may have a bit of raggedness around the edge of upper or lower fins, or a small split in the tail fin.  I know how fin rot is nearly impossible to cure (at least in...
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    Will This Work?

    Thanks, how would I know if the betta hated the filter? It could be too late, I'm afraid he would get caught up in it or so stressed he'd get sick. They seem to be fine one day and so sick the next. My filter hangs over the outside of the tank. It's only a 20 gallon tank and the current...
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    Will This Work?

    Hi, I have a 20 gal tank with only a couple ghost shrimp and 3 corie catfish. I would love to add a male betta delta tail to the tank. If I lowered the filter flow and put a tank divider in, would that work to keep him from stressing due to current? I welcome any suggestions. Thanks.
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    Medicate In Small Hosp Tank

    Wilder, that is a medication that you have to feed the fish, right? I haven't had much luck with food meds. He won't eat, so how do I get him to take it? Have you ever tried Parasite Clear by Jungle? It treats internal parasites. BTW, thx for the meds post. Really really helpful!
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    Medicate In Small Hosp Tank

    I scanned through the list and found some for Protozoal and ectoparasites. Are either of those what I need? Not sure what they are.
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    Medicate In Small Hosp Tank

    Wow, thanks. Figures, all that medication and not the right one. I guess I thought that internal parasites was a bacterial infection. I'm in USA. Is that were your medication is from?
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    Medicate In Small Hosp Tank

    I'm at work, I will check when I get home. If not, I should order some of that and add to my collection. Thanks for your help.
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    Medicate In Small Hosp Tank

    Ok, I treated tank w/Maracyn, since my platy that I've had forever is developing the same symptoms. So what do you suggest? I have Triple Sulfa, Furan-2, Jungle Fungus, Maracyn 2 and Coppersafe.
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    Medicate In Small Hosp Tank

    Hi, Wilder, how are you? My 4 little betta girls started to die on me a few weeks after I added them to my tank. One seemed very healthy and died overnight, so I'm not sure if the other one killed her. The other three developed huge basketball sized stomachs, started hiding, then died. The...
  30. V

    Safe To Heat 1.5 Gal Tank?

    Thx, but I need to keep it nice and toasty warm - at least 78 for him. He's been in the that temp in the big tank for a long time and the change would be too shocking for his already weakened system.
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    Safe To Heat 1.5 Gal Tank?

    I bought a mini heater for my 1.5 gallon but am a little worried about heating it since the tank is so small and it is acrylic. It is going to serve as my hospital tank. Is it safe to heat a small acrylic tank? Thx.
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    Medicate In Small Hosp Tank

    Tank size: 20 gal pH: 7 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: kH: gH: tank temp: 78 Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): hiding, clamped, loss of fins, not eating, bloated. Suspect he picked up parasites from my recently lost betta sorority. I...
  33. V

    Tank Work After Dropsy?

    Thanks, that's very informative and helpful. I did a 40% water change prior to putting the Maracyn in the tank and I'll continue to do partial changes and check nitrates, etc.
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    Tank Work After Dropsy?

    How often do you clean a 20 gallon tank that has 10 small fish? I used to do weekly tank cleaning (gravel vac, filter cleaning, etc.) but since the water seemed pretty clean, I started doing it every 2 weeks. I believe it started when I bought my girl bettas at a LFS that is known for it's...
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    Tank Work After Dropsy?

    Thx, Wilder. As soon as I spot a dead fish, I remove him, however, don't know for sure - with work and sleeping. I have other fish that I've had for years - I decided to put Maracyn in the tank and believe it or not, the little platy actually seems to have improved. I'm hoping the little guy...
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    Tank Work After Dropsy?

    Hi, I lost all 4 of my betta girls recently. The last one was definitely a final case of dropsy. One of them was fine one day and dead the next. The other two developed huge basketball shaped bellies before dying. I had a hard time keeping them away from my other fishies' flake food and...
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    My Lost Girls

    I had a little sorority of 4 lovely girls who seemed to cohabit wonderfully. Then after a few months (20 gallon tank, 2 cories, some ghost shrimp and 3 cardinal tetras who are very peaceful), two of my girls developed loss of color and basketball looking bellies. I bought a small tank to make...
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    Cory Picked Clean Overnight?

    I am shocked -- I went over to my tank llooking for one of my 2 cories and saw what looked like his "ghost." I realized with horror it was just the clear shell of him left! He was very big and I've had him about 1 1/2 years or so. Other than a few community fish that have lived in the tank...
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    Could Someone Help Me, Petstore People Are No Help

    Do you have lighting in your tank? My 5 gallon doesn't have a lid or light, so plants don't last in there.