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  1. Jake96

    Fin Rot

    I paid $50 for my halfmoon mustard gas fighter fish and he grew very sick to the point where he had almost completely lost his finnage. Because I was new to fish keeping and didnt really know what I was doing I researched up on fighter fish and the cycling process and everything and I just...
  2. Jake96

    New To This Forum!

    Welcome to the forum!!!
  3. Jake96

    Moving House! How Should I Do It!

    Ok thank you for your guys help I am only moving about 30km away so it shouldn't be to much of a worrie I might have to go see my LFS owner for some more transporting gear.
  4. Jake96

    New Member From Australia

    Welcome its always good to see another Aussie on here.
  5. Jake96

    Hi From Perth :)

    Hey welcome. I live in SA Australia Its always good to see another fish lover like myself join
  6. Jake96

    Betta's Fins Kind Of Curled?

    Hi there I am quite new to the whole fish scene but the first fish i purchased were 2 betta splendens (Siamese fighting fish) one red(marvel) and a dark blue/black one(DC). As soon as i bought them i just wanted to buy more so i went and bought another fighter this time a small little Halfmoon...
  7. Jake96

    Moving House! How Should I Do It!

    Hi everyone I just bought a new house. We are moving in 3 weeks and I am unsure on how to move my fish and fish tank safely without killing all my fish. How should I do it? my fish tank is 4ft holds 250L and has live plants and heaps of community tank fish in it. If someone could help me that...
  8. Jake96

    Just Introducing Myself...

    haha I'm from New Zealand Whangarei. But I moved here 5 years ago
  9. Jake96

    Just Introducing Myself...

    Hey hey hey welcome man it's always good to see another Aussie join
  10. Jake96

    New To Aquatic Plants Help!

    I really like the look of plants in aquariums but because I'm new to the whole plant situation i need some help to tell me a little bit about them and give me some possible suggestions with plant stocking. I really like the wavy grass looking plants aswell as moss and tall plants just anything...
  11. Jake96

    Newbie To Forum And Fish Keeping

    Actually i needed to ask that how do I put up pictures if the max pic size is 200 or 300 kb? I only use my ipad and phone for this and taking a picture then trying to upload it doesn't work because the file size is too big???
  12. Jake96

    How Many Bristlnose Can I Keep In My Aquarium?

    Hmm I already have 2 females it would be nice to see a male in there. Will the filter handle it? It can filter 2200L/hr my tank is only 200L
  13. Jake96

    How Many Bristlnose Can I Keep In My Aquarium?

    Hi guys i was just wanting to know how many bristlenose could i keep with other community tank fish. My tank is 200L
  14. Jake96

    Newbie To Forum And Fish Keeping

    Hey I'm jake from Australia ever since i bought a pair of Siamese fighting fish i have been hooked!!! As i studied up on aquarium keeping i quickly realised that my fighter fish containers were way to small and cold so i quickly went down to the shop and purchased heaters and much bigger tanks...