New To This Forum!


Mostly New Member
Jul 28, 2013
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Hi guys!

I'm new to using this forum, been looking for a decent one after the old one I used closed down due to high running costs...

I have a 30L aquarium (I know it's small, but after previous experiences, my dearest mother won't let me go any bigger till I move out...) with a 100L rated filter...FILTRATION IS GOOD! :D

Stocked with 1 male guppy (used to be 2, but looks like 1 was savaged by another), 3 female guppies, 5 neons and a juvenile Sailfin Plec, about 2 inches long.

Generally speaking I have a good idea of what's going on with fish, helps that I'm a fully trained PADI Divemaster, I take quite a bit if interest in fish of all kinds :)

Certainly looking to upgrade my tank to something a bit bigger in the future, hopefully this year maybe...

I look forward to speaking to you all :)

to the forum, Dale.

I hope you don't mind me being brutally honest with you, as you sound very fond of your fish and I'm sure you want what's best for them.

The sailfin plec cannot stay in your tank. These are fish that have the potential to grow up to two feet long and, like most living things, do the majority of their growth when they're young. If you can't get a bigger tank within, say the next month or two, you really should look at rehoming him, or his health will start to suffer.

I'm afraid, long term, you'd be looking at a minimum tank size of 5'x2'x2' to keep him properly; short term, a 150/200l tank would see him sorted for the couple of years.

Sorry to be the bearer of such bad news, but keeping a plec of that type in a 30l tank is a bit like me keeping a shire horse foal in my downstairs toilet; it might be fine now, but it won't be fine for long!
To add to what fluttermoth ( whose advice is spot on ) said, the neon tetras don't belong in a 30 liter either.
Welcome to the forum btw. :hi:
You probably already know this but your guppies will breed a lot. It would be best to get some different tanks to keep the babies. :)
Thanks for the replies guys! :)

I spoke to the staff at my LFS, they did tell me about the Sailfin growing too big. My plan is to buy a large tank, probably a few hundred litres worth, along with one or two other fish to fill it. I'm under negotiations on putting said tank elsewhere in the house.

I also plan on buying a separate tank, probably a 50 ish, either for the guppies or the neons. All the fish are juveniles though, the biggest is the Plec at just under 2 inches, so I've got a few months before they will need revoking, so I have plenty of time to cycle the tanks properly :)
Daleyarrow said:
Thanks for the replies guys!

I spoke to the staff at my LFS, they did tell me about the Sailfin growing too big. My plan is to buy a large tank, probably a few hundred litres worth, along with one or two other fish to fill it. I'm under negotiations on putting said tank elsewhere in the house.

I also plan on buying a separate tank, probably a 50 ish, either for the guppies or the neons. All the fish are juveniles though, the biggest is the Plec at just under 2 inches, so I've got a few months before they will need revoking, so I have plenty of time to cycle the tanks properly
You really need to think about getting that plec moved within the next couple of months at most; you can't leave it, or it will get stunted, which causes major health issues for the fish and can lead to some horrible deformities (I have a collection of pics of some, which I won't post, as yet...)
In the meantime, massive regular water changes will be needed to keep him healthy; at least 60/75%, two or three times a week.
fluttermoth said:
Thanks for the replies guys! :)I spoke to the staff at my LFS, they did tell me about the Sailfin growing too big. My plan is to buy a large tank, probably a few hundred litres worth, along with one or two other fish to fill it. I'm under negotiations on putting said tank elsewhere in the house.I also plan on buying a separate tank, probably a 50 ish, either for the guppies or the neons. All the fish are juveniles though, the biggest is the Plec at just under 2 inches, so I've got a few months before they will need revoking, so I have plenty of time to cycle the tanks properly :)
You really need to think about getting that plec moved within the next couple of months at most; you can't leave it, or it will get stunted, which causes major health issues for the fish and can lead to some horrible deformities (I have a collection of pics of some, which I won't post, as yet...) In the meantime, massive regular water changes will be needed to keep him healthy; at least 60/75%, two or three times a week.
Okey dokey, I'll start shopping around for a seperate tank. Anyone know where I could get a 100-15L tank relatively cheap in the UK? Preferably the North East?

Thanks a lot fluttermoth :)
Hiya Daley i am a new member also, dont worry they dont all bite, some are scary, but you will learn so much here. I have already :) nice to meet you anyway, i cant comment on your fish or sizes as im a total beginner myself. I would take the advice given as there has been some good replies here :)

Did you look at some fish shops near you. You can get second hand tanks reasonably cheap at most fish shops :) also free ads or some people sell on the forum :)

Good luck with your new hobby. I hope you enjoy it. Would like to see some pics of your set up and fish :)
Purchased new tank tonight, 100L for a good while, giving the juveniles plenty of space to play in, it looks enormous compared to the last one! Will upload some photos when the sand has settles properly and the kids (referring to the fish) have settled in, probably tomorrow night :)
Would just like to add, thanks for the advice so far guys, did quite a bit of research into Sailfin Plecs and got told off for this from numerous websites...oops! I blame Pets At Home, they said it would be OK! Won't be trusting those buggers again!
Finally, hey Mollydolly, that's the story with most forums these days, you get the bitey ones, but they are all good hearted! :p nice to meet you too though! :)
One place i never buy fish is pets at home they never have time to discuss what i need with them, and arent well advised on most subjects so i choose a proper store that specialise in just fish nothings else now, and found getting information very good and interesting and i am researching fish alot now in preperation for my new tank, i have two platys newly added and only just cycled so not introducing anymore for now.

Some stores have time to stand and chat and answer questions which i like because i dont always buy, it shows they arent just after sales from me. I visit often to see what stock they have ask questions come home and research and have some ideas of what i want eventually in my tank.

Maybe that store didnt itself know how big that fish grows when they sold it to you. So maybe they need to do some reading up to lol

Hows your tank doing? Im researching mouth breeders atm they sound so interesting, ive discovered on reading alot of the ones id like cant be kept with others i like so its always good to read before going to buy anything.

And lol well the biting ones are alwasy good at keeping you informed and are usually spot on with there advice.
I bet they dont work at pets at home hehe :) glad your enjoying your fish, i sure love my new hobby. Only problem now is what to buy next plant and ornament wise and then what fish hehe
Welcome to the forums. I'm a new member also and already it feels like I belong.
I've felt like small child all day! I've been really excited to get home and sort the new tank out!
Went to LFS and bought 2 Anubias and a Java Fern, have them in the tank. Covers are off and the lights are now on, looks great, and will look even better once the water properly clears!
Fed the little fella's tonight and they went nuts, even Dyson (Plec - I know, pretty standard name for a 'sucking' kind of fish...) came right out of his shell and stopped hiding for a few hours! :D
Will get a couple of decorations such as a ceramic tunnel for Dyson to use as his awesome pad, while maybe an old fashioned diver to stick in a corner somewhere, especially given my hobby! :)
I'll attempt to add a picture goes!

Mollydolly said:
One place i never buy fish is pets at home they never have time to discuss what i need with them, and arent well advised on most subjects so i choose a proper store that specialise in just fish nothings else now, and found getting information very good and interesting and i am researching fish alot now in preperation for my new tank, i have two platys newly added and only just cycled so not introducing anymore for now.

Some stores have time to stand and chat and answer questions which i like because i dont always buy, it shows they arent just after sales from me. I visit often to see what stock they have ask questions come home and research and have some ideas of what i want eventually in my tank.

Maybe that store didnt itself know how big that fish grows when they sold it to you. So maybe they need to do some reading up to lol

Hows your tank doing? Im researching mouth breeders atm they sound so interesting, ive discovered on reading alot of the ones id like cant be kept with others i like so its always good to read before going to buy anything.

And lol well the biting ones are alwasy good at keeping you informed and are usually spot on with there advice.
I bet they dont work at pets at home hehe
glad your enjoying your fish, i sure love my new hobby. Only problem now is what to buy next plant and ornament wise and then what fish hehe
Tell me about it! I certainly won't be visiting Pets At Home much more after that! I just need to look for specialised stores...don't have a clue if there is even any anywhere near me!
Tank is going good so far, managed to get everything sorted, it was a bit touch and go last night, had 10 fish spread between 2 10L buckets, and I wasnt too keen on leaving them in there overnight, but the water was WAY too cloudy from the sand being put in even though I'd rinsed the life out of it...ended up staying up till about 2am when it finally started to settle and put them in but covered the tank in a black towel so that no light would get in, uncovered it and decorated it to an extent tonight and it looks pretty good if I do say so...though it is slightly bare at the minute :p
Well this is true, the grumpy ones are usually the best, but thats the same story wherever you go haha

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