Search results

  1. discusking742

    Sunfish Are Mean!

    Sunfish are quite pushy fish. Not super aggressive but very pushy and nippy. I would usually opnly keep them with yheir own kind as they have their own requirements and are similar to paradise fish or flagfish in behavior. Well done for considering a tank move as these beautiful fish are worth...
  2. discusking742

    Are Our Fish Genuinely Happy?

    Oh My God! that sounds like a horrible dream!!!!!!!! I mean who would eat a pretty little fishy???  I had a similar one where my discus were attacked by a stupid black cat and then some random guy hit the tank with a hammer, killing the remaining cardinals and destroying the tank, it was so...
  3. discusking742

    Are Our Fish Genuinely Happy?

    I wouldn't think they are unhappy at all. I mean they have good nutrition, the right water chemistry, no predators, crystal clear water (hopefully) and company in the form of other fish that they get on well with. The only time I would say a fish would be unhappy in an aquarium is a poor little...
  4. discusking742

    Pseudocrenilabrus Nicholsi Tank Mates

    I'm actually debating keeping a pair of these in a 80cm x 40cm x 30cm 110l tank. From what I've heard they can be kept with larger barbs, danios and characins such as Green Tiger Barbs (one of my personal favs, but normal tigers are fine too), Zebra Danios, Splashing Tetras, Chalceus, Red Eyes...
  5. discusking742

    Fish For 25+ Gal

    Hi, what do you think about these fish for a planted 110litre 80cmLx40cm Hx30cmD aquarium? Fish are: 1x Bolivian Ram, 6x Bleeding Hearts, 3x Honey Gouramis and 5x Corydoras Trinileatus Thx
  6. discusking742

    Is This Guy Trying To Feed My Fish To His?

    I've seen one of those movies myself. some a$$hole was wiggling this percula clown out of the water pretending it was Nemo talking to Dory (he had a Regal Tang) some of these things make me angry.
  7. discusking742

    Angelfish Advice?

    Thanks. I wasn't quite sure.  
  8. discusking742

    Stocking A 100 L

    Depends on the dimensions. I personally love cichlids and in a tank that size you could manage something small like an Apistogramma species, A. Agassizi being a peaceful an colourful option. If you wanted something more unusual and were willing to go single-species, 3 to 4 Lyretail Checkerboard...
  9. discusking742

    Angelfish Advice?

    Hi, I was wondering whether a pair of P. Scalare angels would be OK in a 110litre tank with dimensions: 80cm (L), 40cm (H) and 30cm (W). I am planning on keeping them for as long as I can, but I am open to swapping overgrown adults for juveniles in the future. I also don't know what I want to...
  10. discusking742

    Tiger Barb - Boss Or Bully?

    Glad to hear they have settled. I was thinking about getting some myself. They are gr8 little guys. Hope U enjoy them.
  11. discusking742

    Is My Tank Over Stocked?

    I agree, the inch rule is a load of old ****. I personally wouldn't even try keeping guppies with a Betta Splendens, as I have had bad experiences myself (also with guppies themselves) As far as the Corydoras are concerned, I think that you will need more than four, which is too many for your...
  12. discusking742

    Freshwater Or Saltwater? Which Do You Prefer?

    FRESHWATER any day. I keep discus and they are more beautiful than many of the marine fish I see in my opinion. Fish like anabantoids or killis are great too, and they are SOOOOOOO much easier to maintain than marines, even the discus BTW, I was thinking about that previous comment about...
  13. discusking742

    What Should I Put In There?

    Thanks My priority would probably be the cichlid. I debated another set up with a opaline gourami, a ruby shark, some barbs (not sure which ones) and maybe some tetras. Could this work and could I add a keyhole?
  14. discusking742

    What Should I Put In There?

    Hi, I have a 100l Juwel aquarium in storage and I'm really not sure what to put in it. I was debating a Lyretail Killi, a pair of Kribs, a Paradisefish and any other recommended tankmates but from what I read, it sounds like if I do have that combintaion, WW3 may break out in my aquarium. ...