Tiger Barb - Boss Or Bully?


New Member
May 12, 2013
Reaction score
Swindon, West Midlands, UK
I have a school of 8 tiger barbs and there is this 1 barb, I've decided to call hulk, that chases the hell out of the other barbs until he gets back round to the group and chases another 1, some kinda do this play dead thing and flop on there side and he won't chase them but some fight back going round in circles, like 2 cars racing and hitting into each other with all fins fully outright and then do a head to head thingy. 
He also does this bashing display suddenly hitting his side on the sand bed and plants. while the others are just acting normal picking at the java moss and plants and their not scared to really get in there and under the bogwood its quite interesting to watch as they weasle their way through the leaves.
Anywho would you say this is just dominant behaviuor or is he being a bully and be given a timeout. 
I would love some input, cheers in advance. 
How are you going to give a fish a timeout?

Anyway, tiger barbs are nasty little things at the best of times - if you have room, up the group size to 10-12, and hopefully it will help calm things down.
Tiger barbs are fantastic fish!
I've had loads of them and still have 5 left from years ago and they're great.
He's just probably displaying his domenance and will calm down after a while. I've never seen them hurt each other in any way, just playful fighting.
Mine still play fight all the time, even in their old age...never get bored of watching them play!
mine do the face to face thing a lot. i'm pretty sure it's them trying to decide the alpha male.
How many litres is the tank?
Is there adequate hiding spots?
There isn't too much of a difference between their sizes is there?
Sophie1992 said:
How many litres is the tank?
Is there adequate hiding spots?
There isn't too much of a difference between their sizes is there?
Definitely enough hiding places, they like making their way under the bogwood and planted areas, the shrimp just stare at them.
Thinking of adding rocks or some sort of decor so the kuhli loachs have a bit more hiding space, their cool to watch at night when they come alive and go after left over blood worms.
Umm no I wouldn't say theres much of a difference in sizes but you can see which are are the smaller ones when their close together 
Glad to hear they have settled. I was thinking about getting some myself. They are gr8 little guys. Hope U enjoy them.

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