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  1. F

    55 Gallon Planting Stage

    So I have made a rough draft of what I have decorated the tank with so far. I like the rock in there. The camera on my phone doesn't do the rock justice.   But what do you guys think? I am going to plant around all of this. I would really enjoy suggestions on background plants that I can put...
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    55 Gallon Final Stage

      I'm actually wanting to put a black background on it but I don't know if that would be best.
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    55 Gallon Final Stage

    So I have made a rough draft of what I have decorated the tank with so far. I like the rock in there. The camera on my phone doesn't do the rock justice.   But what do you guys think? I am going to plant around all of this. I would really enjoy suggestions on background plants that I can put...
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    55 Gallon Stocking And Plant Suggestions

      I'd be happy to put that many in -I love cory cats - as long as it doesn't overstock the tank considering the other fish being put in it. <<<< This is making me think I'm overstocked, although I know it's not perfect. Plus that is with me having 2 penquin 200s...
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    55 Gallon Stocking And Plant Suggestions

      They will be half bronze, half peppered no matter how many I get so should it be 8 or 10?
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    55 Gallon Stocking And Plant Suggestions

    Alright. Here are the numbers. Let me know if I'm overstocked. I can get more powerful filters if I need to. 8-10 cories 2 angelfish school of scissor-tail rasboras (atleast 6) school of red barbs (atleast 6) 3 lyretail swordtails (2 females) Now that I write it out I feel overstocked :[ I'm...
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    55 Gallon Stocking And Plant Suggestions

    My roommate switched his focus from tetra to now he wants a hi fin lyretail swordtail. I used to have one but I am not sure it can go with angelfish. Any thoughts?
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    55 Gallon Stocking And Plant Suggestions

    Here's an update on the situation. So far we've selected scissor-tail rasbora and cherry barbs to go in with the angelfish and Cory. My other roommate wants tetra and he wants to know his options. Any ideas with the current fish?
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    55 Gallon Stocking And Plant Suggestions

    Yeah, rummy nose and bleeding hearts are good looking fish. I just have to see which ones they want and then compile a list to make sure I don't overstock.
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    55 Gallon Stocking And Plant Suggestions

    So far my roommates and I have liked the scissor-tail rasbora, the cherry barbs, harlequins, and Congo tetra. You guys know of any really beautiful platies?
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    55 Gallon Stocking And Plant Suggestions

    Cool.  So any tetra ideas? I also like killifish and rasboras.
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    55 Gallon Stocking And Plant Suggestions

    My tap water stays around 6.4-6.8 so would that be low enough for the angels? I want to get all of this right before adding any fish.
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    55 Gallon Stocking And Plant Suggestions

    I wish I knew more about tetra to know exactly what the bigger ones are. What about mollies or platys? Platys are beautiful, but how would they go with angels? All those plants sound good though.
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    55 Gallon Stocking And Plant Suggestions

    So I've acquired a 55 gallon that I'm going to heavily plant as a freshwater set up. I'm a bit new to larger tanks so it would be great to get a couple things answered. 1. I have 6 juvenile corys in a 10 gallon right now and am going to put them in the 55 with maybe 2-4 more, and I have decided...
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    55 Gallon Tank

    I have brought a 55 gallon tank into my house that I'm sharing with 4 other guys. Now I am the lone aquarium hobbyist but I have decided to let the guys in on the planning. This is a hobby to be shared after all.  Now I do have some problems to be addressed. The first one is that I got this tank...
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    Dwarf Puffer Care And Experiences

    Thank you for that, I didn't really understand which plants they were outlining in it though. Can anyone help?
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    Dwarf Puffer Care And Experiences

    I too am heavily considering making a heavily planted aquarium with 2-3 dwarf puffer in my 10G. Any special wood they like to have in their tank to break up eye line? I am also very interested in breeding them. :) I hear java moss or willow moss are very good at housing their eggs and fry.
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    Nerite, Mts, And Assassin Snail Questions

    Ok thanks for that. Now if I don't include the assassins and just integrate some MTS, would my nerites have enough algae to eat? There is some large rocks and a stump in my tank that grow a lot of algae on them. I could always just throw in some veggies or algae wafers their way if I have to.
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    Nerite, Mts, And Assassin Snail Questions

    I understand what you're saying, but that answer does not satisfy the question "will any amount of assassins eradicate every singlw MTS no matter how quickly they bred?
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    Nerite, Mts, And Assassin Snail Questions

    I could always move the nerites to another tank but I still would like to know about if I can maintain both populations of assassins and MTS.
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    Nerite, Mts, And Assassin Snail Questions

    So I'm renovating my 10G tank because I want to put sand in it and also want/have plants in it so I also want the sand to be airated and "fluffy" for them. So my questions are as follows: 1. I want to introduce MTS into my sand to keep the sand turned over and promote good root growth. I hear...
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    Real Sand

    What would be the problem with calcium? I know plants like it to grow, but maybe it's a harmful kind? And can I test for calcium?
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    Real Sand

    Not new to fishkeeping but this seemed like a newbie question. So I'm on vacation (Hello from Marimar Beach, Florida!) and I love all the sea life that I'm encountering out here. :) Anyways I've got a tank at home with cory cats in them and I've always felt bad for putting it in a gravel tank...
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    5 Gallon Project

    When I say quarantine tank I mean a tank to put new fish in for a few weeks before introducing them to the community.
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    5 Gallon Project

    Well if the tank can't be a hospital tank AND a quarantine tank for new fish being introduced to the community, which one do you think is more important?
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    Betta Fish Dying

    Well I did put the plants back but by then it was too late. He was already sick and I had to take him out of the community tank. I think the stress of it really set in motion the parasites that killed him.
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    5 Gallon Project

      That's why I was asking, I didn't know if I could house any kinds of fish in there in the meantime. I don't know maybe it was a dumb question. Lol but do you have any suggestions on what I should put in my 10G that I can transfer to my 5G? They aren't the same filter as one is a AquaTech power...
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    Betta Fish Dying

    Atleast his death wasn't in vein. I have a fully furnished 5G now for a hospital/quarantine tank and all the meds I could ever need in my house now. Next time they will survive.
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    5 Gallon Project

    So I have acquired a 5G very recently to use as a hospital tank for a sick betta I had. Unfortunately the betta passed away before I could even relocate him to the hospital tank. So now I have a fully functional/furnished 5G hospital/quarantine tank. I have a few questions about how to use it...
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    Betta Fish Dying

    Sadly he has passed. It was so hard to search the city for open places that sell fish supplies and come back to find him stuck to the filter. I changed him into the hospital tank I made in a couple hours before I left to search forintestinal parasite medicine, but by then I think it was too...
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    Betta Fish Dying

    It was completely cycled and still is. Everything seemed fine he just got sick very quickly. Too late in the night to get him intestinal parasite meds. Don't think hell make it through the night. :[
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    Betta Fish Dying

    I want to add some salt to see if it makes anything better but this filter I use for the main tank and don't want to contaminate it. The salt says it does not supply iodide so will it be safe to use with the main tank filter when I put it back into my 10G?
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    Betta Fish Dying

      Fins are clamped I'd say, haven't noticed his bowels, and his breathing seems to be labored a bit. He is just sitting in one spot. Barely moving.
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    Betta Fish Dying

    He won't eat and is pretty lethargic at the bottom of the tank right now. Moves around slightly.
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    Betta Fish Dying

    New tank is just a couple months in, fish have only been in for about 2-3 weeks since my tank fully cycled and then my betta fish comes up looking very ill. I only have the one tank and so I'm using my 3 gallon bucket that I use to take out old water as a hospital tank for now while I go get...
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    Planted 10 Gallon Betta Tank? How Hard Is It?

    Are any of those low growing? What I mean is can any of those plants be used as foreground scenery in a betta tank?
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    Cory Injury

      No, I removed the temporary cartridge. There is another cartridge that stays in permanently to avoid the minicycle you're talking about. But I am doing the best I can with what I have. The transition to a larger tank is going to take some time but it will happen. I'm checking levels frequently...
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    Hiding Betta

    My betta has me in a pickle. I wanted to replace his fake plants with real ones because I know they love planted tanks and it'll look better. I removed his thick, tall fake plants he liked to rest in and hang out around so that I could plant some real plants in the ground they were located. So...
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    Cory Injury

      I feed them once a day. 1-2 pellets of shrimp formula, some freeze dried brine shrimp once a week, frozen bloodworms once a month, and frozen brine shrimp once a month. I changed the temporary cartridge in my Aquatech 10-20 yesterday and the bloom (which was milky white btw) cleared up over...
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    How Do You All Change Your Water?

    I was mostly responding to the people above you dredgy. I'm sure you condition.  I was just asking if it was ok to add the conditioner to the tank itself right after or before you add new tap water instead of directly to the tap water before putting it into the tank.