How Do You All Change Your Water?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 21, 2013
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Not really a beginner at fishkeeping and certainly not at water changes but I thought this the best place to put this. How do you guys do your water changes? I use my gravel vac to vacuum the gravel while it is taking water out of the tank into a 5 gallon bucket and then pour the water into my toilet.
  I then use a garden variety watering can to put conditioned water back into the tank. I'm asking on part because I'm curious and on the other hand I'm trying to see if there is an easier way. The watering can only holds between 1-2 gallons of water so when I'm doing a large water change in my 10G I have to make multiple trips to the sink.
P.S. Rookie question: If the conditioner bottle says 1 tsp for 10 gallons of "new water", do that mean I should use a lot less than that when I'm replaces just a couple gallons? Also, if I'm doing a larger water change that requires multiple trips with the watering can, do I have to put conditioner in the second can with the fresh conditioner already in the tank from the first can? I don't want to overdo it with conditioner. Thanks guys.
Syphon and a big 10ish gallon bucket. Tip water in smaller buckets to use on garden later. Refill tank. Job done :D .
Well considering I have about 20 tanks running at the moment ranging from 5.5 to 75 gals, I use a lot of pumps. 100% of refilling is done with pumps.
Water removal is first into 2.5 gal buckets for media rinsing. Buckets are often filled via vacuuming. Any water that still needs to be removed is pumped out a window. Buckets get emptied down the toilet or are emptied onto the lawn.
There are two basic ways of changing water;
either dechlorinate each bucket, with the correct amount of dechlorinator for that volume; so your 2 gallon watering can would need 2 tsps of your dehlorinator in each fill. This method is best for small tanks, fry tanks, or newly cycled ones or anything very delicate (rams, discus)
or, you can add enough dechlor for the whole tanks volume, to the tank, before you start refilling; you can use a hose with this method and can even use straight cold water, as I do, if you trickle it back in slowly enough (slower, but less carrying!). This is better for bigger, well established tanks and the tougher fish (oscars, goldies).
I think I have the same curious here. Usaually I put anti chlorine after the water in the tank has been filled.. I follow how much water I took out, then I calculated 1 capfull of conditioner for 8gallon of water. Sometime I just roughly assume half or quarter or 3quarter of capfull conditioner if the water changed not reach 8gallon.
fluttermoth said:
 You can add enough dechlor for the whole tanks volume, to the tank, before you start refilling,  you can use a hose with this method and can even use straight cold water, as I do, if you trickle it back in slowly enough
That's how I do it too (well I add enough dechlorinator to the existing tank water that would be enough to treat the water that is being replaced) :)
I use my gravel vac to syphon it out into a jar 1/2 gallon at a time, then sypon it back back in using a different jar. It helps that my tanks are small and 2 of them are next to a bookshelf.
Mine's plumbed into the sink. Makes life easier.
Just have to do a gravel vac very occasionally.
So you don't have to put the conditioner in the new water before you introduce the new water into the tank? That would make life a lot easier (and cheaper) if I just put 1/2 to 1 cap full of conditioner into the tank and then put in the new water.
Syphon the water into a 3 gallon bucket, dump the old water into the sink, fill the bucket back up and slowly pore the new water back into the tank. it's tiring, it hurts my back and i have to make multiple trips. :p
Huh? I do condition, though it's a fairly recent uptake and my vals are still recovering.
The plumbing bit is so I don't have to handle 200L of water per change. It just drains right out, and then refills. 
I live in a highrise, so I can't tip excess water in the garden, nor do I have the luxury of being able to get my carpet wet or the time patience to handle that many buckets and constantly stopping and starting siphons.
I was mostly responding to the people above you dredgy. I'm sure you condition. 
 I was just asking if it was ok to add the conditioner to the tank itself right after or before you add new tap water instead of directly to the tap water before putting it into the tank.
FCWonderer said:
I was mostly responding to the people above you dredgy. I'm sure you condition. 
 I was just asking if it was ok to add the conditioner to the tank itself right after or before you add new tap water instead of directly to the tap water before putting it into the tank.
That's what I was doing usually. hehe.. I added the fresh water using a hose & while it is still filling, I will put the conditioner. ;-)
I use a gravel cleaner that syphons the water like you into a 10l bucket. This gets poured outside as we have patio doors where the tank is.
5 runs back and forth from the kitchen. I have a 95l tank. Every bucket of new water I add 0.7ml of prime before it goes back in the tank.
A lot of people do add the dechlorinater after refilling, but I would recommend you add it first, then add the new water.

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