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    Emergency - Tanks Uncycled After Treatments

    yes - i put the extra mature filter on within 30mins and never touched it just left all his media and water in it and raced back to my house - phew still no different readings tho - but i only put it on at 13.30 today ---- how long does it take do u think to notice a difference. Can...
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    Emergency - Tanks Uncycled After Treatments

    More emergency methods now - just got friends 2nd fluval 204 filter straight off his other matured tank as hes running 2. I'm desperate and i hope this extra mature filter is gonna make a difference?? any comments anyone??
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    Emergency - Tanks Uncycled After Treatments

    Is it ok to do a big water change - wont it mess up anything?
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    Emergency - Tanks Uncycled After Treatments

    Ive been trating for white spot and fungus over the last 2 weeks. To cut a long story short I gravel cleaned I think a bit too thoroughly as the info on the web tells u to on some sights to get rid of the tomites from the whitespot. Ive knocked out my tank now. I didnt realise that all the...
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    i hate snails!

    Is gastropex (snail killer) safe to use with 2 red crabs in my tank? All the other snail away treatments statenot safe for shell fish but is Gastropex any different?
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    Tetraodon nigroviridis info

    what type of snails will i feed my figure 8 puffer it appears snail shells are the only thing to keep their teeth in a good condition but i dont know what type to try and find help
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    What type of snails to give to figure 8 puffer

    Can anyone tell me what type of snails I should get to feed my figure 8 puffer. Ive been giving it blood worms aswell as frozen shrimp with shell but I need to get some snails with the shell and I dont know where to get them or what type of snails I should be buying
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    puffer fish

    yes i cycled the tank
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    puffer fish

    I have just looked at a website of the spotted puffer >> and yes it looks as though I have the green spotted puffer alas never mind
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    puffer fish

    Thank you all for replying. The only thing I can tell you is it was sold to me as a spotted puffer - it looks more yellowy in colour to me. Tonight I have also been reading about the green spotted puffy - and this sounds quite aggressive. My friend got the same yellowy spotted puffer today and...
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    puffer fish

    I have just started my first tank and have put in a small spotted puffer. Can I also add a red eyed puffer? The man in the shop said it wont get on with the spotted puffer is this correct? Can someone please advise