Tetraodon nigroviridis info

Pufferpunk said:
Ok, I thought you were refering to the other (nonexistant) GSP, that is mentioned in Puffernet. Since the schoutendeni is rarely (if ever) seen in the aquarium trade (not in the US in over 20 years), I don't think there will be much confusion as to whether the spotted puffers folks see at aquarium shops are nigroviridis (BW) or not.

Common names are the cause of so many mis-identifications.

I've seen schoutendeni a couple of times around here, (UK) but both times labled as 'african greenspotted puffers' - no such thing as you know!
half your luck - if you ever see them in a shop that will do mail order, please post me their details :D
I've seen schoutendeni a couple of times around here, (UK)

I have hear of some sightings in Europe, but most of the time, it has been a mistakenly ID'd GSP.
what type of snails will i feed my figure 8 puffer

it appears snail shells are the only thing to keep their teeth in a good condition but i dont know what type to try and find


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