puffer fish


New Member
Jan 22, 2005
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I have just started my first tank and have put in a small spotted puffer. Can I also add a red eyed puffer?

The man in the shop said it wont get on with the spotted puffer is this correct?

Can someone please advise
Should be fine mild temprement, did you do a fishless cycle.
The man in the shop is correct IMO, puffers don't usually get on with anything, let alone other puffer species. If you have a large enough tank you may be ok, but on the safe side, don't mix them. The south american puffer is supposed to be one of the most peaceful, but I know from first hand experience that they will rip the fins from fish four times their own size.

Do you know the scientific name of your new puffer? I only ask as green spotted puffers are often sold as spotted puffers, but both require different water conditions, the spotted puffer is a true FW fish but a green spotted puffer is brackish, though can be kept in FW while young.

As wilder mentioned, did you cycle the tank before adding the puffer? read the pinned posts on cycling if you are not sure.

the guy at your lfs is...right. it's not often I can say that, but this time he's right. first, green spotted puffers are brackish water fish that need a stong brackish water by the time they reach around 3-4" and then high end brackish to full marine once they become adults.

red eye puffers can vary. I've seen at least 4-5 different species sold as red eye puffers. the most common red eye puffer is Carinotetraodon lorteti, but the one you've seen could also be Carinotetradon irrubesco, Tetraodon turgidus, Tetraodon palembangensis (unlikely), Tetraodon cutcutia or Tetraodon leiurus. have a look at this site and see if you can figure out which species of puffer the red-eye was that you saw. here's the thing though, all of these species are pure freshwater so by that alone they aren't compatible with the green spotted puffer. most of these species are moderately to very aggressive as well and do best in a species only tank. B)
Thank you all for replying.
The only thing I can tell you is it was sold to me as a spotted puffer - it looks more yellowy in colour to me.

Tonight I have also been reading about the green spotted puffy - and this sounds quite aggressive.

My friend got the same yellowy spotted puffer today and put it in his big tank which has far more fish and up to now its just been minding its own business.

Is there such a thing as a yellow spotted puffer.

If I cant have the red eyed puffer in the tank with this one then I will have to try and find something that will live in peace with my puffer

awweeeee tears :( I wanted some puffers to live together

If anyone has any more info please let me know

my email address is [email protected]
I have just looked at a website of the spotted puffer >> and yes it looks as though I have the green spotted puffer alas

never mind
The tank is cycled isn't it or it might not last long.
amazon said:
I will have to try and find something that will live in peace with my puffer

I wanted some puffers to live together
Sorry, there are no puffers that are guaranteed ok for keeping with other fish.

Although the degree varies between species and between individuals all puffers are predatory, aggresive and waspish.

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