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  1. 75gallon

    Female danio looks fat

    (Turns out it did help with the parasites, and bacteria. On my sword tails, but it's stayed with the guppys,
  2. 75gallon

    Female danio looks fat

    I used fungicide, unfortunately didn't help
  3. 75gallon

    Female danio looks fat

    Tottaly agree with the ammonia and nitrite. Water change is best, it was used as a last resort, as I had used other fungus and parasites chemicals and non were working. Turns out it did help with the parasites, but need antibiotics for the fungal infection and I can't get hold of any (uk)
  4. 75gallon

    Female danio looks fat

    Methylene Blue (also known as methylthioninium chloride) is a cationic dye, redox indicator, and photosensitizer. In aquaculture, it serves as an anti-fungal and anti-parasitic and has commonly been used to treat fish eggs to ensure they are not lost to fungal overgrowth. Methylene Blue is an...
  5. 75gallon

    Female danio looks fat

    I have a zebra danio, that looks fat, it swims fine no struggles, eats fine, the reason for the post is, I have other danios in the tank show breeding behaviour with this danio, My worry is this danio doesn't seem to be dropping eggs, there is no sign of dropsy, in my tank, Food Tropical flake...
  6. 75gallon

    My fish keep dieing

    Typo 250 ltrs
  7. 75gallon

    My fish keep dieing

    Also, even after all the treatment, the swordtails are itching them selves on tha gravel & ornaments, I have sent emails, to 4 local vets
  8. 75gallon

    My fish keep dieing

    I am treating the whole tank,
  9. 75gallon

    My fish keep dieing

    Forgot, also used melafix
  10. 75gallon

    My fish keep dieing

    Both are ment to help with bacterial infection King british methylene blue Api aquarium salt Any one have any other medication recommendations
  11. 75gallon

    My fish keep dieing

    But I have been treating for bacterial infection, nothing seems to be working
  12. 75gallon

    My fish keep dieing

    Water change, All plants and ornament come out, (not cleaned) i use a gravel vac to clean. The 2mm gravel, the. Add the ornaments back and plants back. I use a 45lt tub and fill it with water, add correct does of prime to the tub of water then use a small filter pump with air line tube...
  13. 75gallon

    My fish keep dieing

    (Breeding box) Guppy have fry, and corydora are laying eggs
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  16. 75gallon

    My fish keep dieing

    No that's my other tank in my avatar, I have 2 java fern, and java moss in the tank, with 4 moss balls Siamese algae eater Also got 1 octocinclus that came attached to the java fern by mistake, Water change is done once a week 25 percent
  17. 75gallon

    My fish keep dieing

    Reason for multiple medication, Sword tails not only had cotton mouth but also had clear stringy poop, hence the anti-parasite
  18. 75gallon

    My fish keep dieing

    Also have test strips that give me the same results
  19. 75gallon

    My fish keep dieing

    I use prime with water changes I am using api master kit,
  20. 75gallon

    My fish keep dieing

    My tank is 150lt Tank mates 6 Cory dora 10 Cardinal tetra 11 Guppys 2 Swordtail 4 danio 2 platy's 2 algae eaters Tank has been running for about 6 months. Everything was fine until I got the sword tails, PH 7.4 Ammonia 0.ppm Nitrite 0.ppm Nitrate 0.ppm Canister filter Upgraded filter...
  21. 75gallon

    My fish keep dieing

    My fish keep dieing in my 250 litter aquarium, it started off as cotton mouth, on one of my sword tails, then my guppys had white fungus on there body, I have been treating this tank for over 2 months now an nothing is working, water conditions are perfect, pics of 2 guppys that have it today...
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  25. 75gallon

    Swapping Gravel To Sand

    I done it and I didn't have to take my fish out I used a wide pvc pipe and a wide pvc house it just sucked the gravel with no problem what so ever it took me less than 5 mins to get all the gravel out my tank
  26. 75gallon

    Water Change And Nitrates

    I do a water change 2 a week.   i clean my filters out 1 a month in water I take out of the tank. I then fill a bucket up with tap water and I use a small filter with a hose attached to the front to put the tap water in to my tank. is this the right way to do it ?   what live plants need low or...
  27. 75gallon

    How Many Tropical Fish Can I Keep In My Tank?

    I clean my filters out 1 a month in the water I take out the tank. I then fill up a bucket with tap water and use a small filter with a hose attach to the front to put the tap water in to my tank . is this the right way to do it ?   what live plants need low light as my hood on my tank is broken...
  28. 75gallon

    How Many Tropical Fish Can I Keep In My Tank?

    hi I have a 75 gallon tank in my tank I have   1 pleco ( pleco is 1ft 4") 1 mollies 8 red platys ( 5 of them are fry) 6male guppies 12 female guppies 6 neon tetras 3 cory catfish   the reason I ask is I was looking to guy a clean up crew for my tank but I don't want to overstock it I have 2...
  29. 75gallon

    What Sand Is Best

    what about pool filter sand?
  30. 75gallon

    What Sand Is Best

    thanks I will try that on my 10 gal aquarium 1st
  31. 75gallon

    What Sand Is Best

    what sand is best for tropical tank as I a big pleco that is going to disturbed it a lot   one that when disturbed it just falls back to the bottom straight away.
  32. 75gallon

    What Sand Is Best For Tropical Tank

    what sand is best for tropical tank as I a big pleco that is going to disturbed it a lot :D   one that when disturbed it just falls back to the bottom straight away.
  33. 75gallon

    Swapping Gravel To Sand

    ok thank you the last thing I want is my fish to die from the change
  34. 75gallon

    Swapping Gravel To Sand

     thank you but I have tried that but it dose not have enough suction to suck the gravel .   I could do it with a net and take a bit out at a time so it dos not stress the fish what do you think?
  35. 75gallon

    Swapping Gravel To Sand

    its catching the pleco with him being so big and 6 of the platys are fry
  36. 75gallon

    Swapping Gravel To Sand

    Hello I am new to TFF   I have a 75 gallon tank with a 1ft 4 inch pleco. 2 mollies 8 platys. male guppies and 12 female guppies     my tank on the stand is 5ft tall.   I would like to take the gravel out and replace it with sand. my problem is I want to leave the fish in the tank and also...
  37. tank.jpg

