How Many Tropical Fish Can I Keep In My Tank?


New Member
May 21, 2013
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ellesmere port
hi I have a 75 gallon tank
in my tank I have
1 pleco ( pleco is 1ft 4") 1 mollies 8 red platys ( 5 of them are fry) 6male guppies 12 female guppies 6 neon tetras 3 cory catfish
the reason I ask is I was looking to guy a clean up crew for my tank but I don't want to overstock it I have 2 filters ( bluwave 07) ( fluval 3plus)
the reason I fort to ask is my nitrates are 80pm. I do a water change every week
 knowing this what clean up crew would be best for my tank
I would first get some more cories as they like large groups. The cories do eat food that hits the bottom so they are kind of a cleanup crew. If its algae protection you need I think a pair of brisltnose would do the job. I think that you should add some plants so the nitrates lower. :)
Adding more fish is never going to help with nitrates - nitrates are the resulting product from Ammonia once the filter bacteria has processed it. Check your nitrate reading in your tap water a lot of UK tap water actually comes out at 20 to 40ppm with the legal limit being 50ppm
The best ways to bring down nitrate is by keeping your filters clean as well as the water changes as things can build up in there and cause this issue. Really the issue will be caused by the poop machine that will be your pleco. Adding plants can also really help moss balls are quite good and fast growing plants as well.
As in 75 imperial gallons, 340l?
I would increase the hopefully single species Corydora group to 8-10, maybe Neon Tetra group to 10 and call it fully stocked.
Personally, I'm not keen on the "clean up crew" phrase, every living thing needs suitable food (and very few fish eat faeces as their diet). Between a sizeable plec and a decent group of 10 Corydora at the tank floor, any food that gets past the midwater fish should easily be covered.
80ppm nitrates is something to keep an eye on, out of the tap we typically get 40ppm maximum in the UK. Maybe this reading was just before your planned water change, as general rule my tanks get ~50% weekly, my 240l fry tank and carnivorous fish like my "African oddball"  140l tank get more (partly to keep nitrate in check).
I clean my filters out 1 a month in the water I take out the tank. I then fill up a bucket with tap water and use a small filter with a hose attach to the front to put the tap water in to my tank . is this the right way to do it ?
what live plants need low light as my hood on my tank is broken and needs repairing ( so I have no light )
thank you all this is really help full

out the tap nitrite 0 ppm.       nitrate is 20ppm

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