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  1. tigerchilly

    I Have No Ammonia

    yeah i think ill just start again
  2. tigerchilly

    I Have No Ammonia

    yes i do get nitrite readings but it dissappears..the last time i had it ammonia 5ppm and nitrite was really high and the day zero.
  3. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    ok so now ive got ammonia readings but nitrites dissappear overnight to 0. is this normal? any suggestions.
  4. tigerchilly

    I Have No Ammonia

    ok so now ive got ammonia readings but nitrites dissappear overnight to 0. is this normal? any suggestions.
  5. tigerchilly

    I Have No Ammonia

    its dosing like 3ml just to keep it around 5ppn
  6. tigerchilly

    I Have No Ammonia

    so im in my cycle..its been a month everything was ok until i dosed ammonia the third time...and now im not getting any readings for nitrite... ammonia-4ppm nitrite-0ppm nitrAte-5ppm its been like this for 2 days.
  7. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    ok so i did another test today and i got 0 nitrite and 0 nitrate.. ammonia is low 0.50ppm
  8. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    i couldnt do a water change but i did test... ammonia is 1ppm nitrite is 0ppm nitrate is low between 0ppm and 5ppm.
  9. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    tested agian today.. ammonia-8ppm and nitrite-5ppm.
  10. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    great i think ill go with a tropical setup. also i dosed ammonia yesterday and tested today.. ammonia -0.50 and nitrite was 0.
  11. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    ok..the bacteria that im growing is not effected with the heater?
  12. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    i do have a heater, i want whats easier to maintain. ive heard cold water fishes are easy to look after.
  13. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    the list of fishes you gave me before are they temperate?
  14. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    what tropical fish can stay in cold water like room temp.
  15. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    how many of the oddball would you say. so these are obviously tropical. what would you reccomend for coldwater ( colourful and shooling) wow i really like those banded barbs. do you think it would be ok to buy these fish from local breeders rather than lfs.
  16. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    its a 120l tank....sorry i was supposed to write that. filled with gravel,rocks,slate and 5 13cm silk plants and 2 20cm silk plants more on the way
  17. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    is that for saltwater fish?... and also you think it's about time for me to look into fishes. i wanna get colourful fishes. 1-easy to look after 2-schooling 3-maybe algae eaters 4 maybe catfish if you can recommend anything i do have heaters...cold water fish maybe easy to look after. i...
  18. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    ok thanks...ive heard so much about api masterkit so thats why i bought one...which one do you use?
  19. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    ah cool....should i check nitrate aswell.. and what about the ph levels?
  20. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    it was 24hours ...and im on my second ammonia dose so now ill check after 12hours and should see zeros?
  21. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    i put my first ammonia dose a week ago...then tested 24 hours later and had high ammonia reading and nitrite was also high. and i kept testing everyday and they started to drop..and today very low if not zero and i also did a nitrate test which read zero. i dosed ammonia again and ill be...
  22. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    ok so my ammonia is not quite there but my nitrite is zero taday.
  23. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    how many times do i dose ammonia before i can put fish in.
  24. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    today ammonia 0.50ppm maybe lower and nitrite still same 5+ppm
  25. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    ah cool...thanks man
  26. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    thanks mate sounds like a plan....i think im getting the hang of it... so when i get zero on ammonia, i put some more ammonia in is that right? and keep on testing ammonia and nitrite until they read zero? then what?.....
  27. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    today ..ammonia 1-0.5ppm and nitrite 5+ppm
  28. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    oh ok thanks really helpful. you guys are great
  29. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    cycle in a nut shell is really helpful thanks mate...ok one question on the api master kit the nitrite chart is dark purple for 5ppm so is there a level higher than that.
  30. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    ah i see....i think i got it....when they both reach zero, drop some ammonia in? i put 5ml in my tank (120l) so how much do i dose this time? then i wait to hit double zeros again or do i check nitrate too? or do i add and wait?
  31. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    ok so i done another test today... yesterday ammonia 4ppm and nitrite 5ppm..... today ammonia between 1-2ppm and nitrite 5ppm but the color is really dark compared to the chart. so how many times is the add and wait method.
  32. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    so when it drops i check for high nitrite readings right? then wait for that to drop and check for nitrate?
  33. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    ok so what is it i have to do now my ammonia at 4ppm and nitrite at 5ppm...ill check the the levels again..if i had hair id pull it out im so confused.makes me not want to carry on with my cycle
  34. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    ok good i feel much better now that you said that...ok so now i wait for ammonia to drop to zero and nitrite aswel ...and whats spike?
  35. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    so i did test on my water ammonia is 4.0ppm and nitrite is 5.0ppm...thats seems ok so ive been told...ill check daily to drop ammonia level. one thing i dont understand why you have to bring the ammonia level up if were trying to get then down.
  36. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    ok cool..thank you ill be testing what happens after that. i mean if i get a high or low reading?
  37. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    so my test kit finally showed up.....ive added ammonia 3ml like five days ago and i added some more when shall i test ?
  38. tigerchilly

    Cycling+Ammonia Questions

    hi alex...i started a thread on fishless cycle and got alot of help...I've just read your post about the ph level. what's that about? i thought it was just ammonia-nitrite and am currently doing my cycle (first time ever) been delayed masterkit is taking to long to come...
  39. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    true...ill get a reading when i get home.. ps thank you for taking time to explain all of this..I'm learning alot..
  40. tigerchilly

    I Need Help

    well the second tank is in the living room ...talking room temperature...i just wanted to know if it would be ok ...I'm not actually ready to buy any fishes yet as you know. i work constantly(seven days) so im looking for fish that would survive on minimum care ..but we can get to that when my...