I Need Help

i do have a heater, i want whats easier to maintain. ive heard cold water fishes are easy to look after.
I think they are even, personally.  Its a matter of opinion.
tigerchilly said:
ok..the bacteria that im growing is not effected with the heater?
Not really..but the bacteria prefer warmer water to live and breed in (hence the reason we raise the temperature during a fishless cycle). There really isn't a lot of difference in care between cold and tropical tanks, you simply get much more of a choice of inhabitants with tropical.
tigerchilly said:
is that for saltwater fish?...

As I said, these tests are normally found in the LFS marine (saltwater) section, but the tests I mentioned are usable in freshwater.
great i think ill go with a tropical setup.

also i dosed ammonia yesterday and tested today..
ammonia -0.50 and nitrite was 0.
How much ammonia did you dose?
You'll want to do at least a 50% water change to drop that ammonia... That's too high for the bacteria to thrive.
i couldnt do a water change but i did test...
ammonia is 1ppm
nitrite is 0ppm
nitrate is low between 0ppm and 5ppm.
ok so now ive got ammonia readings but nitrites dissappear overnight to 0.
is this normal?
any suggestions.

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