Search results

  1. JayP

    Sick Neon Tetra

    It's not swimming freely, it's in with other neons, harlequins and a dwarf goueami
  2. JayP

    Sick Neon Tetra

    No nothing obvious other than a small white spot on its side. Photo attached
  3. image.jpg


  4. JayP

    Sick Neon Tetra

    Hi, Very concerned about one of my neon tetras. I discovered today that it has what can only be described as a broken back? It's back end is bent out if shape almost like the letter U. It also had lost most of its colour at it's back end. Can someone please help?
  5. JayP

    Tank Mates!

    Hi folks, I have a 60l tropical tank with a dwarf gourami and 8 neon tetras. I'm looking to add another small shoal, preferably with a breed that school very well as the neons tend to do their own thing! Can you recommend a breed and how many I could add safety? Thanks in advance
  6. JayP

    Aggressive Danios

    Hi folks! Been a while since I've posted. I've had my tank up and running for about ten months now. 60l tropical tank with a dwarf gourami, ten zebra danios and ten neon tetras. I know you'll say it's overstocked but it was too late by the time I realised. The problem I have is that the...
  7. JayP

    Suitable Tank Mate For Male Dwarf Gourami

    I've got ten danios and ten neon tetras. They all seem happy, I've had them all for six months!
  8. JayP

    Suitable Tank Mate For Male Dwarf Gourami

    Hi all, I have a 60l, fully cycled tropical tank with zebra danios, neon tetras and one male dwarf gourami. I'm looking to see what suitable tank mate I could get for this set up, especially the gourami. I've heard that two males can be aggressive towards each other. I'm also looking for a...
  9. JayP

    Dwarf Gourami

    Thanks! Great piece of advice :)
  10. JayP

    Dwarf Gourami

    Hi all, Sadly I lost my first fish last night, a dwarf gourami. I've had my tank several months, fully cycled etc! My question is, should I get another one to keep my remaining dwarf company? He is a red dwarf and I was thinking about going for a blue/red one? Would they get on ok?
  11. JayP

    Dwarf Gourami

    Just an update, the wee guy is still with us but looks very weak now, he's been hiding in my reef plant today and is sitting almost vertical with his head pointing upwards. Very little movement from his fins. I take it he is on his way out? My water results are perfect.
  12. JayP

    Aggressive Or Playing?

    My zebra danios seem to be very aggressive with each other, chasing each other around the tank and being very greedy at feeding time. Is this normal behaviour? I have ten zebra danios, Ten neon tetras, Two dwarf gouramis.
  13. JayP

    Dwarf Gourami

    Ok I've been closely monitoring, ammonia level is at 0.5 ppm which could explain this. I've just observed him looking for weak and air bubbles have been coming from his gills. Not great, going to carry out a large water change just now.
  14. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Thanks folks! Yeah my readings were good prior to adding fish but I think I've overloaded slightly. I might remove five of the danios. I'm still checking the water daily and will continue to change if required. I've had the tank a good six/seven weeks though and had hoped it would have fully...
  15. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Does no one wish to talk to me? He seems to have improved last few days due to carrying a massive 85% water change
  16. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Hi folks! Need some advice! I've got ten zebra danios, ten neon tetras, two dwarf gouramis and two small corydoras. Is this overstocked for 60l? The reason I ask is that my ammonia levels have been rising. Also one of my dwarf gouramis doesn't look to good, he swims around in a daze, gasps for...
  17. JayP

    Dwarf Gourami

  18. JayP

    Dwarf Gourami

    Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 40
  19. JayP

    Dwarf Gourami

  20. JayP

    Dwarf Gourami

    Hi folks, very concerned about one of my dwarf gouramis. I've noticed that it seems to be swimming about 'in a trance'. It's two tentacles? At the side of his body are stretched straight out in front of his body instead of to the side and on occasion he is gasping for air at the top and will...
  21. JayP

    Identify Fish!

    Thanks! Think your right :)
  22. JayP

    Identify Fish!

    Hi there, Can anyone tell me what this fish is? I bought some Zebra Danios a few days ago and have noticed that this one looks and swims differently. Here it is!
  23. image.jpg


  24. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Just to update you. I've now got five zebra danios, ten neon tetras, two honey gouramis and two coreydiras. So far so good.!!
  25. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Why would nitrites and nitrates go down? Confused
  26. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Hey! Added five zebra danios today. Want to start small. Ammonia is 0.25 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5 Big change from yesterday! Any ideas?
  27. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Massive water change done yesterday. Levels sitting at Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 40 Get my fish tomorrow. Looking at zebra danios, neon tetras and tow pearl gouramis! Thanks for everyone's help and assistance! Over 1200 views and 150 replies? Not bad for a first post ;)
  28. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Soz my bad! My nitrAte is up at 40ppm!!
  29. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Seems like it's going well! I'm confidant to introduce fish now. Ammonia clearing quickly, nitrite up to 40ppm.
  30. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Well last few days have been busy, seen ammonia peak then nitrite peak then nitrates rise and the other two level out. It seems to be clearing the ammonia after only 9-10 hours so it looks like I'm good to go? Also added more sponge to my filter.
  31. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Yeah I know! My heads pickled though, didn't realise it would be so difficult to start with, hopefully it'll be worth it in the end. Staring at an empty tank for five weeks is no fun
  32. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Sound mate! Things are happening now... I think, just done another check after adding ammonia and the reading went up to 3ppm. Think I've got the hang of things now ;)
  33. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Ok I'll remove the ammo lock and see how things change. My readings are still the same as last night. My ammonia has never went any higher than 1.0. Seems like things are progressing though! Thanks
  34. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Excellent! Thanks for your comments again ;) When you say clear it? Do you mean I add ammonia and within that time period it get changed into nitrite then nitrates? Do you think I should just take out the ammo lock pads now? Do you think my marina filter will be fit for purpose if I've filled...
  35. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Ammonia 1.0ppm Nitrite 0.25 ppm Nitrate 5.0 ppm Thoughts? Normal? Good sign?
  36. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    New readings Ammonia 0.25 Nitrite 0.25 Nitrate 5.0 Water from tap Ammonia 0.25??? Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 PH 7.4
  37. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    It's the API master test kit. Yeah strange that its dropped down again, maybe the ammo lock pads? Will test the tap water when I'm finished work :)
  38. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Readings this morning Ammonia 0.25ppm Nitrite 0ppm Nitrate 0 ppm
  39. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    No it's a brand new piece of sponge I put in on Sunday. I've got it sitting to the rear of the ammo lock pads. Just a plain piece of sponge. This is the first time in almost four weeks I've had a reading for nitrite and nitrate so I don't think it's my water. Very encouraging!
  40. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Ohh! Exciting times, I've just done a water check and my readings are as follows Ammonia - 0.50ppm Nitrite 1.0ppm Nitrate 5.0ppm Could this be a sign that things are happening? Could be that the sponge is making a difference? :)