Suitable Tank Mate For Male Dwarf Gourami


Fish Fanatic
May 2, 2013
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Stirling, Scotland
Hi all,

I have a 60l, fully cycled tropical tank with zebra danios, neon tetras and one male dwarf gourami.

I'm looking to see what suitable tank mate I could get for this set up, especially the gourami. I've heard that two males can be aggressive towards each other.

I'm also looking for a fish of similar sizing so that they can be the centre pieces of my tank.
you shold probably go with maybe a few platys or guppys becuase thats a pretty fully stocked tank
How many of each fish do you already have? - some may say you are already fully stocked if not over your stocking on the tank.

60 litres is quite small for danios though.
I'd tend to agree you're pretty much there in terms of stock.. Wouldn't suggest adding anything else imo.

Zebra danios are very active fish and many would say tank is too small for them.. If they look happy I'm sure they're fine.
I've got ten danios and ten neon tetras. They all seem happy, I've had them all for six months!
If you want to keep the danios you best not add any more fish! 60 litre is less than 20 gallons, going with the imperfect "inch of fish per gallon" rule you're already overstocked. 

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