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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    I guess so! :)    I've found that if the water conditions are very good, cories are much more apt to be active and less shy. I'm growing out my 4 java fern, java moss, 2 anubias, and crypts, so I've stuck a few fake plants in so the poor cories won't be too unsheltered. You can tell a lot about...
  2. DiddleBug

    My Show Guppies & Breeding/growth Log

    Those are some beautiful fish you've got there! :D
  3. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Yeah, right now I'm taking it slow as far as getting more plants. I haven't had much luck in the past with them.   And as far as dim lighting, I'm just going to have fun with my tank and plants, and if my pygmies spawn, then that's cool. :) I've had pygmies spawn in a high lit plastic planted...
  4. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Yes, besides the fact that there is already a plant tied to it. So you think it would do well in the back right corner? 
  5. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Yes, I'd like to try some Amazon swords some time. Hopefully I can get some for my and Christmas. That way it doesn't cost me. :D    So do you have any ideas as to where I should put my moss when it goes in? Like what part of the tank (from looking at the picture). 
  6. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Your tank is beautiful!! Are the big plants swords?    Yeah, I know my tank looks pretty bad. Hopefully I can get better ferts and maybe wood so the plants can grow out and then I'll work with that. My cories don't seem to mind it, so that's nice. (Although I'd like to give them better.)   Ok...
  7. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Think I could see some pics of you guys' tanks? :) I always enjoy seeing what plants and setups people use, along with admiring their fish. :)
  8. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Alright, I'll have to check some out. :)
  9. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Ok. Doesn't that kind of wood cost a lot? 
  10. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    That's good advice. :) As far as ferts.... is Leaf Zone ok?  Here's some pics of the tank. It's pretty rough right now. I want to make sure the plants get enough lighting, so that's why I took some plastic plants out. The coryies don't seem to mind. :)  Just a throw back, here's some of my...
  11. DiddleBug

    Swordtail Sexing

    Some livebearers can be slow to develop. Just give it some time and you'll know for sure! :) And sometimes males can get fat if they eat a lot. :) 
  12. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Is just plain sand ok for plants? I have anubias on rocks, a java fern on a rock, and 2 other java ferns in the sand (but not deep enough to "drown" them). I may get more plants in the future if my present plants start growing. I'd hate to invest more money if my plants aren't going to do well. 
  13. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Yeah, I've noticed that. :) Do you know how long it could be, then? Before they can breed?
  14. DiddleBug

    Some Shrimp Photos.

    They look nice and healthy! :D Good luck with them!  
  15. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Yep! Hopefully my 4 will do well and I'll get a few more in the weeks to come. :) And I also need to order some java moss... :) One or two males are still showing a bit of courtship behavior. Is this normal is such young coryies?
  16. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Thank you then, for not scolding. :) some people just love to jump all over you when you do something wrong. :P   Yeah, I'll probably just call and have them reserve some for me next time so I can make sure they are healthy. :) 
  17. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Yep, go ahead, scold me. 
  18. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    They just got them in on wed. And I got some on Thurs.    Well, I probably should have slowly added some tank water to the bag. I just dumped the cories in after the temp adjusted, which is a big no no. So that could be a big factor in some of the deaths. 
  19. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Yeah. :/ I'll see what I can do. :) I just checked the nitrites and they are 0, so that's good.    I went to the LFS to get the remaining 5 pygmys they were holding for me and they had all died overnight. So maybe it was just a weak batch or something... 
  20. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Ok. :)    Nice!! :D Hope you find some! :) 
  21. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Ok. Right now I have just one sponge filter, so it's the only one in there. I did squeeze my old filter's water our over it, so hopefully that helps. I'll do testing right away.    All 4 are doing well and are having their breakfast! :)  I'm not sure if you guys answered this already, but is...
  22. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that. :/    Ok, I'll have to try that. :)
  23. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    That's cool. :) The oldest cory i had was probably 4-5, an albino. One day I had the lid off and he jumped out without me knowing. :(    Update: I moved the 2 strong filters out and put in the sponge filter. The corys love it! They are swimming around and one male seems to be showing courtship...
  24. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Two pygmy corys are dead! :O :( I'm wondering if my bad mollies did it. :( I've taken my mollies out... please let the 5 survive!! 
  25. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Will do! :D Thanks again! 
  26. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Yeah, that's always the bad part. :) That's why I'm trying pygmys so I'll have a bit more space to work with and can keep some fry here and there. :)   So you can use like sugar or red maple leaves? We have tons of those on our property!
  27. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    haha I bet! :D    Here's some more! hehe Do you have any pygmys right now? Also, do you breed and sell any of your fish? 
  28. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Ok. :) Thanks so much guys for all the help! I'm actually out of questions at the moment. ^.^    Anything else I should know? 
  29. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Ok, sounds good! :)   How old do pygmys have to be to breed? I'm guessing mine are... oh, at least 3 or 4 months old. Also, do you know how long they live?    Let's say I have my 7 pygmys as a breeding group, possibly a few others. About how many fry could I raise to selling size in the tank at...
  30. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    haha :) Don't you have any around your area?    Yes, I think I'll probably leave the 2 filters going for now, and once they get old enough to breed I may switch to my sponge filter (which I chopped down).    I've found bare tank bottoms can cause little fry (in my case green corys) to fungus. At...
  31. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Yeah, but this is a slightly different variety.    How about this link? You may need to copy and paste it. :P   Before I had the pygmy with the one long black line from head to tail along their sides. The ones I have now have kind of a line...
  32. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Well, I got 7 little guys!! <3 They look like...
  33. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Ok. :)    This is random, but is there a way to get the white crusty stuff off of your filters and light case? :P    I plan on getting some pygmys today. :) And hopefully I can get some java moss too before to long. 
  34. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Ok. I'll probably do a tank with a sponge filter, my plants, java moss, a heater, and sand. :)   What is temp would that be in F?   Yes, I've bred pygmys twice before, but not on purpose. I did see the eggs and the parents didn't eat the eggs or the fry, and there were even some greens in there...
  35. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Great! That is very helpful. :) So do you have your fry with the parents? Or do you separate them? Cause if it would easier, I could always get out that 10g for them.   So I'd basically just need a sponge filter and java moss? (And maybe some leaves or liquifry?) Hey! Ya know what? I actually...
  36. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    So what kind of leaves do you use? I have had very bad luck with growing aquatic plants, believe me, so I have pretty much all plastic plants. I've raised green cory fry on Hikari Fist Bites. Would that also work for pygmy fry? And as far as my filters, I can't really change them. :/ I may raise...
  37. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Yep, that's what I plan to do! :) I've spawned pygmys once before but didn't collect the eggs. I was very surprised to see little darting black specs a few days later. :) Sadly, I wasn't able to keep the little guys alive. :( I think I didn't have the correct food for them. 
  38. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    Thanks for all the advice, guys! :D I love your tank, btw, Byron! Looks great!    Right now I have a nice 10 gallon for them, the only tank mates being 3 baby balloon mollies. I might be able to get the pygmys tomorrow. :) 
  39. DiddleBug

    Breeding Pygmy Corys

    I'm a big fan of corys, especially green and pygmy. I haven't had much experience with breeding pygmys though, and I plan on getting some soon. How do you breed and raise your pygmy corys? Feel free to share your stories and methods! :)  
  40. DiddleBug

    Well I Got A New Betta

    Love the fish and the tank! Keep up the good work! :D